Used for centuries in Southeast Asia as a caffeine-free herbal beverage (as well as a plant-based food and clothing dye), Butterly Pea Flower tea (made from the Clitoria ternatea plant) is starting to hit American shelves — and people just can’t get enough!

Made from a combination of dried blue pea flowers and lemongrass, the reason Butterfly Pea Flower tea is making such a splash is because it has some pretty mesmerizing qualities.

Once water is added to the tea, the deep blue liquid changes color based on the pH level of whatever is added next. Squeeze in some lemon or add in a bit of citrus juice, and the blue changes to purple. Its mood ring-like qualities have made Butterfly Pea Flower tea a hit with anyone who enjoys a little whimsy in their life.

History of Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Native to Southeast Asia, this dried tea is as common there as chamomile tea is here in America, and is often used in the same way; as an after-dinner drink. It’s served hot or cold, and is usually mixed with honey, ginger, mint or passion fruit.

Dried Butterfly Pea Flower tea, as well as the petals of the Butterfly Pea plant, have been used for centuries in countries like Thailand and Vietnam, but thanks to travel shows and food blogs, have started to gain popularity in the states. In addition to plain tea drinks, the dried leaves are often used in cocktails to create an entertaining effect.

What is Butterfly Pea Flower Tea by Greenblender, pre squeeze lemon

Heath Benefits of Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Like green tea, Butterfly Pea Flower tea is full of potent antioxidants, and has even been studied for its ability to help protect the skin against premature aging (it fights against glycation, which is protein damage caused by an influx of sugar molecules).

There have been additional studies showing the tea’s ability to help fight against internal inflammation. Traditionally, the Butterfly Pea plant and tea made from it have been used to treat general pain, reduce inflammation, help with common eye issues like conjunctivitis, fight against certain types of cancers, induce brain health, and “increase vitality.”

What Is Butterfly Pea Flower Tea by Greenblender, post lemon

The Taste Of Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

When consumed with hot or cold water, the taste is usually described as “earthy,” and similar to the flavor of unsweetened green tea.

Where To Buy Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

As with all dried herbs and teas, it’s best to buy organic and non-GMO.

By becoming a member of the GreenBlender smoothie club, you’ll receive superfoods like Butterfly Pea Flower Tea every week. Give us a try — you never know what you’ll find in our next box!

Hydrogen Peroxide – A Medical Miracle

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) ranks up there as one of the best household remedies. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the few “miracle substances” still available to the general public; it is safe, readily available and best of all, it works!

Did you know that you probably had your first sip of hydrogen peroxide shortly after you took your first breath? That’s right… mother’s milk (especially colostrum) contains extremely high concentrations of H2O2. In light of the fact that we know that one of the main functions of mother’s milk is to activate and stimulate the immune system in the infant, the fact that it contains abnormally large amounts of H2O2 makes sense.

As far back as the early nineteenth century, hydrogen peroxide was widely used in medicine. Many bacterial diseases (including syphilis) responded to H2O2 when no other treatment was effective. In the early twentieth century, H2O2 was used to treat several common diseases, such as whooping cough, cholera, typhoid fever, ulcers, tuberculosis, and asthma. However, as the pharmaceutical industry began to develop expensive new chemical drugs, hydrogen peroxide was increasingly ignored and finally discarded as a treatment.

H2O2 stimulates natural killer (NK) cells, which attack cancer cells as they attempt to spread throughout the body. In the body’s immune response, hydrogen peroxide is released by T-cells to destroy invading bacteria, viruses and fungi. Blood platelets release hydrogen peroxide on encountering particulates in blood. In the large intestine, acidophilus lactobacillus produces H2O2 which keeps the ubiquitous candida yeast from multiplying out of control. When candida spreads out of the intestine, it escapes the natural control system and can gain a foothold in the organs of the body, causing what is called chronic fatigue syndrome.

During flu season, if the kiddos feel like they’re getting sick, we lay them down on their side and put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into their ear. After a few seconds, the liquid will bubble, indicating that it is killing the infection. After 5 or 10 minutes, we turn them over and repeat on the other ear. No one yet fully understands the complete workings of hydrogen peroxide, but we do know that it is loaded with oxygen.

We know that when H2O2 is taken into the body (orally or intravenously) the oxygen content of the blood and body tissues increases dramatically. Please remember that the hydrogen peroxide that is available at your local pharmacy (3% hydrogen peroxide) should NEVER be ingested orally, since it contains many stabilizers. The only grade recommended for internal use is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, which must be properly diluted down to 3% with water. Even then, only a drop or two per 8oz+ beverage you are drinking is recommended. Topical use is of course most highly recommended and using the diluted 3% H2O2 is excellent for cleaning the body, wound care, etc. I use hydrogen peroxide each night before bed as a rinse and also a natural teeth whitener.

You can find an excellent food grade hydrogen peroxide here: (Please note that you must dilute with water in order to lower to the proper 3% solution for use)

Kefirs are cultured drinks produced by lacto-fermenting certain liquids for a short 1-4 day period of time.

When it comes to water kefir vs milk kefir, both can be health-enhancing drinks to consume for most people. However, each variety of kefir is made somewhat differently, utilizing unique cultures that provide slightly different end results.

