Cyst, boils, pimples, and tumors, what are they?!

All these symptoms that take place in the body point to lymphatic stagnation in the body. Cyst, boils, pimples, tumors and the like are simply just pockets of acid fluid. Acids trapped in interstitial spaces around cells and not being filtering out of the kidneys and skin. This is a sign that your body is highly acidic and you are not eliminating your waste and you continue to create waste within the body.

If you don’t support your glands, and eliminative organs with the alkaline side of chemistry then mucus and calcification will clog up these channels and your waste will accumulate and eventually express this dis-ease within the skin. The body is simply trying to take out the trash because your body is failing to get rid of the trash because you are dehydrated systemically under the acid sky. Mucus and calcification are accumulating around cells in the tissue to protect tissue from being damaged by acids.

When the lymphatic systemic is not congested to saturation level then the skin can breath and when the kidneys filter acids won’t accumulate in cells and water, lymph waste and mucus won’t have to build up to buffer the acids that damage cells. Fruits and vegetables don’t create an acid ash in the body that break down the lungs, kidneys, bowels, and skin and this is why you don’t get damaged cells and tumors under the alkaline sky.

Instead of having a surgeon cut out the tumor, cyst, boil, and pimple understand what the cause is to why they are there in the first place. It’s simple and it sounds like a broken record but its ACIDS, its acid chemistry that enters the body and the acids not coming out because acid ash forming foods, fluids, and chemistry put on the skin break down the pathways to eliminate them. Pockets of acid fluid simple mean acids are trapped and at home in the body and fluids are building up because the waste is not being eliminated quick enough. Atrophy of cells to the point of degeneration is simply what they call “cancer” is A topical cell and then cellular mutation.

If you hydrate and alkalize the body and you crack open the kidney to filter the waste stored up in cellular spaces then these pockets of fluids will drain and the cyst, tumor, boil, and pimple should go away.

It’s the proteins that create acid stagnation in the body, it’s the highly processed foods and cooked foods that congest the lymphatic system and it’s, of course, foods that are foreign to the human body and design that are consumed. It’s the grains, beans, eggs, meats and dairy products, and acidic drinks and chemicals humans put on the body. It’s not being in harmony with nature like all the animals in nature honor.

Fruits, berries and melons and herbs that support the kidneys, adrenals, and bowels and time restricted dry fasting in the evening until the next day 6pm-10,12pm will help the kidneys relax so they filter the acids and metabolic waste materials out of the body. You must hydrate and alkalize the body to regenerate damaged cells or your mask, suppress symptoms and play Russian roulette with your health.

The AMA just wants to cut open your body and pour more acids on already damaged cells and this is normal? And nobody questions what “cancer” actually is!? It’s a damaged cell and acids damage! Radiating and chemo “therapy” is acids and this is why the body soon shuts down after these treatments and more degenerated cells occur throughout the body. chemotherapy which has a pH of about 3 highly acidic. Sure it may kill cancer cells, but it kills everything else too. They may as well throw you on fire, burn you to death, and say that they killed cancer.

Study the lymphatic system the way that Robert Morse ND teaches it and go after the cause to why these dysfunctions take place in the human body and understand that these skin problems and tumors and the like are simply lymph stagnation and elimination problems may occur on a diet that congests and acidity’s the body!

Get back to nature my friends, get back to a diet that your biological design to eat, tap into your intuitive Consciousness, let your instincts guide you, live in the present moment, and I promise you my friend you will thrive!

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

If you don’t know the purpose of the lymphatic system and how that deals with the state of human health and how to regenerate the body from a state of dis-ease to a state of health and vitality then you will always be in a state of uncertainty and you will never know the causative factors to dysfunction and atrophy to cells an tissue in the human body.

There are only 2 sides of chemistry and the side of chemistry that humans suffer with is acidosis. Acid and base chemistry and we are exposed to it with fora k to mouth, skin, air and the fluids we drink and shower in. Acids are obstructing the human organism and it’s the largest system that must deal with these acids but this system must eliminate these metabolic waste or they settle in tissue (interstitial spaces) and dysfunction occurs in the human body.

The largest fluid based system in the human body is being ignored and it’s the very system that must be acknowledged because it’s the system that deals with all the cellular waste, chemical waste, and acid waste from the chemistry that is being consumed. This system is 5 times larger than the blood system for a good reason because it’s the human trash can system (sewer system) this fluid based system must be acknowledged and the AMA is ignoring this system and focusing on the blood system. The blood system doesn’t hold the acid chemistry that damages cells, tissue, nerve in the body. The blood system is the kitchen it’s where the goodies are at, it’s where nutrition is carried into cells for structure function.

The lymphatic system is a lipid-based system to buffer acids while the body uses the skin and kidneys to remove the acids. The lymphatic system is overflowing with waste because the chemistry that is consumed is creating a cationic environment in the body (systemic dehydration) mucus, acids, microbial waste, parasitic waste, janitorial bacterial waste and the like are saturating this giant fluid based system and the skin kidneys and adrenals are becoming damaged by these acids and not being filtered out of the body.

Acids locked in the body and location that is obstructed! This is what every “disease” is. It doesn’t matter if it’s virals, bacterium, neurotoxins or chemicals they are all on the acid side of chemistry and its tissue that stops functioning and the body fails to produce steroids and hormones that deal with utilization for proper function.

Robert Morse ND calls this interstitial lymphatic constipation or systemic acidosis and he is 100% correct because that’s what it is. If you don’t empty your septic tank then it will damage every room in your “house” (body) medical doctors are focusing on the kitchen (blood system) do you poop in your kitchen!? That’s what the blood system is! The Lymphatic System can be considered the body’s cleansing system and the main part of its Immune System. For some reason this system seems to be foreign to most medical doctors, but yet there are a vaccine and antibiotic for everyone illusionary disease! When all you have to do is empty the trash on the bodies sewer system and the immune system will be strong.

