
There are 125 medical schools in the US with only 30 requiring a course in nutrition.

The average Doctor receives 2.5 hours during the entire eight yrs of education. The most common cause of death in the US is heart attacks. Every 45 seconds someone dies of a heart attack with the average risk of having a heart attack for an average man is 50%. 95% of the population are meat/dairy eaters. If you eliminate meat and dairy from your diet all together, you reduce the risk of having a heart attack by 90%. The average cholesterol level of people eating meat-centered-diet is 210 mg/dl . Chance of dying from heart disease if you are male and your blood cholesterol level is 210 mg/dl is greater than 50 percent.

I talk about so many dangers of meat consumption on this page from the environment to animal cruelty and to the health and well being of humans. There is no food worse for you than meat and dairy. There is tremendous evidence that this food group is the number one cause of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. People still smoke and it says right on the package that “smoking causes cancer.” People still drink alcohol and it is a surety that excess drinking causes liver cancer, heart disease and the addiction of alcoholism. People will still eat meat and dairy no matter what evidence and repercussions they experience. Meat and dairy consumption is such a drag on our economy, our healthcare, the environment and the ethical treatment of animals. While McDonald’s and Burger King explode in sales and store openings, so do mortuaries and heart disease wards.

There is no end to the epidermic of human diseases, animal suffering and the depletion of our natural resources as well as the pollution of our waters, air and land. Something for sure has to be done and done quickly as our resources are running out. Super-sizing in people is a repercussion of super-sizing 64 ounce cokes, triple size bacon/cheese burgers and pizzas the size of small aircraft. Our healthcare is a major political issue and a huge portion of our debt is because of the high increase in healthcare. Very little is spent on preventive medicine. People like Jamie Oliver who goes to schools and educates kids on a healthy diet is being banned in cities like Los Angeles because kids were not eating the high fat foods the schools offered and opted to bring fresh fruit and vegetables.

This is so wrong as it shows our economy depends on the fast food industry to survive and our schools depend on the sales of sodas, salted snacks, candy bars and pizzas. People should be subsidized for a healthy diet, organic farms should be subsidized for growing health foods instead of animal agricultural farms being subsidized to offset the high cost of raising animals for food. Our entire system is backwards. We have no preventive healthcare in place and until we do, our planet will just get sicker and sicker……..