If you’re someone looking to add kefir into your daily regimen, you may want to learn more about these cultured drinks to see which one might be best for your current health objectives.

The term “kefir” has several pronunciations depending on your country of origin. Most people in the Western U.S. call it KEE-fir or sometimes KEFF-er. The original Russian pronunciation however is KUH-fear.

On this page, we are primarily discussing the difference between traditional-style water kefir vs milk kefir when making homemade artisanal varieties of this beverage. Both are made from SCOBY grains, similar to how kombucha is fermented. The term SCOBY is short for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast, not to identify one particular ferment.

But, before we discuss the top differences between water kefir vs milk kefir, we’d first like to clarify the distinction between powdered kefir starter cultures and commercial based kefir products.

Powdered Kefir Starter Cultures Vs Kefir Grains

The use of kefir grains, in both water and milk variations, is the traditional way to make milk kefir or types of water kefir, also commonly called “tibicos.”


In recent times, especially is the last decade, kefir powdered starter cultures have become a popular way to make homemade kefir without having to use heirloom SCOBY grains. Although these types can be more convenient and used interchangeably between water kefir and milk kefir, they only contain SOME of the beneficial strains, not the diverse amount found in “true” grain-made kefir ferments.

While the kefir created from quality powdered starter cultures, like the one from Body Ecology, can be reused for a number of batches, eventually it will lose its ability to culture the liquid substrate.

By comparison, the grain cultures used to make traditional-style kefir are actually referred to as a type of “evolved life form” and a living matrix of microbes that, when properly cared for, will proliferate and in-effect live indefinitely. So yeah, they are a bit different!

Though powder-made varieties have their place, for the serious kefir consumer, traditional-grain based kefir can be a better, more cost-effective probiotic-diverse option to powder starters.

What are Commercial Kefir Products Made From?

Kefir grains are considered “heirloom” forms and are more of an artisan variety not used on a commercial scale as they are harder to maintain and regulate for production purposes. Commercial kefir products, both milk and water, are therefore most always made using dried probiotic powder starters.


Top Differences Between Water Kefir Vs Milk Kefir

1) Water Kefir and Milk Kefir are Not Related Cultures

While both go by the name “kefir” and are cultured from SCOBY grains, the two are not actually directly related.

Milk kefir is believed to have its origins from the Caucasus mountain regions and has a long history of use in Russia, the countries Georgia and Turkey as well as other regions of Eurasia and Central Asia. Milk kefir grains themselves look a bit like small off-white cauliflower florets and have a dense rubbery texture. They vary in size but are generally larger than water kefir grains.

Water kefir or tibicos grains also vary in size but are nearly translucent, like tiny crystals, and tend to be smaller than milk grains. They also have an irregular less rounded shape in addition to a softer gummy texture.

2) They are Used to Culture Different Substrates

The obvious difference between water kefir vs milk kefir is that they are used to culture different liquids. If you’ve ever tried to use water kefir grains to ferment milk, you may have come to this realization.

Milk kefir grains are used specifically to culture milk. Traditionally, dairy milk is used but vegan milks can also be substituted. A popular one we enjoy is coconut milk, made with the flesh and water.  To keep most milk kefir grains alive and thriving, however, it is necessary to periodically use a dairy milk source. We personally prefer using raw organic grass-fed cows milk over pasteurized.

Water kefir is strictly used to ferment carbohydrate-rich sugary liquids, such as coconut water, fruit juice or water that has been mixed with a sugar source. The water used when making kefir works best in spring water or water that has minerals added.

Typically, 2 Tablespoons of water grains and 1 Tablespoon of milk kefir grains are used for about one quart of liquid.

3) Contain Different Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast

The visual distinctions between the two grains are of course associated with the different blend of yeast and bacterial microbes they are made of, probiotics that will further inoculate into the fermented liquids.

Both milk and water varieties are considered “wild” cultures, in that they can take on other species over time. Grains may therefore vary from one to the next in overall composition. To keep your homemade ferment free of other species, you can use an air-lock cap as kefir’s don’t require oxygen to ferment.


Milk Kefir Bacteria and Yeast Strains

Generally speaking, milk kefir grains are known to contain larger ratios of the Lactobacillus species than water grains. Here are some species found in milk kefir grains. (Source)

4) Health Benefits of Water Kefir Vs Milk Kefi

Both water-based and milk-based kefir varieties are probiotic-rich drinks that help to colonize the intestinal tract and have a health-enhancing impact on maintaining balanced gut flora. (*)

This is a topic which is receiving a lot of attention these days and with good reason. Gastrointestinal microbiota that live in the human digestive tract are a “complex community of microorganisms” that when in proper ratio are known to have a huge influence on our human physiology and overall long-term well-being.

The good news is that these “pro-life” gut flora can be nourished through dietary sources. It is often recommended to include a diverse variety of fermented foods in the diet to get a good cross section of different mircroflora, especially after a period of antibiotic use.