The body is just a bunch of cells and 2 major fluids blood and lymph and the nervous system that controls mobility function. There is a “disease” for every symptom and the cause is greatly ignored! Go after your lymphatic system by cleaning this system so acids come out and tissue and cells regenerate. This is done through hydration and alkalinity! The diet you are designed to eat will naturally clean this system and clean the eliminative organs to drain it!

In its simplicity, we have one system that feeds the cells (blood) and one system that cleans the cells (lymph)

The cells that make up your physical body aren’t clumped together. There are spaces between them. These spaces are called interstitial spaces. These interstitial spaces are all filled with fluids: part blood, part lymphatic fluid. Why? Because this is how you feed them and how you clean them. Some of these wastes can also be foreign proteins and harmful chemicals that have entered the body through the digestive tract (small bowels), lungs, or skin, and carried by the blood and dumped into the Lymphatic System for removal.

You have lymph vessels and lymph nodes that are connected to your lymphatic piping system, the lymph nodes are full of bacteria to break down these acids (act as septic tanks) and the lymph capillaries and vessels are the piping system just like the piping system in your house. The bodies’ septic tanks are called lymph nodes. The adenoids, tonsils, and appendix are good examples of lymph nodes. You have a mass of them under each arm that drains the arms and breasts. Your jaws, sternum, groin, etc.

The kidneys are the main channel to eliminate miles of waste that accumulates in the body. If you don’t take care of your kidneys with alkaline forming foods fruits and veg they will break down, get clogged up and then the kidneys can’t work out the acids through the process of kidney filtration (urinary waste) or through the skin through sweat. The skin is the 3rd kidney or 2nd lung if you will and if the skin doesn’t breath and sweat acids and metabolic waste can’t come out. Usually when the kidneys don’t filter properly the body will pull out these waste and the skin will get a blowback and skin problems to occur. If you over sweat it’s because the body is tripping up the thyroid causing more heat to the body and the body creates excess sweating to get rid of waste to make up for the kidneys that are failing or on there a way to kidney failure.

This System can’t be ignored and if this system doesn’t get cleaned then you will always deal with problems. You must pull out these acids and mucus and chemicals and the like in order to fully regenerate the body and at rid of the symptoms of fatigue, inflammation, and disorientation.

How can you clean this system and get out the acids that break the body down? You must go on a raw food diet based around fruits, berries and melons and herbs that clean, enhance, and activate the function to the body, the fruit cleans the body, then herbs enhance structure function, and the fasting gives the body more bioavailability of energy to fix and repair inner cellular damages.

The foods that congest the lymphatic system are the foods that are acids and mucus forming which are the majority of foods that are damaged by fire. Beans, grains, nuts, starch, eggs, all meats, and dairy being the worst! The only cooked foods that don’t create mucus in the human body are the starchless veggies. The goal for detoxification is to remove the mucus not congest the body with mucus forming foods. You want to remove the offenders that block the flow of energy that create a state of dis-ease in the body.

Fruits are the focus because they are astringent meaning they clean the best, they are the most energetic foods and energy is what moves the lymphatic system and cleans the kidneys to remove the waste. Fruit digests the best and hydrates the body the best. And fruits are literally the foods designed for the Homo sapiens.

Fruits like lemons, grapefruits, grapes, berries, melons, mangoes are the fruits that move the lymph system the best. Dry fasting helps the kidneys rest and filter most effectively. Study the work of Robert Morse and Arnold Ehret and educate yourself on the detoxification process and go after the cause and you will not be taught on how to fix the cause through the medical community because they don’t understand the cause because they are stuck in the research of chemical drug use to mask and suppress the symptoms and completely ignoring the cause and the result is more human suffering and more poor habits regarding fork to mouth and how chemicals affect the body in a positive or negative way.

What you eat, drink and what you put on your skin will either obstruct your lymphatic system or help the body clean it.

Written by Jonathon RA Stearns AKA the Mangotarian

Probiotics and prebiotics are both pretty big topics in nutrition these days.

Yet even though they sound similar, the two play different roles for your health.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics are food for these bacteria.

This article explains what you need to know about the two.

What Are Probiotics and Prebiotics?

Both prebiotics and probiotics are important for human health. However, they play different roles:

  • Probiotics: These are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. They can provide numerous health benefits.
  • Prebiotics: These substances come from types of carbs (mostly fiber) that humans can’t digest. The beneficial bacteria in your gut eat this fiber.

The gut bacteria, collectively referred to as the gut flora or gut microbiota, perform many important functions in the body.

Eating balanced amounts of both pro- and prebiotics can help ensure that you have the right balance of these bacteria, which should improve your health.

Bottom Line: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. Prebiotics are types of fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in the digestive system.

Why Are the Gut Bacteria Beneficial?

The good bacteria in your digestive tract help protect you from harmful bacteria and fungi.

They also send signals to your immune system and help regulate inflammation (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

Additionally, some of your gut bacteria form vitamin K and short-chain fatty acids.

Short-chain fatty acids are the main nutrient source of the cells lining the colon. They promote a strong gut barrier that helps keep out harmful substances, viruses and bacteria. This also reduces inflammation, and may reduce the risk of cancer (3Trusted Source).

Bottom Line: The gut bacteria help with a variety of biological tasks. They also provide important nutrition to the cells lining your digestive tract.

How Does Food Affect the Gut Microbiota?

The food you eat plays an important role in the balance of good and bad gut bacteria.

For example, a high-sugar and high-fat diet influences the gut bacteria negatively, allowing harmful species to overgrow (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

Once you regularly feed the wrong bacteria, they are able to grow faster and colonize more easily, without as many helpful bacteria to prevent them from doing so (7, 8Trusted Source).

