We all need some cholesterol in our bodies to keep them working normally but too much can clog up our arteries and lead to serious health problems. By making some simple, positive changes, most people can keep their cholesterol levels healthy.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a blood lipid – a waxy, fatty substance that circulates in your blood. It is made in the liver but is also found in animal-based foods – but never in plant-based foods. It plays an important role in the body – helping to build cells, make vitamin D and a range of hormones. You need some cholesterol in your blood to stay healthy but too much can lead to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. 

Good and bad cholesterol

Cholesterol travels through your blood on proteins called lipoproteins and there are two types; LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol and HDL ‘good’ cholesterol. LDL carries cholesterol to cells that need it but if there is too much it can build up and form plaques in your artery walls. HDL carries cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver where it’s broken down and passed out of the body as waste. 

Too much cholesterol can lead to fatty deposits forming plaques on the inside walls of your arteries; the term for this artery narrowing is atherosclerosis and when normal blood flow is blocked, it can lead to heart attacks and stroke.

The standard unit used for measuring cholesterol is millimoles per litre and the lower your LDL number, the better it is for your health – the government recommends levels of 3mmol/L or less for healthy adults. For HDL an ideal level is above 1mmol/L. 

The total cholesterol number your doctor will give you is a collective measure of LDL, HDL and other lipids. Official guidelines say that levels should be 5mmol/L or less for healthy adults but rates in the UK are among the highest in the world, with three out of five adults having a level of 5mmol/L or above.  

What causes high cholesterol?

A number of different factors can cause high cholesterol, such as genetics (inherited from your parents), age, gender, family background – men and people from South Asian backgrounds, for example, are more likely to have high cholesterol. 

Lifestyle factors that can affect cholesterol levels include eating too much saturated fat; the unhealthy type found in meat, eggs, dairy, pies, pastries, processed foods, fatty spreads, coconut oil and palm fat. Smoking, drinking alcohol and not being physically active can also increase cholesterol. Being overweight and particularly carrying excess weight around your middle, an underactive thyroid, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease and certain medications can also increase the risk. You can’t change your age, gender or family background, but you can change what you eat and the amount you exercise. 

Anyone can have high cholesterol – even if you’re young, slim, eat well and exercise – because although it can be caused by lifestyle factors, it may also be inherited so many people with high cholesterol don’t realise they have it. The best way to find out is to get a test from a health care professional. If you have high cholesterol, there are treatments available such as statins but it is usually possible to lower it naturally with healthy lifestyle changes.

Cholesterol in food

It used to be thought that foods containing high levels of cholesterol, such as eggs and organ meats, were the main villain in driving up cholesterol levels. However, we now know that cholesterol is produced in the body, by the liver and production is increased by saturated fat and trans fat in the diet. There is no mechanism to limit the amount produced, so if you eat a lot of fatty foods, cholesterol can rise to unhealthy levels. 

Cholesterol is found only in animal-based foods – meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs. There is no cholesterol in plant-based foods – even in high-fat plant foods such as avocados, nuts and seeds. So, it follows that a vegan diet is completely cholesterol-free. Although cholesterol in foods is not as bad as previously thought, people at risk of heart disease should limit or avoid it.  

Trans fats are found at low levels in meat and dairy products and at higher levels in processed foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oil, such as biscuits, cakes, pastries and spreads. They also raise cholesterol levels but many producers have now removed hydrogenated (hardened) vegetable oil from their products.   

Not all fats are created equal 

Government guidelines recommend reducing saturated fat by avoiding or cutting down on fatty foods. In fact, replacing saturated fat from meat and dairy foods with polyunsaturated fat in nuts, seeds, plant-based oils and spreads is more effective in lowering cholesterol than reducing the total amount of fat you eat.   

You don’t need to buy expensive foods as you can lower and maintain healthy cholesterol levels by eating a varied, wholegrain, vegan diet. The 2013 EPIC-Oxford study found that British vegetarians and vegans have a whopping 32 per cent lower risk of heart disease than meat and/or fish-eaters and said that the lower risk was probably a result of differences in cholesterol and blood pressure levels as animal-based foods increase both (as well as diabetes, obesity and certain cancers).  

All major health organisations agree that saturated fat is a risk factor for heart disease. The message is very simple – to lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease, go vegan and don’t forget to exercise regularly, too!

Foods that help lower cholesterol 

  • Oats – a small 50 gram-sized serving provides nearly five grams of fibre and you can boost this by adding dried fruit, nuts, a banana or berries and soya milk.   
  • Wholegrain foods – brown rice, wholemeal bread and wholewheat pasta can help lower cholesterol, mainly because of the fibre they contain. The average UK adult fibre intake is 19 grams per day, well below the recommended 30 grams. Swap refined white bread, rice and pasta for healthier wholegrain varieties.  
  • Pulses – peas, beans and lentils are especially rich in fibre and take a while for the body to digest, which means you feel full for longer and this helps if you want to lose weight. There are many to choose from: kidney beans, chickpeas, red, brown and green lentils – the possibilities are endless! 
  • Fruit and vegetables – make sure you get at least five a day – more is better! All fruits and vegetables are low in saturated fat and provide valuable cholesterol-lowering fibre. 
  • Nuts – many studies show that nuts are good for your heart. A small handful of Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts or pistachios can help reduce abdominal fat, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar as well as improving the balance of fats in the blood. Aim for around 28 grams a day, which is around a handful.
  • Soya – 25 grams a day of soya foods can help lower cholesterol. You can get that from 100g of tofu, a 200ml glass of soya milk and a small pot of soya yoghurt. Soya also contains fibre, unsaturated fats and a range of vitamins and minerals so replacing meat and dairy products with tofu, soya milk and soya-based meat alternatives is a great way to lower your cholesterol.  

Author: Justine ButlerOctober 6, 2020

Kombucha is loaded with good probiotics. Furthermore it’ loaded with active enzymes, polyphenol antioxidants, amino acids and organic acids among other essential compounds.