This may include periodic probiotic supplementation, however cultured food and drinks tend to be better overall sources. This is because they are “enzymatically” active and are also, according to a Body Ecology article, resistant to harsh stomach acid. (*)

Some health experts also believe that consuming ferments like water and milk kefir, with probiotic supplements helps to aid in their assimilation. We use the powder from probiotic capsules when making cultured vegetables, like kimchi, as well as cultured seed cheeses.

When comparing the beneficial properties of water kefir vs milk kefir, milk kefir can offer a significantly higher number of probiotic strains than water-based kefirs. The average amount for milk kefir is between 30-50 as opposed to about 10-15 from the tibicos varieties. Water kefir however is identified to contain more strains than that of cultured yogurt and kefir made from powder starters.

Both types of cultured kefir are known to be well tolerated in contrast to other ferments. They can be a more suitable option for those with digestive sensitivities who might not be able to handle other cultured foods like sauerkraut, rejuvelac or kombucha.

Generally, milk kefir is better for those recovering from a candida infection, whereas water kefir may potentially contain sugar content if not completely fermented.


5) Quality of Taste and Texture

The taste and textural qualities of water kefir vs milk kefir are quite different in our opinion.

Milk kefir has a very thick creamy consistency and with a tart sour taste similar to yogurt. It is not sweet but can have a mild effervescence.

Milk-based kefirs get there notably thick characteristic from a substance known as kefiran, a water-soluble polysaccharide that congeals with other species during fermentation, gelatinizing the liquid and creating a creamy texture.

Water kefir is usually sweet with a slight tang and fizziness. Taste can vary however depending on fermentation time and ingredients used. Sometimes different combinations of sugars and fruits are also incorporated. Final ferments can have a slightly thicker quality with some cloudiness.

These two types of kefirs of course can be flavored with natural sweeteners or blended with fruits like berries or even various herbal spices if desired.

Traditional-Style Water Kefir Vs Milk Kefir List


  1. A vegan dairy-free option
  2. Takes about 48 hours at between 68-85°F (20-29°C)
  3. Provides a soda-like alternative
  4. More probiotic strains than yogurt or powdered starters
  5. May contain sugar depending on fermentation time
  6. No fat content, lower in calories


  1. Contains bioavailable vitamins, minerals and amino acids
  2. Takes about 24 hours 72-75°F (22-24°C)
  3. Provides a thick creamy probiotic-rich drink
  4. Does not contain sugar, but is higher in calories
  5. Culturing process can potentially reduce lactose in dairy milk
  6. Easier to ferment, less finicky

6) Other Misc Differences Between Water Kefir Vs Milk Kefir

Water Kefir Makes a Great Low Calorie Soda Alternative

Water kefir is a probiotic-rich beverage that also makes a great alternative to sodas. It can be fermented to produce different levels of fizziness similar to carbonated soft drinks.

For those looking for a dairy-free replacement to cow or goat milk kefirs, water kefir can be an excellent choice. Water kefirs are additionally lower in calories in contrast to kefir made from dairy milk, nut milks and soy milk. They can be a better choice for those looking to reduce body weight and daily caloric intake.

Milk Kefir Contains More Nutrients

Both dairy milk and vegan milk sources also come with their list of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The process of lacto-fermenting them with kefir grains, additionally makes these nutrients more bioavailable as they are in essence “pre-digested.”

Dairy milk, from cows, goat or other animals, is identified to be a good dietary source of certain bone building minerals like calcium. Cultured milk kefir is therefore known to enhance calcium absorption, and in some research short-term use was associated with an increase in hip bone mineral density in patients with osteoporosis.

Kefir fermentation is also known to reduce the lactose content in milk, since that’s what the grains feed off of. It has thus been purposed to be more suitable for those with lactose intolerance. (*)

Milk Kefir Tends to Be Easier to Ferment

When making both types of homemade kefir from SCOBY grains, we have personally experienced that milk-based kefir tends to be less finicky about maintaining a consistent temperature and is relatively easier to culture than kefir made from sugar water.

How to Use

Milk or water-based kefir, in our opinion, works best as a “probiotic supplement” when consumed first thing in the morning or 2-3 hours before or after meals. We recommend consuming it in small shot glass size amounts if you’re new to drinking it, then eventually increase amount.

Both varieties, however, can also be added to blended drinks and protein shakes mixed with other superfoods or ingredients.

In fact, fossil records demonstrate that prehistoric people domesticated and cultivated legumes for food. Today, this extremely large category of vegetables contains over 13,000 species and is second only to grains in supplying calories and protein to the world’s population. Compared to grains, legumes supply about the same number of total calories but usually provide 2-to-4 times as much protein.

Legumes are often called “the poor people’s meat,” however, they might be better known as the “healthy people’s meat.” Many legumes, especially adzuki, mung, and garbanzo, are demonstrating impressive health benefits. Diets rich in legumes are being used to lower cholesterol levels, improve blood glucose control in diabetics, and reduce the risk of many cancers. Legumes contain many important nutrients and phytochemicals, and when combined with grains, they form a complete protein. According to studies conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, richly colored dried beans offer a high degree of antioxidant protection. In fact, small red adzuki and mung beans rated the highest just ahead of blueberries.