The harmful bacteria may also cause you to absorb more calories than people with a healthy balance of gut bacteria, who tend to be leaner (9Trusted Source).

Additionally, foods treated with pesticides like Roundup may have negative effects on the gut bacteria. However, more human research is needed on this (10, 11, 12).

Studies have also shown that antibiotics can cause permanent changes in certain types of bacteria, especially when taken during childhood and adolescence.

Because antibiotic use is so widespread, researchers are now studying how this may cause health problems in people later in life (13Trusted Source, 14Trusted Source).

Bottom Line: Gut bacteria are affected by the foods you eat. Chemical residues and antibiotics may also disrupt balance in the gut bacteria.

Which Foods Are Prebiotic?

Before you go out and buy expensive prebiotic supplements, remember that many foods naturally contain them.

That’s because prebiotics are types of fiber found in vegetables, fruits and legumes.

These types of fiber are not digestible by humans, but your good gut bacteria can digest them.

Foods that are high in prebiotic fiber include:

  • Legumes, beans and peas.
  • Oats.
  • Bananas.
  • Berries.
  • Jerusalem artichokes (not the same as regular artichokes).
  • Asparagus.
  • Dandelion greens.
  • Garlic.
  • Leeks.
  • Onions.

One of the things your good gut bacteria do with prebiotic fiber is turn it into a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate.

Butyrate has been extensively studied, and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects inside the colon (15Trusted Source).

It may also influence gene expression, block the growth of cancerous cells and help provide fuel to healthy cells so that they can grow and divide normally.

Bottom Line: Prebiotics are types of fiber that humans cannot digest, but your gut bacteria can. These types of fiber provide nutrients to the bacteria that support healthy digestion and immune function.

Which Foods are Probiotic?

There are also many probiotic foods that naturally contain helpful bacteria, such as yogurt.

A high-quality, plain yogurt with live cultures can be a fantastic addition to your diet if you want to add beneficial bacteria.

Fermented foods are another great option, as they contain beneficial bacteria that thrive on the naturally occurring sugar or fiber in the food.

Examples of fermented foods include:

  • Sauerkraut.
  • Kimchi.
  • Kombucha tea.
  • Kefir (dairy and non-dairy).
  • Some types of pickles (non-pasteurized).
  • Other pickled vegetables (non-pasteurized).

If you are going to eat fermented foods for their probiotic benefits, make sure they are not pasteurized, as this process kills the bacteria.

Some of those foods can also be considered synbiotic, because they contain both beneficial bacteria and a prebiotic source of fiber for the bacteria to feed on.

One example of a synbiotic food is sauerkraut.

Bottom Line: Probiotic foods naturally contain helpful bacteria. Many of these foods can be made at home or purchased at a grocery store.

What About Probiotic Supplements?

Probiotic supplements are pills, capsules or liquids that contain live beneficial bacteria.

They are very popular and easy to find, yet not all of them are worth your money. They do not all have the same types of bacteria, or the same concentrations.

They also usually do not come with fibrous food sources for the bacteria to eat.

Some probiotic supplements are designed to carry the bacteria all the way to your large intestine for better effects, while others probably don’t make it past your stomach acid.

There are some individuals who should not take a probiotic, or who may experience worsened symptoms if they do, such as people with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or people sensitive to ingredients in the supplement.

However, the right strains of probiotics can be incredibly beneficial for some people.

As with all supplements, you may want to consult with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about probiotics.

Bottom Line: Probiotic supplements are designed to deliver very specific species of bacteria to the human gut. However, not all probiotic supplements are of the same quality or contain the same quantity of bacteria. Written by Sarah Lewis, RD

Forbidden Black Rice and Quinoa is a nutritional marriage made in vegan heaven. Both of these amazing grains are loaded with antioxidants, protein, calcium, fiber and much other valuable life-sustaining nutrients.

“The Long-Lost Superfood” – Forbidden Black Rice, a treasure house of antioxidants, fiber, nutrients, minerals and amino acids capable of combating and preventing a host of health problems ranging from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Apparently, the emperor’s of ancient China was right. The black, outer layer of this rice, contains antioxidant-rich bran. The purple and reddish pigment of this rice, which gives it its black appearance, contains Anthocyanins, the same antioxidants found in such prominent superfoods as blueberries, Acai berries, and grapes. Forbidden Black Rice is one of my favorite grains. The Emperor’s of ancient China guarded the secretive Black Forbidden Rice like gold and only allowed his family to consume it.

Quinoa is an excellent protein and calcium source and contains all essential amino acids (useful for vegans and vegetarians). One cup of ready-to-eat quinoa has nearly 10 grams of protein or twice the amount of protein found in other cereal grains, it also has 5 grams of fiber, for just 220 calories. The Incas only allowed their warriors to eat quinoa because it gave them amazing stamina and energy. Quinoa is actually a seed from a fruit plant, not a grain, but it looks like a grain so I just call it a grain – I know a lot of people will correct me –

Both Quinoa and Black Forbidden Rice is “Gluten Free.”

My recipe is simple. The Forbidden Black Rice takes thirty minutes to prepare. Rinse one cup of Forbidden Black Rice and add to pot along with two cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for thirty minutes.

Quinoa takes fifteen minutes to prepare – Take one cup of quinoa and rinse it well, add to a pot along with two cups of water and cook for fifteen minutes.

Fluff and let stand with the heat and covered both the quinoa and Forbidden Black Rice when finished for ten minutes or so. Then combine both grains in a mixing bowl along with your favorite vegetables like onions, parsley, shredded kale, carrots, celery, etc.