1. Protecting the heart heart palpitations save according to the “World Health Organization (WHO),” heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world today . This elixir of life can be regularly consumed to reduce the risk of heart disease. Various scientific studies indicate that Kombucha has the ability to maintain healthy cholesterol levels.Kombucha has been widely shown to contain potent antilipidemic properties. That are beneficial for elevating HDL (good) cholesterol levels and reducing the level of absorption from triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Kombucha tea also actively works to prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles. Which cause heart disease.According to a scientific study that in the “BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine” journal. Kombucha tea has various antioxidants that can alleviate the inflammation of the blood vessels’ cellular walls .

2. May Prevent Cancer Various test-tube studies indicate that Kombucha tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. That can actively help to prevent the growth and even spread of various cancerous cells. The tea’s polyphenol compounds not only work to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. But also promote the death of cancer cells and even blocks overall gene mutation.cancer cell save cancer cell other reliable scientific studies indicate that the glucaric acid found in Kombucha. Has the ability to prevent both breast and pancreatic cancer. The ancient tea is also believed to prevent the growth of new blood vessels, particularly those found in the affected regions. Which in turn prevents the growth and development of cancer.Kombucha has also been shown to have anticarcinogenic (a substance that inhibits cancer development) properties . This works particularly on hormone-dependent tumors.

3. Managing Diabetes Kombucha tea can be taken to manage type 2 diabetes, which currently affects over 300 million people in the world. Type 2 diabetes is a medical disorder that is characterized by increased insulin resistance and high blood sugar (glucose) levels. The ancient tea has been scientifically proven to significantly lower blood sugar levels. This is due to its incredible ability to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates.According to a recent scientific article in the “Food and Chemical Toxicology” journal. The regular consumption of Kombucha tea can not only reduce blood sugar levels but also improve overall liver functions.

4. Detoxifying the Body Over time, various potentially harmful toxins end up accumulating in the body. This alone results in a weakened immune system. Thus; making you vulnerable to various diseases. You can easily avoid this by consuming Kombucha tea. Which demonstrates a amazing ability for detoxify the human body.Glucuronic acid is a powerful detoxifier in Kombucha. That binds any harmful toxins that enter the liver. While also eliminating them from your body by going through the kidneys. Kombucha can be combined with other popular liver-cleansing herbal remedies to increase its potency.The regular consumption of the potent remedy. Has, also been shown to prevent the body’s tissues from absorbing the industrial toxins found in our environment.

5. Preventing Oxidation Kombucha tea, especially when made from Green tea contains powerful antioxidants. That have been shown to fight reactive molecules and the potentially harmful free radicals that cause cell damage. The herbal remedy also contains organic acids that have been scientifically proven to shield the human body from oxidative stress.Oxidative damage is believed to be the major cause of various common chronic yet life-threatening diseases. Reliable scientific studies indicate that Kombucha tea’s antioxidant properties are up to 100 times higher than those of vitamin C.

6. Alleviating Arthritis The ancient Chinese tea contains potent Glucosamine compounds. That have been scientifically proven to prevent and even treat all types of arthritis. These Glucosamines actively stimulate the production of “Hyaluronic acid.” Hyaluronic acid is an essential chemical compound.Arthritis in fingersSaveArthritis in fingers That is required to maintain proper cartilage structure and alleviate pain. That is associated with the joint disorder

7. Improving Joint Function Kombucha also works to improve overall joint function. Through alleviating inflammation in the joints and preserving the elasticity and lubrication of the joints. Scientific studies indicate that the herbal tea is as effective as the popular over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs. That are prescribed to alleviate arthritis pain.

8. Improving Digestive Health Kombucha is fully packed with probiotics (healthy bacteria) that promote a healthy digestive system. Through reducing the growth of harmful bacteria. The tea can also alleviate gastric ulceration due to its antioxidant compounds and polyphenols. That work to decrease excess gastric acid secretion and protect the stomach’s mucin content.Kombucha tea is quite effective in alleviating gastric ulcers. That it is even compared to the pharmaceutical drug “Omeprazole.” This tea also provides an almost immediate relief from multiple abdominal disorders. These include diarrhea, chronic constipation, bloating

9. Killing Bacteria Acetic acid is also abundant in vinegar in large quantities and is also a potent compound found in Kombucha. This has the ability to kill potentially harmful bacteria. The Kombucha tea that is made from Green tea. Has been scientifically proven to have powerful antibacterial properties against Candida yeasts and infection-causing bacteria.Kombucha’s bactericidal properties work effectively against a wide range of pathogens. The herbal remedy can then be consumed to combat dysentery, paratyphoid fever, diphtheria, influenza, scarlet fever and typhoid among other common diseases that are caused by bacteria.

10. Boosts the Immune System Kombucha helps to strengthen the immune system and boost your energy levels. This is thanks to it’s many antioxidants. The tea can also fight bacterial and viral infections. With the aid of it’s anti-microbial abilities and anti-inflammatory properties.Bacteria attacking the immune systemSaveBacteria attacking the immune system Kombucha is a good all-round protection for the bodies immune system. Research studies confirm that the tea can not only protect but can also repair a compromised human immune system. Thus, Kombucha has potent antioxidant and immunomodulating properties

(4) .Nutritional Value of Kombucha is a powerhouse of goodness for example:Vitamins vitamins B1 (thiamine) B2 (riboflavin) B3 (niacin) B6 B9 (folic acid) B12 COrganic Compounds gluconic acid oxalic acid acetic acid glucuronic acid usnic acid fructose lactic Acid

Most of us throw them away, but did you know those small green seeds that are often thrown away from a pumpkin are actually a powerhouse of goodness! Adding a few tablespoons of pumpkin seeds into a salad or in a trail mix with nuts and dried fruits is a really easy way to incorporate these tasty seeds that are also really good for you into your diet.Here Are the Benefits of Eating these Seeds Regularly.