Beans are a very inexpensive form of good protein and the are the most popular food source among the healthiest cultures. I just bought enough beans, lentils, quinoa and buckwheat for myself, my son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter for our trip to Costa Rica. I spent $60, including a bottle of Bragg Amino Acid, which will last us for the ten days. Compare that to meat at $10.00 a pound. I can’t emphasize enough how important beans and grains are together. They build your body with important nutritional value, proteins, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and fiber that cut your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity by 70%, where meat and dairy will increase your chances of all those diseases by 70%. Don’t overlook the fact that beans and grains are a healthy way to maintain your weight.

The major health benefit of beans is their rich source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. In addition to lowering cholesterol, the high fiber content of beans prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance, or hypoglycemia.

Beans’ contribution to heart health lies not just in their fiber but in the significant amounts of antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin B6, and magnesium these beans supply. Folic acid and B6 help lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is an intermediate product in an important metabolic process called the methylation cycle. Elevated blood levels of homocysteine are an independent risk factor for heart attack, stroke, or peripheral vascular disease, and are found in between 20-to-40 percent of patients with heart disease.

Intake of beans is also protective against cancer. In one analysis of dietary data collected by validated food frequency questionnaires in 1991 and 1995 from 90,630 women in the Nurses Health Study II researchers found a significantly reduced frequency of breast cancer in those women who consumed a higher intake of beans or lentils. That was not surprising, what was surprising was that only beans and lentils seemed to offer protection. Intake of tea, onions, apples, string beans, broccoli, green pepper, or blueberries did not have the same beneficial protection. Eating beans or lentils two or more times per week was associated with a 24% reduced risk of breast cancer.

I eat beans most

Of my life. I cook them with buckwheat, quinoa, hulled barley and wheat berries. I also sprout them and mix them with my salads. There are a lot of different kinds of beans and they are all very nutritional. I just like mung, adzuki, and garbanzo so I stick with those three beans. I also eat lentils like red, green and French dark green. The lentils are easy to cook with buckwheat and quinoa. The dry beans can be cooked with hulled barley and wheat berries as they take about an hour to simmer. If you want to cut the time down and cook them with buckwheat, just soak them overnight.

To sprout the beans, soak them overnight, rinse them thoroughly and put them in a sprouting jar with a screen lid. Just rinse them really well in the jar and make sure to get all the water out. Place the beans in a darker part of your kitchen for three days, rinsing them twice a day until they sprout…..make sure to refrigerate after the sprout. I mix them with my salads….thank you veganurth for the info

Cancer doctors don’t like turmeric cancer treatment because it’s too effective and too cheap. But here is how to make your own supplements

Turmeric is a super-spice that has a very high antioxidant value. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in turmeric are mainly attributed to its most active component, Curcumin. This compound is also what gives turmeric is yellow-orange color.  Turmeric has been proven to fight free radicals, rejuvenate the cells, cleanse the liver, protect the heart, boosts moods and support the brain. It can fight severe inflammation, which is at the heart of many chronic diseases, better than most conventional drugs.

Turmeric is the Most Powerful Natural Medicine Known to Men

Turmeric is one of the most-studied spices. It is the subject of over 7000 different studies published by the National Institutes of Health. The research conducted on this amazing spice found that it is as effective as the following medications but with no side effects:

  • Arthritis medications
  • Anti-coagulants
  • Diabetes drugs
  • Pain killers
  • Steroids
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Cholesterol drugs
  • Anti-depressants
  • Inflammatory bowel disease drugs
  • Chemotherapy

Other health benefits of turmeric

  • Helps treat depression
  • Turmeric drastically increases the antioxidant capacity of the body
  • Improves brain function and lowers risk of brain diseases
  • Reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • Relive joint pain, muscle aches and discomfort
  • Indigestion and heartburn aid
  • Ease stiff joints
  • Optimize cholesterol
  • Turmeric can help prevent and even treat cancer

Make Your Own Turmeric Supplements with kombucha / Jamu / kefir / Raw honey But Just keep in mind that to get maximum benefits, it needs to be high quality tumeric or curcumin in a form of raw or organic that optimize absorption

Calories, Carbs, and Health Benefits of Coconut Yogurt

With a wide variety of options, yogurt lovers can get their fill even if they are dairy-free. One of the hottest dairy-free alternatives is of the coconut variety. In fact, since the FDA defines yogurt as a product strictly derived from dairy, the technical term for a “yogurt” made from coconut products should be deemed a “yogurt alternative.” Learn more about the creamy options and healthy attributes below.

Carbs in Coconut Yogurt

Coconut yogurt may contain anywhere from 10 to 25 grams of carbohydrate. Part of the variation occurs because of the flavoring that may or may not be added to the product. Unsweetened coconut yogurt (shown on label) is likely to be the lowest carb product, providing just ten grams per one-cup serving.

While you are scanning labels to check nutrition facts, keep reading down towards the sugar totals. Most yogurts contain some added sugars, but some are more highly sweetened than others. Natural sugars from fruit don’t wreak the same havoc on blood sugar as more highly processed sugars do, so pick a brand with that in mind. 