Toss well with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice and serve with avocado slices……….
Delicious and super healthy beyond your wildest imagination……

Thank you Doug

Soaking nuts, grains, seeds, and legumes
Nature has set it up so that the nut, grain and seed may survive until proper growing conditions are present. Nature’s defense mechanism includes nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances that can be removed naturally when there is enough precipitation to sustain a new plant after the nut, grain or seed germinates. When it rains the nut, grain or seed gets wet and can then germinate to produce a plant. So we are mimicking nature when we soak our nuts, grains and seeds.

Nutritional inhibitors and toxic substances found in nuts grains and seed can be minimized or eliminated by soaking. These inhibitors and toxic substances are enzyme inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), polyphenols (tannins), and goitrogens.

What are Enzyme inhibitors?
There are digestive enzymes and metabolic enzymes. Digestive enzymes help break down food. Metabolic enzymes help every biological process the body does. Enzyme inhibitors will clog, warp or denature an active site of an enzyme. They may also bind to the enzyme, which will prevent the intended molecule from binding. “Once again, the habits of traditional peoples should serve as a guide. They understood instinctively that nuts are best soaked or partially sprouted before eaten. This is because nuts contain numerous enzyme inhibitors that can put a real strain on the digestive mechanism if consumed in excess.”

What are Phytates?
“All grains contain phytic acid in the outer layer or bran. Untreated phytic acid can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract and block their absorption. This is why a diet high in unfermented whole grains may lead to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss. The modern misguided practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran often improves colon transit time at first but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, in the long term, many other adverse effects.”

Why soak nuts, grains and seeds?

1. To remove or reduce phytic acid.
2. To remove or reduce tannins.
3. To neutralize the enzyme inhibitors.
4. To encourage the production of beneficial enzymes.
5. To increase the amounts of vitamins, especially B vitamins.
6. To break down gluten and make digestion easier.
7. To make the proteins more readily available for absorption.
8. To prevent mineral deficiencies and bone loss.
9. To help neutralize toxins in the colon and keep the colon clean.
10. To prevent many health diseases and conditions.

“Soaking allows enzymes, lactobacilli and other helpful organisms to break down and neutralize a large portion of phytic acid in grains. Soaking in warm water also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors, present in all seeds, and encourages the production of numerous beneficial enzymes. The action of these enzymes also increases the amount of many vitamins, especially B vitamins. During the process of soaking and fermenting, gluten and other difficult-to-digest proteins are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.”

What can be used to soak nuts, grains and seeds?
I have found many references to soaking nuts, grains, and seeds in water, salt water, or a warm water mixture with something acidic like yogurt, whey or lemon juice. It seems within 7 to 24 hours the enzyme inhibitors are neutralized and the anti-nutrients are broken down regardless of the method you choose. There is evidence that the process works when you see sprouting begin.

How long does the soaking process take?
“As little as seven hours of soaking in warm acidulated water will neutralize a large portion of phytic acid in grains. The simple practice of soaking cracked or rolled cereal grains overnight will vastly improve their nutritional benefits.” “Flour products should be soaked at room temperature for at least twelve hours but better results may be obtained with a twenty-four hour soaking.”

Are the nuts, grains and seeds used wet?
I have enjoyed almonds wet. If you choose to try consuming anything in the soaked state, make little batches and store them in the refrigerator. Usually everything that is soaked is dried in a dehydrator or oven on the lowest possible setting for 24 – 48 hours to remove all moisture.

Wheat berries can be soaked whole for 8 to 22 hours, then drained and rinsed. Some recipes use the whole berries while they are wet, such as cracker dough ground right in the food processor. You can also dry sprouted wheat berries in a low-temperature oven or dehydrator, and then grind them in your grain mill and use the flour in a variety of recipes. Nuts, grains, seeds and legumes can be ground up to use as flour in many recipes after they have been dried.

Any advice on what to do with legumes?
Maureen Diaz recommends soaking any beans or legumes in water and vinegar for at least twelve hours before cooking. Soaked and dried beans may be ground up and used as flour for thickening and baking. This is helpful for those on a gluten free diet.

One recommendation includes placing soaked kombu or kelp seaweed in the bottom of the pot when soaking legumes. Add one part seaweed to six or more parts legumes. This is for improved flavor and digestion, more nutrients, and faster cooking. “Soak legumes for twelve hours or overnight in four parts water to one part legume. For best results, change the water once or twice. Lentils and whole dried peas require shorter soaking, while soybeans and garbanzos need to soak longer. Soaking softens skins and begins the sprouting process, which eliminates phytic acid, thereby making more minerals available. Soaking also promotes faster cooking and improved digestibility, because the gas-causing enzymes and trisaccharides in legumes are released into the soak water. Be sure to discard the soak water. After bringing legumes to a boil, scoop off and discard foam. Continue to boil for twenty minutes without lid at beginning of cooking to let steam rise (breaks up and disperses indigestible enzymes).”

While most people know that physical activity is healthy, it’s estimated that about 30% of people worldwide don’t get enough

Unless you have a physically demanding job, a dedicated fitness routine is likely your best bet for getting active.

Unfortunately, many people feel that they don’t have enough time to exercise

If this sounds like you, maybe it’s time to try high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

HIIT is a broad term for workouts that involve short periods of intense exercise alternated with recovery periods.

One of the biggest advantages of HIIT is that you can get maximal health benefits in minimal time.

This article explains what HIIT is and examines 7 of its top health benefits.

What Is High-Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods. Interestingly, it is perhaps the most time-efficient way to exercise

Typically, a HIIT workout will range from 10 to 30 minutes in duration.

Despite how short the workout is, it can produce health benefits similar to twice as much moderate-intensity exercise

The actual activity being performed varies but can include sprinting, biking, jump rope or other body weight exercises.