1. Rich Protein Source. Just 30 grams (one ounce) of pumpkin seeds provides 7 grams of protein. Next time you get asked where you get your protein, you can tell them from pumpkin seeds- I am sure that most people will be surprised .

2. Rich Iron Source. Iron is often associated with red meat, but pumpkin seeds are an awesome way for vegans to get iron. Just one serving (30 grams) of pumpkin seeds will provide 20-30% of the recommended daily allowance of iron. It is really important to get enough iron so that your body can make new red blood cells, and too little iron can lead to anaemia. So get munching on pumpkin seeds to increase the iron levels in your system.

3. Source of Vitamin E. One serving of pumpkin seeds can provide the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E. This vitamin is an important antioxidant that maintains healthy red blood cells and muscle tissue. It is also useful for protecting the lungs from pollutants and has been linked to reducing heart disease problems. If you live in a big city like me, eating foods that are rich in vitamin E is a great way to keep the toxins from smog and pollution out of my body.

4. Rich in B Vitamins. Pumpkin kernels are also excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate. B vitamins are really important for metabolising energy, and if you are a busy person with a lot of stress, you want to ensure you are getting enough vitamin B. Pumpkin seeds are better than any vitamin pill.

5. Versatile. You can pretty much use pumpkin seed with anything. They have a sweet, nutty flavour, so they can be used in both savory and sweet meals. I sprinkle them on my salads, munch on them on their own, add them to my raw granola mix, and mix them into regular flax cracker mixes. I also add them to blended soups to bring a bit of crunch. Throw them into whatever you are making .

6. Easy to prepare. Next time you have a pumpkin, don’t throw away the seeds. Instead, scoop them out and rinse them under some water. Then let the seeds dry before you put them into the dehydrator for about 18-24 hours. Voila! Instant seeds to snack on.

7. Low calorie snack. 1 handful of pumpkin seeds is a healthy, low calorie snack (under 100 calories) and I find that they are great to snack on if you are craving something crunchy- much healthier than a bag of crisps or other commercially prepared snacks that are high in sodium.So there you have it- the low-down on the trusty pumpkin seed, which really is a super powerful food.

There are 125 medical schools in the US with only 30 requiring a course in nutrition.

The average Doctor receives 2.5 hours during the entire eight yrs of education. The most common cause of death in the US is heart attacks. Every 45 seconds someone dies of a heart attack with the average risk of having a heart attack for an average man is 50%. 95% of the population are meat/dairy eaters. If you eliminate meat and dairy from your diet all together, you reduce the risk of having a heart attack by 90%. The average cholesterol level of people eating meat-centered-diet is 210 mg/dl . Chance of dying from heart disease if you are male and your blood cholesterol level is 210 mg/dl is greater than 50 percent.

I talk about so many dangers of meat consumption on this page from the environment to animal cruelty and to the health and well being of humans. There is no food worse for you than meat and dairy. There is tremendous evidence that this food group is the number one cause of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. People still smoke and it says right on the package that “smoking causes cancer.” People still drink alcohol and it is a surety that excess drinking causes liver cancer, heart disease and the addiction of alcoholism. People will still eat meat and dairy no matter what evidence and repercussions they experience. Meat and dairy consumption is such a drag on our economy, our healthcare, the environment and the ethical treatment of animals. While McDonald’s and Burger King explode in sales and store openings, so do mortuaries and heart disease wards.

There is no end to the epidermic of human diseases, animal suffering and the depletion of our natural resources as well as the pollution of our waters, air and land. Something for sure has to be done and done quickly as our resources are running out. Super-sizing in people is a repercussion of super-sizing 64 ounce cokes, triple size bacon/cheese burgers and pizzas the size of small aircraft. Our healthcare is a major political issue and a huge portion of our debt is because of the high increase in healthcare. Very little is spent on preventive medicine. People like Jamie Oliver who goes to schools and educates kids on a healthy diet is being banned in cities like Los Angeles because kids were not eating the high fat foods the schools offered and opted to bring fresh fruit and vegetables.

This is so wrong as it shows our economy depends on the fast food industry to survive and our schools depend on the sales of sodas, salted snacks, candy bars and pizzas. People should be subsidized for a healthy diet, organic farms should be subsidized for growing health foods instead of animal agricultural farms being subsidized to offset the high cost of raising animals for food. Our entire system is backwards. We have no preventive healthcare in place and until we do, our planet will just get sicker and sicker……..

Forbidden Black Rice and Quinoa is a nutritional marriage made in vegan-heaven. Both of these amazing grains are loaded with antioxidants, protein, calcium, fiber and much other valuable life-sustaining nutrients.

“The Long-Lost “Superfood” Forbidden Black Rice, a treasure house of antioxidants, fiber, nutrients, minerals and amino acids capable of combating and preventing a host of health problems ranging from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Apparently, the emperor’s of ancient China was right. The black, outer layer of this rice, contains antioxidant-rich bran. The purple and reddish pigment of this rice, which gives it its black appearance, contains Anthocyanins, the same antioxidants found in such prominent superfoods as blueberries, Acai berries, and grapes. Forbidden Black Rice is one of my favorite grains. The Emperor’s of ancient China guarded the secretive Black Forbidden Rice like gold and only allowed his family to consume it.

Quinoa is an excellent protein and calcium source and contains all essential amino acids (useful for vegans and vegetarians). One cup of ready-to-eat quinoa has nearly 10 grams of protein or twice the amount of protein found in other cereal grains, it also has 5 grams of fiber, for just 220 calories. The Incas only allowed their warriors to eat quinoa because it gave them amazing stamina and energy. Quinoa is actually a seed from a fruit plant, not a grain, but it looks like a grain so I just call it a grain – I know a lot of people will correct me –

Both Quinoa and Black Forbidden Rice is “Gluten-Free.”