Fats in Coconut Yogurt

A standard 5.3 ounce container of flavored coconut milk yogurt alternative contains 110 to 140 calories and 4 to 7 grams of total fat. Most of the fat in coconut yogurt is usually saturated fat.

The saturated fats found in coconut milk may be of concern for some. Excessive amounts of saturated fat aka the “unhealthy” type of fat is connected to elevated LDL cholesterol levels and an increased risk of heart disease. While the amount of saturated fat found in a coconut yogurt is not excessive, those with high cholesterol or suffering from heart disease should monitor and moderate their intake of these types of fats.

Protein in Coconut Yogurt

Unlike traditional yogurt made from cow’s milk, coconut yogurt is not a high protein food. An unsweetened cup of coconut yogurt provides less than a gram of protein. The same 5.3 ounce portion of traditional yogurt contains 5 to 6 grams of protein, while Greek yogurt is even higher with an average of 12 grams per serving, far surpassing the coconut milk type.

Micronutrients in Coconut Yogurt

As you find with most brands of traditional yogurts, there is likely calcium added to the mix of your favorite coconut yogurt. Check the labels on specific brands to determine how much (if any) has been added. But you are likely to get a healthy dose from most brands.

You are also likely to get a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin B12 in many brands of coconut yogurt. If fresh fruit is added, you may benefit from other vitamins as well.

Health Benefits

Coconut yogurt alternatives can be a healthy dairy-free yogurt option for those who need or choose to avoid dairy products. While Greek yogurt contains less lactose than traditional cow’s milk yogurt, many people with lactose intolerance may be more comfortable avoiding it entirely.

A coconut-based vegan style yogurt can also provide other nutritional benefits. The fermented sugars and tummy-pleasing probiotics can help regulate digestive health by providing an ample dose of healthy bacteria to the gut.  Properly balanced gut bacteria is also correlated with improved immune function. Bones will also benefit from the added calcium and vitamin D, two nutrients that most folks need to get more of.

Common Questions

What is coconut yogurt made from?

The star ingredient in coconut yogurt alternative is, of course, coconut meat. The thick and creamy combo of blended coconut flesh and coconut water (referred to as coconut “milk”) is often combined with fruit, flavorings, sweeteners and active cultures to create the vegan yogurt alternative. Most brands also contain some form of thickener such as rice starch, pectin or guar gum to add body and prevent separating.

Why is coconut yogurt (often) more expensive than dairy yogurt?

You can find an impressive amount of variations from brand to brand of coconut yogurt, so spend a few minutes reading labels before deciding which you want to buy. Since dairy-free yogurts are a smaller market, the price point is higher. Some brands of coconut yogurt will exceed $0.40 per ounce compared to $0.15 to $0.26 for brands of cow’s milk yogurts.

Does coconut yogurt contain lactose?

Coconut milk doesn’t contain the same kinds of natural sugars found in cow’s milk (also known as “lactose”), therefore coconut and some other dairy-free versions won’t have the same ability to react with healthy bacteria, ferment, and develop that signature tangy yogurt flavor. To allow this reaction, a form of sugar is introduced. This may come in the form of an added sweetener or from a natural source like fruit juice or coconut water—the clear liquid found within a fresh coconut.

Recipes and Preparation Tips

It is possible to make your own coconut milk yogurt using a combination of canned coconut milk and powdered probiotics. Some recipes require stove top cooking or pressure cooking while others do not. Most recipes call for an activation period where yogurt and bacteria are left out at room temperature (usually about 24 to 48 hours) to allow for fermentation. Preparing yogurt in this fashion requires properly sterilized equipment to prevent the growth of yeast and unwanted bacteria, so proceed with caution.

Whether it is store-bought or homemade, coconut yogurt alternative can be used in any of your favorite yogurt applications. Here are 5 ways to enjoy:

  • Smoothies and parfaits: The creamy texture and subtle coconut essence makes coconut yogurt an ideal pick for smoothies and parfaits. Blend with frozen fruit and a splash of water (or coconut water) or layer with fresh berries and granola.
  • Baked goods: From muffins to quick breads to pancakes, yogurt helps keep all kinds of baked goods moist with less fat and calories. You can substitute equal parts cow’s milk yogurt for coconut milk but it is worth nothing that making this swap will jack up the saturated fat content.
  • Frozen treats: The higher fat content of coconut makes it an ideal choice for frozen treats. Pour coconut yogurt and fresh fruit into ice pop molds or whirl in an ice cream machine for a batch of fro yo. For a frozen finger food, use toothpicks or skewers to dip grapes or banana slices into yogurt. Transfer coated fruit to a parchment lined cookie sheet and sprinkle with chopped nuts before placing in the freezer to harden. Enjoy right from the freezer!
  • Savory dollops: Plain coconut yogurt has a subtle sweetness and coconut flavor that is an amazing dairy-free alternative to cream in curry, soups and stews. Plain coconut yogurt can also be whisked with citrus juice or vinegar and spices to make creamy vegan dips, sandwich spreads and dressings.
  • Overnight oats: Have a light morning meal or snack waiting for you when the alarm goes off! In a glass jar, combine rolled oats with yogurt, flax or chia seeds and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup; stir well. Cover and refrigerate overnight, serve topped with fresh fruit.