For example, a HIIT workout using a stationary exercise bike could consist of 30 seconds of cycling as fast as possible against high resistance, followed by several minutes of slow, easy cycling with low resistance.

This would be considered one “round” or “repetition” of HIIT, and you would typically complete 4 to 6 repetitions in one workout.

The specific amount of time you exercise and recover will vary based on the activity you choose and how intensely you are exercising.

Regardless of how it is implemented, high-intensity intervals should involve short periods of vigorous exercise that make your heart rate speed up (8Trusted Source).

Not only does HIIT provide the benefits of longer-duration exercise in a much shorter amount of time — it may also provide some unique health benefits (4Trusted Source).

1. HIIT Can Burn a Lot of Calories in a Short Amount of Time

You can burn calories quickly using HIIT

One study compared the calories burned during 30 minutes each of HIIT, weight training, running and biking.

The researchers found that HIIT burned 25–30% more calories than the other forms of exercise

In this study, a HIIT repetition consisted of 20 seconds of maximal effort, followed by 40 seconds of rest.

This means that the participants were actually only exercising for 1/3 of the time that the running and biking groups were.

Although each workout session was 30 minutes long in this study, it is common for HIIT workouts to be much shorter than traditional exercise sessions.

This is because HIIT allows you to burn about the same amount of calories, but spend less time exercising.

Summary: HIIT may help you burn more calories than traditional exercise, or burn the same amount of calories in a shorter amount of time.

2. Your Metabolic Rate Is Higher for Hours After Exercise

One of the ways HIIT helps you burn calories actually comes after you are done exercising.

Several studies have demonstrated HIIT’s impressive ability to increase your metabolic rate for hours after exercise (11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).

Some researchers have even found that HIIT increases your metabolism after exercise more so than jogging and weight training.

In the same study, HIIT was also found to shift the body’s metabolism toward using fat for energy rather than carbs.

Another study showed that just two minutes of HIIT in the form of sprints increased metabolism over 24 hours as much as 30 minutes of running .

Summary: Due to the intensity of the workout, HIIT can elevate your metabolism for hours after exercise. This results in additional calories being burned even after you have finished exercising.

3. It Can Help You Lose Fat

Studies have shown that HIIT can help you lose fat.

One review looked at 13 experiments and 424 overweight and obese adults.

Interestingly, it found that both HIIT and traditional moderate-intensity exercise can reduce body fat and waist circumference

Additionally, one study found that people performing HIIT three times per week for 20 minutes per session lost 4.4 pounds, or 2 kgs, of body fat in 12 weeks — without any dietary changes ().

Perhaps more important was the 17% reduction in visceral fat, or the disease-promoting fat surrounding your internal organs.

Several other studies also indicate that body fat can be reduced with HIIT, despite the relatively low time commitment

However, like other forms of exercise, HIIT may be most effective for fat loss in those who are overweight or obese

Summary: High-intensity intervals can produce similar fat loss to traditional endurance exercise, even with a much smaller time commitment. They can also reduce unhealthy visceral fat.

4. You Might Gain Muscle Using HIIT

In addition to helping with fat loss, HIIT could help increase muscle mass in certain individuals

However, the gain in muscle mass is primarily in the muscles being used the most, often the trunk and legs

Additionally, it’s important to note that increases in muscle mass are more likely to occur in individuals who were less active to begin with

Some research in active individuals has failed to show higher muscle mass after HIIT programs

Weight training continues to be the “gold standard” form of exercise to increase muscle mass, but high-intensity intervals could support a small amount of muscle growth

Summary: If you are not very active, you may gain some muscle by starting HIIT but not as much as if you performed weight training.

5. HIIT Can Improve Oxygen Consumption

Oxygen consumption refers to your muscles’ ability to use oxygen, and endurance training is typically used to improve your oxygen consumption.

Traditionally, this consists of long sessions of continuous running or cycling at a steady rate.

However, it appears that HIIT can produce the same benefits in a shorter amount of time

One study found that five weeks of HIIT workouts performed four days per week for 20 minutes each session improved oxygen consumption by 9%

This was almost identical to the improvement in oxygen consumption in the other group in the study, who cycled continuously for 40 minutes per day, four days per week.

Another study found that eight weeks of exercising on the stationary bike using traditional exercise or HIIT increased oxygen consumption by about 25%

Once again, the total time exercising was much different between groups: 120 minutes per week for the traditional exercise versus only 60 minutes per week of HIIT.

Additional studies also demonstrate that HIIT can improve oxygen consumption

Summary: High-intensity interval training can improve oxygen consumption as much as traditional endurance training, even if you only exercise about half as long.

6. It Can Reduce Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

HIIT may have important health benefits, as well.

A large amount of research indicates that it can reduce heart rate and blood pressure in overweight and obese individuals, who often have high blood pressure (20).

One study found that eight weeks of HIIT on a stationary bike decreased blood pressure as much as traditional continuous endurance training in adults with high blood pressure

In this study, the endurance training group exercised four days per week for 30 minutes per day, but the HIIT group only exercised three times per week for 20 minutes per day.

Some researchers have found that HIIT may even reduce blood pressure more than the frequently recommended moderate-intensity exercise

However, it appears that high-intensity exercise does not typically change blood pressure in normal-weight individuals with normal blood pressure (20).

Summary: HIIT can reduce blood pressure and heart rate, primarily in overweight or obese individuals with high blood pressure.

7. Blood Sugar Can Be Reduced by HIIT

Blood sugar can be reduced by HIIT programs lasting less than 12 weeks (20, 30Trusted Source).

A summary of 50 different studies found that not only does HIIT reduce blood sugar, but it also improves insulin resistance more than traditional continuous exercise

Based on this information, it is possible that high-intensity exercise is particularly beneficial for those at risk for type 2 diabetes.