My recipe is simple. The Forbidden Black Rice takes thirty minutes to prepare. Rinse one cup of Forbidden Black Rice and add to pot along with two cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for thirty minutes.

Quinoa takes fifteen minutes to prepare so take one cup of quinoa and rinse it well, add to a pot along with two cups of water and cook for fifteen minutes.

Fluff and let stand with the heat and covered both the quinoa and Forbidden Black Rice when finished for ten minutes or so. Then combine both grains in a mixing bowl along with your favorite vegetables like onions, parsley, shredded kale, carrots, celery, etc.

Toss well with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice and serve with avocado slices……….

Delicious and super healthy beyond your wildest imagination…

Many clients ask me how did i get rid of my Psoriasis @@

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that your body’s defense system gets triggered and overreacts, causing psoriasis symptoms. Identifying and avoiding your triggers, keeping your immune system healthy by reducing stress, avoiding illness, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the best ways to keep your psoriasis under control. -Cleansing the liver is very important in treating Psoriasis. That is why herbs are a very successful natural treatment. They can effectively treat various skin conditions and detoxify the body. Liver Cleanse Tea will help by allowing the liver to detoxify the system. but for me it was to get educate on plant-based lifestyle and Tumeric drink from East java .

Apple cider vinegar is said to re-establish the natural pH balance of your scalp. Saturating your scalp with apple cider vinegar and allowing it to soak in for approximately 45 minutes is said to be the most beneficial. Afterward, you are supposed to thoroughly rinse out the apple cider vinegar with an herbal shampoo that contains natural oils and does not contain any sodium laurel sulfate. This natural remedy should be done at least four days per week for maximum benefit. It is also helpful to apply jojoba oil and aloe vera into the scalp and allow them to soak in overnight.


Multiple studies have suggested that people who have celiac disease may be at higher risk for psoriasis, in part because gluten can cause inflammation, and psoriasis is an inflammatory disease. That connection may explain why some psoriasis patients report that eating a gluten-free diet which eliminates wheat, barley, and rye helps them feel better. myself i learn about plant-based food and become a plant based chef


Some people with psoriasis have found relief with turmeric as a natural psoriasis treatment. Turmeric is part of the ginger family; Other supplements that have been tried for psoriasis home remedies include evening primrose oil, milk thistle, and oregano oil. Though a most people report and it included me to have had success with turmeric and other supplements because of their anti-inflammatory properties, keep in mind that there are no scientific studies to back up these claims, i learn the use of Tumeric over 4 years in Asia and India and was a lucky one to learn from the removed village in East java also in Bali and in India on a Ayurveda nutrition course in Kerala this is how i manage my Psoriasis over time …


Heart disease is the leading cause of death. Dietary cholesterol intake – only found mostly in animal foods is directly linked to living a significantly shorter life. Fiber intake – only found in plant foods – is directly linked to living a significantly longer life. Consuming the amount of cholesterol found in just a single egg a day may cut your life short as much as smoking five cigarettes daily for 15 years, whereas eating a daily cup of green leafy vegetable worth of fiber may extend your life as much as four hours of jogging a week. (Don’t give up jogging now) More than 20 years ago,

Dr. Dean Ornish showed that heart disease could not just be stopped but actually reversed with a vegan diet, arteries opened up without drugs or surgery. Since this lifestyle cure was discovered, hundreds of thousands have died unnecessary deaths. What more does one have to know about a diet that reverses our deadliest disease? Cancer is killer number two – but look at this hopeful science. According to the largest forward-looking studies on diet and cancer so far performed, “the incidence of all cancers combined is lower among vegans.” The link between meat and cancer is profound! Flesh from a dead animal absolutely causes cancer, there is no doubt about it. “Grass fed meat,” “organic meat (whatever that means),” meat from animals that were massaged, taken to Disneyland and given vitamin B12 shots still is all the same when it is so decoratively placed on your plate – it is flesh from a dead animal and flesh from a dead animal causes cancer and heart disease…..That simple! After Dr. Ornish’s team showed that the bloodstreams of men eating vegan for a year had nearly eight times the cancer-stopping power, a series of elegant experiments showed that women could boost their defenses against breast cancer after just two weeks on a plant-based diet. If you or anyone you know has ever had a cancer scare, this research will make your heart soar. Because there is real, true hope — something you can do to stave off “the big C.” The key to preventing strokes is to eat potassium-rich foods. Though Chiquita may have had a good PR firm, bananas don’t even make the top 50 sources.

The leading whole food sources include dark green leafy vegetables, beans and dates. The average person eats so few plants that 98 percent of Americans don’t even reach the recommended minimum daily intake of potassium. Alzheimer’s disease is now the sixth leading killer. We’ve known for nearly 20 years now that those who eat meat — including chicken and fish — appear three times more likely to become demented compared to long-term vegans. Exciting new research suggests one can treat Alzheimer’s using natural plant products such as the spice saffron, which beat out placebo and worked as well as a leading Alzheimer’s drug. Diabetes has almost become as common as the flu. Plant-based diets help prevent, treat, and even reverse Type 2 diabetes. Since vegans are, on average, about 30 pounds skinnier than meat-eaters, this comes as no surprise; but researchers found that vegans appear to have just a fraction of the diabetes risk, even after controlling for their slimmer figures. Suicide is a leading contributor to deaths….. Oh yes, vegan food even has something good to offer on this one! Cross-sectional studies have shown that the moods of those on plant-based diets tend to be superior, but taken in just a snapshot in time one can’t tease out cause-and-effect. Maybe happier people end up eating healthier and not the other way around. But this year an interventional trial was published in which all meat, poultry, fish, and eggs were removed from people’s diets and a significant improvement in mood scores was found after just two weeks. It can take drugs like Prozac a month or more to take effect.