i drank out of a copper water bottle for two months – and this is what happened , Ayurveda, lifestyle
this brown kitchen and copper H2O, why you should be drinking out of a copper water bottle for ayurvedic health
Y’all! Remember when I posted about wanting to start using a copper water bottle? Well I got my bottle in the mail from Copper H2O and have been using it for the last few weeks. Let me tell you guys, I’m OBSESSED with it.
With everything I’ve been trying to incorporate into my Ayurvedic lifestyle – eating according to my dosha, working on my yoga flow and mindset with meditation, reading all about holistic healing – drinking out of a copper water bottle was a very welcome and easy addition into my day. Do I need to remind you of some of the benefits? In addition to helping with digestion stimulating your brain, and helping build immunity, drinking out of a copper water bottle can also help you improve your skin. That last part was the benefit I was most looking forward to seeing a difference with, as I’ve always had issues with my skin being even and clear. I’ve tried everything from homemade masks, eating super clean, and trying every wash out there – so this was me trying out another method to help me out.
After getting my bottle, I started drinking out of it throughout the day. Most importantly though, each night I filled up the bottle to let it sit overnight, and then drank from that bottle first thing in the morning. My mom has always said, you should let the water rest for about 6 to 8 hours in copper and then drink it as soon as you wake up. When you let water rest in copper for this amount of time, it allows the water to gain that small amount of ions from the copper to dissolve in it. There’s a more scientific way to look at and explain this – storing water in a copper bottle allows it to become alkaline. The storage in copper is what naturally ionizes water and causes the water to become natural alkaline water. Alkaline water has a higher pH than regular drinking water, which helps it reduce acid in the body – which some studies show is helpful for conditions like acid reflux. Others suggest that drinking alkaline water can help with preventing chronic conditions, slowing the aging process, and helping fight high cholesterol.
this brown kitchen and copper H2O, why you should be drinking out of a copper water bottle for ayurvedic health
this brown kitchen and copper H2O, why you should be drinking out of a copper water bottle for ayurvedic health
While I can’t personally speak to those findings, I am here to tell you that my skin is looking amazing. I can’t remember a time when my skin tone has been this even, and if I do have a breakout (trust me, we all still get them!), they have been smaller and are healing quicker. I haven’t changed my eating or makeup routine so to see that the addition and change of drinking out of a copper water bottle has made a difference in one aspect of my life has been incredible. I was already a water-fiend before using this bottle – as in I regularly drink around 100oz of water a day – so to see that using a bottle to create more alkaline water and seeing a difference in my skin makes me feel like I’m taking easy and actionable steps to improve my Ayurvedic lifestyle. This is the bottle I have – and I don’t know that I can drink out of anything else!
I’ll update in a few weeks about any other differences I may notice – but so far, using this bottle has been my favorite addition to Ayurvedic practices. (:
*Thanks to Copper H2O for providing me with this copper bottle. I am not a doctor and am not here to treat or diagnose anyone with any health issues they may be facing. I’m just sharing my experiences with Ayurveda, so please consult a health professional before undertaking any major changes to diet, exercise, or health. Thanks!

Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates have become quite popular in recent years.

Almost all dates sold in Western countries are dried.

You can tell whether or not dates are dried based on their appearance. A wrinkled skin indicates they are dried, whereas a smooth skin indicates freshness.

Depending on the variety, fresh dates are fairly small in size and range in color from bright red to bright yellow. Medjool and Deglet Noor dates are the most commonly consumed varieties.

Dates are chewy with a sweet flavor. They are also high in some important nutrients and have a variety of advantages and uses.

This article will discuss 8 health benefits of eating dates and how to incorporate them into your diet.

1. Very Nutritious

Dates have an excellent nutrition profile.

Since they’re dried, their calorie content is higher than most fresh fruit. The calorie content of dates is similar to that of other dried fruits, such as raisins and figs (1).

Most of the calories in dates come from carbs. The rest are from a very small amount of protein. Despite their calories, dates contain some important vitamins and minerals in addition to a significant amount of fiber.

A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving provides the following nutrients (1):

  • Calories: 277
  • Carbs: 75 grams
  • Fiber: 7 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Potassium: 20% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 14% of the RDI
  • Copper: 18% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 15% of the RDI
  • Iron: 5% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 12% of the RDI

Dates are also high in antioxidants, which may contribute to many of their health benefits (2).

Summary Dates contain several vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants. However, they are high in calories since they are a dried fruit.

2. High in Fiber

Getting enough fiber is important for your overall health.

With almost 7 grams of fiber in a 3.5-ounce serving, including dates in your diet is a great way to increase your fiber intake (1).

Fiber can benefit your digestive health by preventing constipation. It promotes regular bowel movements by contributing to the formation of stool (3).

In one study, 21 people who consumed 7 dates per day for 21 days experienced improvements in stool frequency and had a significant increase in bowel movements compared to when they did not eat dates (4).

Furthermore, the fiber in dates may be beneficial for blood sugar control. Fiber slows digestion and may help prevent blood sugar levels from spiking too high after eating (5).