In fact, some experiments specifically in individuals with type 2 diabetes have demonstrated the effectiveness of HIIT for improving blood sugar

However, research in healthy individuals indicates that HIIT may be able to improve insulin resistance even more than traditional continuous exercise

Summary: High-intensity interval training may be especially beneficial for those needing to reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance. These improvements have been seen in both healthy and diabetic individuals.

How to Get Started With HIIT

There are many ways to add high-intensity intervals to your exercise routine, so it isn’t hard to get started.

To begin, you just need to choose your activity (running, biking, jumping, etc.).

Then, you can experiment with different durations of exercise and recovery, or how long you are performing intense exercise and how long you are recovering.

Here are a few simple examples of HIIT workouts:

  • Using a stationary bike, pedal as hard and fast as possible for 30 seconds. Then, pedal at a slow, easy pace for two to four minutes. Repeat this pattern for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • After jogging to warm up, sprint as fast as you can for 15 seconds. Then, walk or jog at a slow pace for one to two minutes. Repeat this pattern for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Perform squat jumps (video) as quickly as possible for 30 to 90 seconds. Then, stand or walk for 30 to 90 seconds. Repeat this pattern for 10 to 20 minutes.

While these examples can get you started, you should modify your own routine based on your own preferences.

Summary: There are many ways to implement HIIT into your exercise routine. Experiment to find which routine is best for you.

The Bottom Line

High-intensity interval training is a very efficient way to exercise, and may help you burn more calories than you would with other forms of exercise.

Some of the calories burned from high-intensity intervals come from a higher metabolism, which lasts for hours after exercise.

Overall, HIIT produces many of the same health benefits as other forms of exercise in a shorter amount of time.

These benefits include lower body fat, heart rate and blood pressure. HIIT may also help lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity.

So, if you are short on time and want to get active, consider trying high-intensity interval training. Written by Grant Tinsley, PhD

Cacao is known as the food (or drink) of the Gods!  It has been traced back to the Maya people who were thought to be the first to cultivate the cacao plant around 400AD.  The plant that is recognised today is actually a result of cross selection that started over 35,000 years ago and the scientific name is Theobroma cacao.

100% cacao has a rich, chocolate flavour but is also very bitter.  The taste of cacao can actually vary depending on the variety of plant, soil, temperate, sunlight and rain that is received during the growing process.

Once the cacao bean has been processed (cold pressed, unroasted beans) – you can end up with raw cacao powder, cacao nibs and cacao butter (the oils of the beans).

Cocoa vs cacao powder

Cocoa is the term used for cacao that has been roasted at high temperature, which changes the chemical nature of the bean.  This exposure to high temperature lowers the antioxidant capacity and reduces the nutrient density that is found in the raw, cold pressed cacao. Otherwise, cocoa powder and cacao powder are interchangeable.

Cocoa butter vs cacao butter

Cacao butter is the pure, cold-pressed oil of the cacao bean. Raw cacao butter production doesn’t exceed 46 degrees celcius, whilst cocoa butter might undergo some heating during the pressing process. Raw cacao butter  is more nutrient dense but otherwise they are totally interchangeable. Both are edible, stable vegetable fats that can be used in cooking and in preparations of skin and beauty products. You might also come across refined and unrefined cocoa and coconut butter, where in the refined version the colour and aroma are stripped. Unrefined is more supreme in our opinion.


Raw cacao health benefits

Be sure to note here – the benefits we are going to talk about all relate to raw cacao and cacao dark chocolate.  We are not talking about sugar and dairy laden milk chocolate!!!

One of the greatest health benefits of cacao comes from the flavonols (a class of flavonoids – antioxidants) that are found in cacao.  Schardt notes that “Flavonols are bitter tasting, so to make cocoa more palatable, chocolate manufacturers roast, ferment, pulverise and sometimes alkalinize the beans or cocoa…unfortunately, this processing can destroy a lot of the flavanols”.(2013)

Antioxidant – Heart and Renal Health

  • Cacao is a powerhouse FULL of antioxidants! The flavanols found in cacao can increase nitric oxide bioavailability, activate nitric oxide synthase and exert anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet activity – all of which may improve vascular function and reduce blood pressure.
  • Cacao has been studied for its ability to reduce blood pressure and has been shown to produce “a small but statistically significant effect in lowering blood pressure by 2-3mm Hg in the short term” (Schardt, 2013)
  • It has also been shown that the consumption of dark chocolate can increase renal medullary oxygenation and therefore may be a renal (kidney) protective agent.

Happy, Happy, Happy + Energy

  • Eating cacao makes you happy!  It contains phenylethylamine which is responsible for our state of mood and pleasure and the same feelings you get when you are in love.  It also acts as a stimulant and can improve mental alertness.
  • Cacao also contains serotonin and dopamine – which also stimulate good mood and ‘pleasure’ feelings.
  • Anandomide is also in cacao which is present in the brain as an endogenous substance and interacts with cannabinoid receptors.

Nutrients in cacao

  • As we mentioned above, cacao is a powerhouse antioxidant and rates in the top 20 on the Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scale.  The ORAC scale is used to rate the antioxidant capacity of foods.
  • Cacao also contains great levels of magnesium, which is an essential mineral during times of stress and helps you to feel more relaxed.  It also contains manganese, zinc, calcium and potassium.
  • Raw cacao even contains good levels vitamin C!

Cacao/cocoa butter skin benefits

  • Cocoa butter has been widely used to reduce or prevent stretch marks. There is no substantial clinical evidence that it really works but the butter provides deep hydration and antioxidants to fight free radicals so we’d definitely use it to keep our skin supple and moist, which in turn can prevent or reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
  • It has been noted to help with sensitive skin problems such as irritations, eczema and dermatitis.