So you may be able to get happier faster by cutting out animal foods than by using drugs. Take this little study on your own and visit a meat eating restaurant, listen to the tone of conversation and observe the aggressive attitudes of meat eaters as they dive into their pound of steak. Notice that flesh eaters are tense and even hostile as they dine on their meal. Also observe the redness in their face as their cholesterol and blood pressure rises and also notice their weight….. Now, move on over to a vegan restaurant and observe the quieter tones you hear, the peaceful mood, the healthier skin color and healthier body mass……This is certainly not scientific but it will change one’s approach to transitioning to veganism in less than one meal……. I came up with this personal research with my two sons at a very early age and both of them realized the value of a plant base diet before they were in they reached puberty. There are as many drugs on the market as cans of soup and boxes of kid’s cereals and doctor’s prescribe them like candy, literally. Instead of taking one drug for cholesterol every day for the rest of your life, maybe a few for high blood pressure or diabetes, a plant base vegan diet appears to work across the board without the risk of drug side-effects. One study found that prescription medications kill an estimated 106,000 Americans every year.

That’s not from errors or overdose, but from adverse drug reactions, arguably making doctors the sixth leading cause of death. People all day long use the excuse, “a vegan diet is too expensive and time consuming.” How many times have you heard that excuse? Well, my response before they can finish their sentence is, “prescription drugs, doctor’s visits, triple heart bypass surgery, chemotherapy, bed ridden and death is also “too expensive and time consuming.” Those that eat meat and dairy have about twice the odds of being on antacids, aspirin, blood pressure medications, insulin, laxatives, painkillers, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers. So plant-based diets are great for those that don’t like taking drugs, paying for drugs, or risking adverse side effects. Imagine if, like President Clinton, our nation embraced a plant-based diet. Imagine if we just significantly cut back on animal products. There is one country that tried. After World War II, Finland joined us in packing on the meat, eggs, and dairy. By the 1970s, the mortality rate from heart disease of Finnish men was the highest in the world, and so they initiated a country-wide program to decrease their saturated fat intake. Farmers were encouraged to switch from dairies to berries. Towns were pitted against each other in friendly cholesterol-lowering competitions. Their efforts resulted in an 80 percent drop in cardiac mortality across the entire country. Conflicts of interest on the U.S. dietary guidelines committee may have prevented similar action from our own government, but with our health-care crisis deepening, our obesity epidemic widening, and the health of our nation’s children in decline, we may need to take it upon our selves, families, and communities to embrace vegan ideals of healthy, affordable, sustainable foods by moving towards a more plant-centered diet. Veganism saves lives, reduces healthcare cost significantly and affords us the opportunity to live in a clean and pollution free environment. So, when people tell you to “mind your own business” and “allow people to choose their own course of diet,” tell them that the air you breath, the destruction of our land and water, the billions of animals that die under horrible conditions, the cost of healthcare that is driving our economy to ruins and millions of people in third world countries that die of starvation because 80% of the grains grown is diverted to fatten animals raised for food “IS your business” and meat and dairy eaters “IS” the culprit……..

Whole grains are an important part of a Vegan lifestyle. Consuming at least three servings of whole grains per day can reduce the risk of some chronic health conditions like cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and certain cancers. Studies also showed that eating whole grains in place of refined grains can reduce potentially dangerous excess abdominal fat, a buildup that can raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and even cause insulin resistance (potentially leading to diabetes)…..Don’t think of these grains as a side dish. I eat these grains as my main dish along with beans every single day…

Here are 14 organic whole grains that are the staff of life. Buy them in bulk – think of these grains as your most powerful conduit to pristine health and longevity…

1. Amaranth
Once considered a weed, amaranth is now known for its killer nutritional value. This grain is high in fiber (21 percent of the daily recommended value per cup), and it’s also a great source of the amino acid lysine and nutrients magnesium, calcium, and squalene, a compound that may help prevent cancer. Plus, it’s also a protein powerhouse: In one study, rats that consumed amaranth grew more than those that were fed maize thanks to the grain’s 9 grams of protein per cup. It also has cholesterol-lowering potential….I mix it with quinoa, it takes the same amount of time to cook……

2. Kamut
Kamut is the brand name — and most commonly used name — for the ancient Khorasan strain of wheat. It’s a great source of protein, with 11 grams per cup, as well as nutrients like selenium, zinc, and magnesium. One study even showed that rats that consumed kamut had better responses to oxidative stress than those that had eaten wheat, which basically means kamut has is higher in antioxidants than regular wheat. Kamut should be soaked for 24 hours. I mix kamut with whole barley, spelt and wheat berries along with beans like mung, adzuki, and garbanzo…Rinse them thoroughly after soaking them and simmer for about 40 minutes. Turn the heat off and add vegetables and allow them to steam…….delicious!

3. Millet
Formerly used primarily as bird feed in the U.S., millet is increasing in popularity among humans, whether it’s prepacked like rice or made into flour and used in baked goods. It’s a good source of protein (6 grams per cup) and has been shown to help control glucose levels. Another benefit of keeping glucose levels in check? When blood sugar levels are steady, energy levels are steady….Millet is another grain that takes 15 minutes to simmer, mix it with the quinoa and amaranth…..You can also add lentils, top it off after it is done with chopped tomatoes, parsley, and lemon…….

4. Teff
These teeny tiny grains pack a sizable nutritional punch: Teff is surprisingly high in calcium (one cup contains 12 of the daily recommended value) and vitamin C, a nutrient not often found in grains. Plus, it’s gluten-free, making it perfect for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Teff is primarily made of high-resistant starch, which can help prevent colon cancer. Resistant starches aren’t immediately digested when traveling through the small intestine. Instead, they hang out in the large intestine, where bacteria feed on them and create fatty acids that make the environment less welcoming to bacteria that can harm the colon[13]. A study also showed that people who ate muffins high in resistant starch felt fuller than those who ate muffins without. Teff’s tiny size (about the size of a poppy seed) allows it to cook quickly compared to other grains, ranging from 12 to 20 minutes depending on the desired texture…..Teff can be combined with 15-minute grains ……..