For this reason, dates have a low glycemic index (GI), which measures how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating a certain food (6).

Summary Dates are high in fiber, which may be beneficial for preventing constipation and controlling blood sugar control.

3. High in Disease-Fighting Antioxidants

Dates provide various antioxidants that have a number of health benefits to offer, including a reduced risk of several diseases.

Antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that may cause harmful reactions in your body and lead to disease (7).

Compared to similar types of fruit, such as figs and dried plums, dates appear to have the highest antioxidant content (8).

Here’s an overview of the three most potent antioxidants in dates:

  • Flavonoids: Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and have been studied for their potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and certain types of cancer (2, 9).
  • Carotenoids: Carotenoids are proven to promote heart health and may also reduce the risk of eye-related disorders, such as macular degeneration (2, 10).
  • Phenolic acid: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, phenolic acid may help lower the risk of cancer and heart disease (11, 12).

Summary Dates contain several types of antioxidants that may help prevent the development of certain chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

4. May Promote Brain Health

Eating dates may help improve brain function.

Laboratory studies have found dates to be helpful for lowering inflammatory markers, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), in the brain. High levels of IL-6 are associated with a higher risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s (13, 14).

Additionally, animal studies have shown dates to be helpful for reducing the activity of amyloid beta proteins, which can form plaques in the brain (13).

When plaques accumulate in the brain, they may disturb communication between brain cells, which can ultimately lead to brain cell death and Alzheimer’s disease (15).

One animal study found that mice fed food mixed with dates had significantly better memory and learning ability, as well as less anxiety-related behaviors, compared to those that did not eat them (16).

The potential brain-boosting properties of dates have been attributed to their content of antioxidants known to reduce inflammation, including flavonoids (13).

However, human studies are needed to confirm the role of dates in brain health.

Summary Dates may be helpful for lowering inflammation and preventing plaques from forming in the brain, which is important for preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

5. May Promote Natural Labor

Dates have been studied for their potential to promote and ease late-term labor in pregnant women.

Eating these fruits throughout the last few weeks of pregnancy may promote cervical dilation and lower the need for induced labor. They may also be helpful for reducing labor time (17).

In one study, 69 women who consumed 6 dates per day for 4 weeks prior to their due date were 20% more likely to go into labor naturally and were in labor for significantly less time than those who did not eat them (18).

Another study of 154 pregnant women found that those who ate dates were much less likely to be induced compared to those who did not (19).

A third study found similar results in 91 pregnant women who consumed 70–76 grams of dates daily starting the 37th week of pregnancy. They were in active labor for an average of 4 fewer hours than those who did not eat dates (17).

Although eating dates appears to help promote labor and reduce labor duration, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

The role dates may have in pregnancy is likely due to compounds that bind to oxytocin receptors and appear to mimic the effects of oxytocin in the body. Oxytocin is a hormone that causes labor contractions during childbirth (18, 20).

Additionally, dates contain tannins, which are compounds that have been shown to help facilitate contractions. They are also a good source of natural sugar and calories, which are necessary to maintain energy levels during labor (20).

Summary Dates may promote and ease natural labor for pregnant women when consumed during the last few weeks of pregnancy.

6. Excellent Natural Sweetener

Dates are a source of fructose, which is a natural type of sugar found in fruit.

For this reason, dates are very sweet and also have a subtle caramel-like taste. They make a great healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes due to the nutrients, fiber and antioxidants that they provide.

The best way to substitute dates for white sugar is to make date paste, as in this recipe. It is made by mixing dates with water in a blender. A rule of thumb is to replace sugar with date paste at a 1:1 ratio.

For example, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, you’ll replace it with 1 cup of date paste.

It is important to note that although dates are high in fiber and nutrients, they are still fairly high in calories and best consumed in moderation.

Summary Dates are a healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes due to their sweet taste, nutrients, fiber and antioxidants.

7. Other Potential Health Benefits

Dates have been claimed to have a few other health benefits that have not yet been extensively studied.

  • Bone health: Dates contain several minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. All of these have been studied for their potential to prevent bone-related conditions like osteoporosis (1, 21).
  • Blood sugar control: Dates have the potential to help with blood sugar regulation due to their low glycemic index, fiber and antioxidants. Thus, eating them may benefit diabetes management (2).

Although these potential health benefits are promising, more human studies are needed before conclusions can be made.

Summary Dates have been claimed to promote bone health and aid in blood sugar control, but these effects have not been studied sufficiently.

8. Easy to Add to Your Diet

Dates are incredibly versatile and make a delicious snack. They are often paired with other foods, such as almonds, nut butter or soft cheese.

Dates are also very sticky, which makes them useful as a binder in baked goods, such as cookies and bars. You can also combine dates with nuts and seeds to make healthy snack bars or energy balls, as in this recipe.

What’s more, you can use dates to sweeten up sauces, such as salad dressings and marinades, or blend them into smoothies and oatmeal.

It is important to note that dates are high in calories and their sweet taste makes them easy to overeat. For this reason, they are best consumed in moderation.

Summary There are many different ways to eat dates. They are commonly eaten plain but can also be incorporated into other popular dishes.

