My goal is to give you the information to empower and inspire you to make healthy changes in your life

Hair root cellular mapping, which helps create personalised juicing plans
Juice and smoothie workshop to determine your further and on going nutritional plans.
A breakthrough wellness technology that provides you with a personal report based on the influence of epigenetics. Epigenetics reflect the environmental impacts that may be stopping you from achieving your performance goals.
This German Technology is based on food nutrition and is therefore not classed as a Medical test as it does not diagnose, treat or cure any illness or condition and yet our epigenetics can cause many of the expressed symptoms.
The S-Drive system was developed by Cell Wellbeing in Germany, a country that leads the world in resonance technologies and cutting edge science, for the betterment of humankind.
The S-Drive works by converting natural wave frequencies (signatures) from hair roots to a digital file which is sent to our informational centre in Hamburg, Germany. Here, our super-computer, decodes, encodes and digitizes the signature wave emanating from its resonance with of the hair follicle and then reads it. The process is relevant to the epigenetic data captured. The relevancy data is used to create the charts and tables of the completed Optimize reports.
The device has been safety assessed and certified to very high electrical standards (CE, FCC and ETL), equal to those used for laboratory equipment and does not emit any frequencies.
Is the modern day environment affecting your overall wellness? Are stressors from chemicals or food intolerances causing you to underperform. Are Electro Smog frequencies interfering with your functionality?
Hair roots are amazing as they make wonderful bio-markers that carries a lot of personal information at a quantum epigenetic level. Your hair and roots act as an antenna, which is why the hair stands up during times of stress.
Your hair and root bulbs are ‘mapped’ by the S-Drive and the signature information is digitised and sent via a secure internet connection to our Technology Centre in Hamburg, Germany. There, our powerful super-computer systems decode the information and map the relevancy of your epigenetic information.
Over 800 key indicators are mapped and used to create the charts and tables which make up the complete Optimize Vital Foods Report and 90-day plan. So what are you waiting for? Unlock your performance potential now!
Your personal 26 page epigenetic mapped report is returned within 15 minutes . It’s time to unlock your epigenetic potential and achieve optimum wellness and performance.
Epigenetic mapping has the potential to release you from genetic limitations and opens up new wellness and performance possibilities.