5. Quinoa
Quinoa is an excellent protein source and contains all essential amino acids (useful for vegans and vegetarians). One cup of ready-to-eat quinoa has nearly 10 grams of protein or twice the amount of protein found in other cereal grains, it also has 5 grams of fiber, for just 220 calories.

Quinoa is also a good source of beneficial minerals, including copper, manganese, iron, and magnesium, plus B-complex vitamins. All of these trace elements and nutrients are necessary for chemical reactions for producing energy out of your foods. Quinoa also offers potassium and good fats that are beneficial for your blood pressure and heart.

6. Farro (aka Emmer)
Same grain, different name (depending on location) — emmer is the American term for while it’s known as farro in Italy, where it has a rich history: This ancient strain of wheat was rationed to Roman soldiers thousands of years ago! A half-cup of farro has more fiber and fewer calories than brown rice or quinoa,…Love Farro, it takes 30 minutes to simmer, I add raw vegetables at the end and avocado with lemon….. If you can’t find it in the U.S., buy it directly from Bluebird organic farms. They are a great family-owned business and will ship it the same day…

7. Hulless Barley
Barley dates back to the Stone Age and can take on many roles. It can be ground into flour or meal for baked goods, added to soups and stews in its pearled form, and (of course) malted to make beer or whiskey. Since it’s high in fiber (almost a quarter of the daily recommended value in one cup of the pearled stuff), it may help prevent some chronic diseases and lower cholesterol….I love hulless barley, make sure to buy it in bulk and organic and don’t confuse it with pearl barley. Pearl barley which is barley without nutrition, kind of like white rice compared to brown rice….. I eat hulless barley every day. I make a huge batch with three cups of hulless barley in a large pot with lots of water. I simmer for 40 minutes and let stand for another 15 minutes. I drain the barley out of the water and save it to add to my stews every morning. I then pour the barley water into glass containers. Barley water is a magnificent source of superior nutrients. I simmer my stees in barley water every morning. Many advanced holistic cultures consider barley water the most powerful healing medicine there is. Google hulless barley water and research on your own the amazing health benefits of barley water. Hulless barley and garbanzo beans are the two anti-aging foods I eat in abundance every day.

8. Bulgur
Bulgur, another derivative of wheat, it’s the result of boiling, drying, and cracking wheat kernels. It’s incredibly versatile in dishes and cooks in about the same amount of time as pasta. With 8 grams of fiber per cup or 33 percent of the daily recommended value, bulgur beats out quinoa, oats, millet, buckwheat, and corn in that category.

9. Spelt
Spelt is a type of wheat that is higher in protein than other types, and — in flour form — can easily be used as a substitute for wheat flour in recipes. There is some evidence that those with sensitivity to wheat can tolerate spelt, but other research suggests those with gluten intolerance might still want to hold off.

10. Buckwheat
Native to Russia, buckwheat is actually not a type of wheat at all — it’s a herb! More closely related to rhubarb than to wheat (making it gluten-free!), its seeds are ground into flour or crushed to make groats, which are cooked like rice. Buckwheat may also help lower cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol molecules and dragging ‘em out of the body on its way through the digestive system. It can also be helpful in treating diabetes because it naturally contains a compound that lowers blood glucose levels]. Buckwheat is the main ingredient in most soba noodles and these pancakes, but pairing it with pickles could also work…..Another favorite of mine that it takes 15 minutes to simmer. I add lentils and top it off when serving with tomatoes, lemon, and an avocado….

11. Red rice
A type of yeast growing on rice grains yields this fun colored food — and the health benefits are pretty astounding. Long used for its medicinal properties in Asian countries (back in the 1300s), it was used in China to aid in digestion, blood circulation, and spleen health), red rice extract is gaining popularity in the US for its cholesterol-lowering properties. Red rice can also refer to a type of rice with a red husk, which is high in fiber, has a nutty taste, and, when mixed with other foods, can turn the dish a festive shade of pink or red.

12. Rye berries
Everyone knows about rye bread, but the grain can also be eaten in its berry form. Rye berries can be cooked like rice or barley in pilafs or soups, though cooking can take up to an hour. Not a fan of rye bread? Don’t be discouraged — that distinct flavor comes from caraway seeds added to the bread, not the rye itself, so dishes made with rye berries won’t have the same taste. As for health benefits, it’s hard to beat rye: One study showed that rye contains a peptide called lunasin, which could play a role in cancer prevention. Another showed that rye fiber appears to be more effective than the wheat fiber in improving bowel health. Another grain that can be simmered with whole barley, wheat berries, kumut, and spelt…..

13. Wheat berries
Wheat berries are a way to get wheat in its most natural state — whole kernels with only the hull removed. This means they contain all the grain’s nutrients and minerals. One half-cup serving is a great source of selenium, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, and lignan, a phytochemical that may help protect against breast cancer. Once cooked (simmered in boiling water for up to an hour should do it), they are a great addition to soups, stews, and salads (like this wheat berry salad with strawberries and blueberries). Since wheat berries are quite literally whole wheat, they may be more filling than a similar amount of food made with wheat flour.