The Bottom Line

Dates are a very healthy fruit to include in your diet.

They are high in several nutrients, fiber and antioxidants, all of which may provide health benefits ranging from improved digestion to a reduced risk of disease.

There are several ways to add dates to your diet. One popular way to eat them is as a natural sweetener in various dishes. They also make a great snack.

It’s easiest to find dates in their dried form, though these are higher in calories than fresh fruit so it is important to eat them in moderation.

Dates are definitely worth adding to your diet, as they are both nutritious and delicious.

The word kefir is derived from the Turkish word “keyif,” which means, “feel good” or “good feeling.” Most people are familiar with milk kefir, which is similar to a drinkable yogurt, but not too many people know what coconut kefir is.

What Is coconut kefir?

Coconut kefir is a fermented beverage made from raw coconut water. It contains all the beneficial probiotics you find in traditional milk kefir while offering the benefits of raw coconut water, which is rich in hydrating electrolytes and other health-promoting vitamins and minerals.

The magical thing about coconut kefir is that the fermentation process transforms the sugar content of coconut water into lactic bacteria (probiotics).

Here are some reasons you might want to be consuming coconut kefir water regularly.

It’s hydrating.

Raw coconut kefir contains vital minerals that hydrate the body on a cellular level, including potassium, sodium, chlorides, calcium and magnesium.

Research has found raw coconut water to be sterile, meaning it can be safely added into the bloodstream without harm. There are even stories of injured soldiers using raw coconut water for blood plasma transfusion during the Vietnam War.

This is because the mineral profile found in coconut water is very close to human plasma. This makes coconut water an incredible food for optimal hydration.

It’s good for your kidneys.

The high levels of potassium in raw coconut water make it effective for treating kidney stones. Kidney stones are just a symptom of improperly functioning kidneys. In order to function properly, the kidneys need potassium.

The kidneys manage fluids in the body, which means they are a determining factor in how well we stay hydrated. An adequately hydrated body is tied to nearly every physiological function in the body. For example, diarrhea is often a result of dehydration and poor kidney function.

Coconut water has been shown to improve diarrhea in children by nourishing the kidneys and properly hydrating the body.

It’s heart healthy.

Research shows coconut water could be effective in preventing against heart attack and maintaining healthy blood pressure.

It protects you from bad bacteria.

There are over seven different strains of healthy bacteria and yeast in coconut kefir (if you’re using a starter culture). These healthy bacteria and yeast balance the bacteria in our bodies, preventing the overgrowth of pathogens and opportunistic bad bacteria and yeasts.

It reduces cravings.

The slightly sour taste, hydrating minerals and probiotic bacteria in coconut kefir make it a great remedy for food cravings, especially sugar cravings.

There’s also research about the connection between gut imbalance and alcohol dependency. With proper detoxification and repairing of the gut bio, individuals where able to recover from alcohol dependency.

This suggests that having a gut with plenty of healthy bacteria might inhibit certain cravings. Consuming coconut kefir is one way to provide to gut with plenty of detoxifying and healing probiotics.Ready to learn more about how to unlock the power of food to heal your body, prevent disease & achieve optimal health .

Doctors are only the mechanics of the human body. They fix what is wrong and will not see you in most cases until the damage is done. They don’t come to you when you are healthy and pat you on the back for eating right and exercise just as they do not knock on your door when the dinner menu is meat and dairy…

Hippocrates said it best 100’s of years ago, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” This was long before doctors drove around in Mercedes and vacationed at beach homes and ski condos several times a year. Doctors used to influence people to live a healthy lifestyle but now doctor’s agenda is to lure you into an expensive medical procedure and get you hooked on prescription drugs that are lobbied by cash-rich pharmaceutic companies that thrive on human disease.

It is the general consensus that healthcare is expensive and if your illness doesn’t kill you, your doctor and hospital will break you financially. I don’t know what is worse, being sick or being broke? The repercussions are the same for both being sick and being broke – “miserable.”

Now, that is the doom and gloom, here is the good news – “Veganism.” Whole organic grains like wheat berries, whole barley, farro, buckwheat, and quinoa will boost your immune system, increase your intake of plant-based protein and calcium and important nutrients to maintain pristine health. Organic beans like mung, adzuki and garbanzo are loaded with protein, antioxidants, and vitamins with anti-cancer and anti-heart disease components. Organic fruits and vegetables offer minerals, enzymes and nutritional value that extends life and health. Living foods enhance life in your body.

We have only one life, one heart, one kidney, one lung, one liver…well, you get the picture, There are no replacements parts for our body, unlike your car. Meat, dairy, and processed foods attack your healthy vital organs. Drugs don’t provide you with nutrition — they only block or fool the body into believing, on a temporary basis, that something is balanced. Dead foods and drugs are foreign to your body and cause havoc and eventually will kill you.

Living foods enhance your health, heal your body and give you vibrancy, energy and a magnitude of opportunity to enjoy a quality lifestyle both physically and spiritually………

Go and thank your organic farmer for saving your life and call him “doctor…..” While you are at it, give your organic farmer a huge hug – they are passionate, work hard and dedicated to organic farming

thank you Doug …