14. Forbidden Black Rice
The Long-Lost Superfood”, a treasure house of antioxidants, fiber, nutrients, minerals and amino acids capable of combating and preventing a host of health problems ranging from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Apparently, the emperors of ancient China were right. The black, outer layer of this rice, contains antioxidant-rich bran. The purple and reddish pigment of this rice, which gives it its black appearance, contains Anthocyanins, the same antioxidants found in such prominent superfoods as blueberries, Acai berries, and grapes. Forbidden Black Rice is one of my favorite grains. It takes 30 minutes to simmer. I either eat the black rice by itself or I mix it with Farro. I add tomatoes, lemon, parsley and avocado when I serve it…..Really delicious and a great replacement for brown rice

Cholesterol is an important part of heart health to be aware of with each meal and snack you choose. Though it sounds like a complicated part of our health, it’s actually a pretty simple one. Cholesterol is produced in the liver, primarily by saturated fats, which is one reason a diet high in saturated fats (from animal-based foods and refined veggie oils) is said to be harmful for your heart health. Cholesterol travels through the blood via the arteries, which is why a high cholesterol diet can lead to clogged arteries that prevent proper blood flow to your heart, leading to heart disease and even diabetes. Your body can use fats from your diet to produce cholesterol on its own, which makes added (dietary) sources of cholesterol something you’ll want to avoid in order to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL). This is one reason why a plant-based diet is now being advised as the best diet to eat for overall heart health and longevity. Plant-based foods also improve liver function, and also provide antioxidants to support the immune system. Most all plant-based foods provide a major boost for your cholesterol, but some have specific benefits not to miss out on.

1. Lutein-Rich Spinach

Lutein is a yellow pigmented antioxidant that is found abundantly in spinach, even more than other greens. It’s known to provide protection against macular degeneration for healthy eyes, but research also shows that it helps lower the bad cholesterol by preventing clogged arteries. Though egg yolks are known as the best source of dietary lutein, they’re also high in cholesterol and inflammatory animal-based saturated fats. Instead, use 2 cups of spinach in a smoothie or salad for lutein, 10 grams of protein, and a heart-healthy dose of vitamin E, stress reducing magnesium, and an abundance of B vitamins also needed for a healthy liver and metabolism.

2. Oats

Source: Matcha Porridge With Pomegranate Seeds

Oats and oat bran (the most fiber-rich part of the grain) are two of the best foods you can include each day to fight high cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease on an ongoing basis. Oats are full of beta-glucan fibers, an important type of soluble fiber that acts like a broom in the arteries (and digestive tract) to sweep out cholesterol and daily toxins. Enjoy 1/3 cup day to get the delicious benefits. If you like and eat barley, it also offers the same benefits as oats.

3. Walnuts

Source: Healthy Fats Advertisement

Walnuts are a fantastic source of omega 3 fats. These fats lower cholesterol directly by reducing inflammation and raising good cholesterol (HDL). Though seafood is a natural source of omega 3 fats, it’s also very high in cholesterol to most people’s surprise. Walnuts, on the other hand, are not only free of cholesterol, but they also don’t come with the same health risks like mercury and toxin exposure that fish do. Enjoy 4-6 walnuts a day to reap the benefits. They go great on top of oatmeal, on a smoothie, or can be enjoyed as a snack or in an entrée.

4. Beans

Source: Tamale Inspired Bowls With Beans Advertisement

If you love beans, then good news – they love you too! Beans are the highest fiber food aside from chia, coconut flour, and bran per serving. They help keep our bones strong, and are incredible sources of antioxidants, folate (a B vitamin), potassium, magnesium, protein, and iron. Beans’ fiber has been shown to improve heart health and directly lower high cholesterol in a short amount of time. Legumes (such as lentils and green peas) also come with the same benefits. Try some of our favorite bean recipes from burgers to chili, and everything in between!

5. Avocado

Source: Mexican Black Bean Soup Advertisement

Okay avocado lovers, rejoice once more – these little babies are awesome for your heart health! They directly lower cholesterol due to a type of fat they have known as beta-sitosterols. These fats reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL), helping to improve your heart health with every bite. They are high in fats, so no need to go overboard; just 1/4 a fruit each day or one or two a week is enough to get the benefits. Out of avocados? Go get yourself one at the store and use the pit to grow your own avocados in just weeks with this product!

6. Most All Nuts and Seeds

Source: Jules/Flickr

Aside from walnuts, most all nuts and seeds are also high in certain fats known as mono-unsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol. They also provide anti-inflammatory support and contain antioxidants that support overall heart health. As a bonus, these foods are also good sources of plant-based protein and they support collagen production in the body to fight the effects of aging.  A little goes a long way, so enjoy 1/4 cup a day to gain the benefits. Try them in some raw energy bars or toss a few into your next smoothie or breakfast bowl.

7. Natural Soy Foods

Source: Super Protein Kale Caesar Salad

Don’t go running if you hate soy – listen up! We’re not talking about highly processed forms of soy like chalky soy protein powders, we’re talking about cleaner, more whole food forms of soy. Think tempeh, tofu, and whole soy beans (edamame). Non-GMO soy milk and soy yogurt also make good choices if bought from a high-quality organic brand (choose unsweetened if possible). Soy contains higher amounts of isoflavones than most foods, which directly reduce high cholesterol in the body and improve overall heart health. Concerned about soy and cancer? Isoflavones from soy have actually shown to reduce cancer risks, despite the myth that soy causes breast cancer. Enjoy it a couple times a week and see how it works for you.

8. Berries

Source: Strawberry Mousse

Berries are packed with soluble fibers that reduce high cholesterol and assist with good digestion. They’re also a top source of antioxidants that fight immune system invaders to improve your overall health. No berry shows more benefits over another for cholesterol, so include blueberries, strawberries, goji berries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries and others such as acai, golden berries and mulberries for even more benefits.

9. Cacao

Source: Raw Chocolate Energy Bites

What can’t this everyday superfood do? Cocoa and cacao boost arterial health by improving blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and they contain soluble and insoluble fibers that lower cholesterol and improve heart health. Cacao is also a good source of sulfur, a mineral that supports healthy liver function for daily detoxification. Try to enjoy it raw, though regular plain cocoa is also helpful if you don’t have access to raw cacao powder or nibs. Avoid highly sweetened and refined cocoa powders and bars however possible. Try cacao in some of our favorite healthy chocolate recipes!

10. Garlic

Source: Roasted Veggies With Buttery Garlic and Spinach Salad

A food you might think of as more of a flavoring option, is actually one of the best for lowering cholesterol and preventing blood clots. Now, keep in mind, this doesn’t count for garlic powder and garlic flavored foods, but the actual garlic cloves. Use one or two cloves a day in a savory entrée of your choice; just be sure to chop it finely, since the process releases the beneficial compounds found in garlic and makes them more readily available for absorption. You can also grow your own garlic at home so you always have some on hand! Other cholesterol supportive foods include all fruits and vegetables, whole grains of any kind, herbs, spices, and herbal and regular tea. Consume these foods liberally everyday, rotating which ones you buy and use, and you can be sure your heart health will improve as a result!

1. Let Go Of Grudges

Forgiving and forgetting is necessary for your own happiness, as holding a grudge means you’re also holding onto resentment, anger, hurt and other negative emotions that are standing in the way of your own happiness. Letting go of a grudge frees you from negativity and allows more space for positive emotions to fill in.

2. Treat Everyone With Kindness

Kindness is not only contagious, it’s also proven to make you happier. When you’re kind to others, your brain produces feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters like serotonin and you’re able to build strong relationships with others, fostering positive feelings all around.

3. Regard Your Problems As Challenges

Change your internal dialogue so that anytime you have a “problem” you view it as a challenge or a new opportunity to change your life for the better. Eliminate the word “problem” from your mind entirely.

4. Express Gratitude For What You Have

People who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, have more positive emotions, and are better able to reach their goals. The best way to harness the positive power of gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal or list, where you actively write down exactly what you’re grateful for each day. Doing so has been linked to happier moods, greater optimism and even better physical health.

5. Dream Big

Go ahead and dream big, as you’ll be more likely to accomplish your goals. Rather than limiting yourself, when you dream big you’re opening your mind to a more optimistic, positive state where you have the power to achieve virtually anything you desire.

6. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

If the issue you’re mad about will be irrelevant a year, a month, a week or even a day from now, why sweat it? Happy people know how to let life’s daily irritations roll off their back.

7. Speak Well of Others

It may be tempting to gather around the office water cooler to get and give the daily gossip, but talking negatively about others is like taking a bath in negative emotions; your body soaks them up. Instead, make it a point to only say positive, nice words about other people, and you’ll help foster more positive thinking in your own life as well.

8. Avoid Making Excuses
It’s easy to blame others for your life’s failures, but doing so means you’re unlikely to rise past them. Happy people take responsibility for their mistakes and missteps, then use the failure as an opportunity to change for the better.

9. Live in The Present
Allow yourself to be immersed in whatever it is you’re doing right now, and take time to really be in the present moment. Avoid replaying past negative events in your head or worrying about the future; just savor what’s going on in your life now.

10. Wake Up At The Same Time Every Morning
Getting up at the same time every day (preferably an early time) is deceptively simple. Doing so will help regulate your circadian rhythm so you’ll have an easier time waking and likely feel more energized. Plus, the habit of rising early every day is one shared by many successful people, as it enhances your productivity and focus.

11. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Your life is unique, so don’t measure your own worth by comparing yourself to those around you. Even regarding yourself as better than your peers is detrimental to your happiness, as you’re fostering judgmental feelings and an unhealthy sense of superiority. Measure your own success based on your progress alone, not that of others.

12. Surround Yourself With Positive People

The saying “misery loves company” is entirely true. That’s why you need to choose friends who are optimistic and happy themselves, as you will be surrounded with positive energy.

13. Realize That You Don’t Need Others’ Approval

It’s important to follow your own dreams and desires without letting naysayers stand in your way. It’s fine to seek others’ opinions, but happy people stay true to their own hearts and don’t get bogged down with the need for outside approval.

14. Take Time To Listen

Listening helps you soak in the wisdom of others and allows you to quiet your own mind at the same time. Intense listening can help you feel content while helping you gain different perspectives.

15. Nurture Social Relationships

Positive social relationships are a key to happiness, so be sure you make time to visit with friends, family and your significant other.

16. Meditate

Meditation helps you keep your mind focused, calms your nerves and supports inner peace. Research shows it can even lead to physical changes in your brain that make you happier.

17. Eat Well

What you eat directly impacts your mood and energy levels in both the short and long term. Whereas eating right can prime your body and brain to be in a focused, happy state, eating processed junk foods will leave you sluggish and prone to chronic disease. My free nutrition plan is an excellent tool to help you choose the best foods for both physical and emotional wellness.

18. Exercise

Exercise boosts levels of health-promoting brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which may help buffer some of the effects of stress and also relieve some symptoms of depression. Rather than viewing exercise as a medical tool to lose weight, prevent disease, and live longer – all benefits that occur in the future – try viewing exercise as a daily tool to immediately enhance your frame of mind, reduce stress and feel happier.

19. Live Minimally

Clutter has a way of sucking the energy right out of you and replacing it with feelings of chaos. Clutter is an often-unrecognized source of stress that prompts feelings of anxiety, frustration, distraction and even guilt, so give your home and office a clutter makeover, purging it of the excess papers, files, knick knacks and other “stuff” that not only takes up space in your physical environment, but also in your mind.

20. Be Honest

Every time you lie, your stress levels are likely to increase and your self-esteem will crumble just a little bit more. Plus, if others find out you’re a liar it will damage your personal and professional relationships. Telling the truth, on the other hand, boosts your mental health and allows others to build trust in you.

21. Establish Personal Control

Avoid letting other people dictate the way you live. Instead, establish personal control in your life that allows you to fulfill your own goals and dreams, as well as a great sense of personal self-worth.

22. Accept What Cannot Be Changed

Everything in your life is not going to be perfect, and that’s perfectly all right. Happy people learn to accept injustices and setbacks in their life that they cannot change, and instead put their energy on changing what they can control for the better.

A Healthy Lifestyle Naturally Enhances Happiness