Be aware

  • Raw cacao is a stimulant so it is advised not to consume it after about 2-3pm as to not interfere with a good night’s sleep!
  • Researchers at the Agricultural Research Service found that the higher cacao content of chocolate the higher the benefits of the antioxidant properties found.  So the darker – the better J
  • It has been reported that dairy in chocolate reduces the bioavailability of the flavonoids found in cacao.  It should be noted that the jury is out on this one!  There are studies for and against – so I’m not convinced either way just yet.  At Rejuvenated for Life we acknowledge that there are many people who benefit from following a dairy free diet, as it can cause an inflammatory response in a lot of people and so for now would hedge our bets that you would be receiving more benefit from consuming chocolate and cacao that is dairy free.
  • There is such a thing as ‘chocolate poisoning’ or ‘theobromine poisoning’, which is an overdose reaction to the alkaloid found in cacao.  Theobromine has an effect primarily on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, as well as on respiratory system and acting as a diuretic.
  • Although the risk is very small and it would be very hard to consume enough theobromine to make yourself sick – it is just a reminder that anything eaten in extreme quantities is not good for you!  This is why pets such as dogs can’t eat chocolate; it is the throbromine that makes them so sick.

Where to get raw cacao

You can find raw cacao powder and cacao butter in most health food stores these days and even at some major supermarkets.

You can find raw chocolate at good health food stores, variety stores or online.  Just be aware of the sugar content and still look out for the highest percentage of cacao.

Dark chocolate can be hard to get used to if you try to switch straight from milk chocolate to 90% cacao.  The best tip is to gradually start buying chocolate that has a higher percentage of cacao, say by about 10-20% every month. Dark chocolate is very palatable once you get used to it. It takes 21 days to change your tastebuds, so before you know it, you will be eating 95% dark chocolate.

How to use it

Cacao powder can be added to smoothies, to make chocolate desserts or to make a yummy hot chocolate.

Cacao butter can be used in conjunction with cacao powder and natural sweetener to make your own chocolate (see some recipes below). It is also great to add to bliss balls or nut bases to hold them together and can be used in the place of coconut oil.  It will add a lovely velvety, chocolate flavour. Cacao butter is edible but it is also used in skin care products.

Cacao nibs add a lovely crunch to muffins, ice-cream or as a topping on your favourite dessert.  They are also great to add to your favourite granola mix for breakfast or on top of a smoothie.

Fasting Induces Stem Cell Regeneration, Restores Immune System

In the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system, a study in the June 5 issue of the Cell Press journal Cell Stem Cell shows that cycles of prolonged fasting not only protect against immune system damage – a major side effect of chemotherapy – but also induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.

In both mice and a Phase 1 human clinical trial, long periods of not eating significantly lowered white blood cell counts. In mice, fasting cycles then “flipped a regenerative switch”: changing the signaling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems, the research showed.

The study has major implications for healthier aging, in which immune system decline contributes to increased susceptibility to disease as we age. By outlining how prolonged fasting cycles – periods of no food for two to four days at a time over the course of six months – kill older and damaged immune cells and generate new ones, the research also has implications for chemotherapy tolerance and for those with a wide range of immune system deficiencies, including autoimmunity disorders.

“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system,” said corresponding author Valter Longo, the Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the USC Davis School of Gerontology, and director of the USC Longevity Institute.

“When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged,” Longo said. “What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. So we started thinking, well, where does it come from?”

Prolonged fasting forces the body to use stores of glucose, fat and ketones, but also breaks down a significant portion of white blood cells. Longo likens the effect to lightening a plane of excess cargo.


During each cycle of fasting, this depletion of white blood cells induces changes that trigger stem cell-based regeneration of new immune system cells. In particular, prolonged fasting reduced the enzyme PKA, an effect previously discovered by the Longo team to extend longevity in simple organisms and which has been linked in other research to the regulation of stem cell self-renewal and pluripotency — that is, the potential for one cell to develop into many different cell types. Prolonged fasting also lowered levels of IGF-1, a growth-factor hormone that Longo and others have linked to aging, tumor progression and cancer risk.

“PKA is the key gene that needs to shut down in order for these stem cells to switch into regenerative mode. It gives the ‘okay’ for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system,” explained Longo, noting the potential of clinical applications that mimic the effects of prolonged fasting to rejuvenate the immune system. “And the good news is that the body got rid of the parts of the system that might be damaged or old, the inefficient parts, during the fasting. Now, if you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system.”

Prolonged fasting also protected against toxicity in a pilot clinical trial in which a small group of patients fasted for a 72-hour period prior to chemotherapy, extending Longo’s influential past research: “While chemotherapy saves lives, it causes significant collateral damage to the immune system. The results of this study suggest that fasting may mitigate some of the harmful effects of chemotherapy,” said co-author Tanya Dorff, assistant professor of clinical medicine at the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital. “More clinical studies are needed, and any such dietary intervention should be undertaken only under the guidance of a physician.”

“We are investigating the possibility that these effects are applicable to many different systems and organs, not just the immune system,” said Longo, whose lab is in the process of conducting further research on controlled dietary interventions and stem cell regeneration in both animal and clinical studies.

Source: Chia-Wei Cheng, Gregor B. Adams, Laura Perin, Min Wei, Xiaoying Zhou, Ben S. Lam, Stefano Da Sacco, Mario Mirisola, David I. Quinn, Tanya B. Dorff, John J. Kopchick, Valter D. Longo. Prolonged Fasting Reduces IGF-1/PKA to Promote Hematopoietic-Stem-Cell-Based Regeneration and Reverse Immunosuppression.

Science Finally Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others

A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way.

Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have confirmed for the first time that a plant, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: it can draw it from other plants. The research findings were released this week in the online journal Nature Communications published by the renowned journal Nature.

Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Our physical bodies are like sponges, soaking up the environment. “This is exactly why there are certain people who feel uncomfortable in specific group settings where there is a mix of energy and emotions,” said psychologist and energy healer Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee.

Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. In a series of experiments, Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse and his team cultivated the microscopically small green alga species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and observed that when faced with a shortage of energy, these single-cell plants can draw energy from neighbouring vegetable cellulose instead. The alga secretes enzymes (so-called cellulose enzymes) that ‘digest’ the cellulose, breaking it down into smaller sugar components.

These are then transported into the cells and transformed into a source of energy: the alga can continue to grow. ‘This is the first time that such a behaviour has been confirmed in a vegetable organism’, says Professor Kruse. ‘That algae can digest cellulose contradicts every previous textbook. To a certain extent, what we are seeing is plants eating plants’. Currently, the scientists are studying whether this mechanism can also be found in other types of alga. Preliminary findings indicate that this is the case.READ  5 Of The Absolute Worst Law Of Attraction Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

These are then transported into the cells and transformed into a source of energy: the alga can continue to grow. ‘This is the first time that such a behaviour has been confirmed in a vegetable organism’, says Professor Kruse. ‘That algae can digest cellulose contradicts every previous textbook. To a certain extent, what we are seeing is plants eating plants’. Currently, the scientists are studying whether this mechanism can also be found in other types of alga. Preliminary findings indicate that this is the case.

“When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well,” stated Bader-Lee. “The human organism is very much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feed emotional states and this can essentially energize cells or cause increases in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger.”

Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bioenergy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. “Human can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature. That’s why being around nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people,” she concluded.

Here are five energy tools to use to clear your space and prevent energy drains while releasing people’s energy:

Stay centered and grounded. If you are centered within your spiritual self (instead of your analyzer or ego) you will sense right away when something has moved into your space. If you are fully grounded, you can easily release other people’s energy and emotions down your grounding cord with your intention.READ  Dreams Hold Secret Messages From Your Spirit Guides: Learn To Decode Them

Be in a state of non-resistance. What we resists sticks. If you feel uncomfortable around a certain person or in a group, don’t go into resistance as a way to protect yourself as this will only keep foreign energy stuck in your space. Move into a state of non-resistance by imagining that your body is clear and translucent like clear glass or water. This way, if someone throws some invalidation at you, it will pass right through you.

Own your personal aura space. We each have an energetic aura surrounding our body. If we don’t own this personal space we are vulnerable to foreign energy entering it. Become aware of your aura boundaries (about an arms length away from your body all the way around, above and below) as a way to own your personal space.

Give yourself an energy cleanse. The color gold has a high vibration which is useful for clearing away foreign energy. Imagine a gold shower nozzle at the top of your aura (a few feet above your head) and turn it on, allowing clear gold energy to flow through your aura and body space and release down your grounding. You will immediately feel cleansed and refreshed.

Call back your energy. When we have our energy in our own space there is less room for other’s energy to enter. But as we focus on other people and projects we sometimes spread our energy around. Create an image of a clear gold sun several feet above your head and let it be a magnet, attracting all of your energy back into it (and purifying it in the gold energy). Then bring it down through the top of your aura and into your body space, releasing your energy back into your personal space.

Originally written by Michael Forrester and published on Prevent Disease

Scientists just discovered fasting triggers stem cell regeneration and halts tumor progression

A number of ancient health practices are proving to be effective in multiple ways. We recently posted an article about meditation, and how neuroscience can now explain what happens to the brain when we meditate.

Now, scientists have discovered the first evidence of a natural intervention triggering stem cell-based regeneration of an organ or system. The study was published in the June 5 issue of Cell Stem Cell by researchers from the University of Southern California.

The research shows that cycles of prolonged fasting protect against immune system damage and induce immune system regeneration. They concluded that fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal. (1)

Human clinical trials were conducted using patients who were receiving chemotherapy. For long periods of time, patients did not eat which significantly lowered their white blood cell counts. In mice, fasting cycles “flipped a regenerative switch, changing the signalling pathways for hematopoietic stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune systems.”  (1)

“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the heatopoietic system. When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged.  

What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. ” – Valter Longo, corresponding author. (1)

Again, because fasting significantly lowers white blood cell counts, this triggers stem cell-based regeneration of new immune system cells.  More importantly, it reduces the PKA enzyme, which has been linked to aging, tumour progression and cancer.(1)

It’s also noteworthy to mention that fasting protected against toxicity in a pilot clinical trial where patients fasted for 72 hours prior to chemotherapy.

“Chemotherapy causes significant collateral damage to the immune system. The results of this study suggest that fasting may mitigate some of the harmful effects of chemotherapy.” Co-Author Tanya Dorff

Fasting is a tradition that’s been incorporated into many ancient cultures, from Vedic to Buddhist and more, fasting should not be confused with starvation. It’s the process of restrain and control from the sensorial experience of eating and at the same time making sure you are doing it correctly.

When I fast, I usually do water fasts and I have been doing them for almost eight years now and I always feel great and full of energy after doing so.

More Research

1. Fasting helps protect against brain disease:

Researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore have found evidence that fasting for one or two days a week can prevent the effects of Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Research also found that cutting the daily intake to 500 calories a day for two days out of the seven can show clear beneficial effects for the brain.

2. Fasting cuts your risk of heart disease and diabetes:

Regularly going a day without food reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Studies show that fasting releases a significant surge in human growth hormone, which is associated with speeding up metabolism and burning off fat. Shedding fat is known to cut the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Doctors are even starting to consider fasting as a treatment.

3. Fasting effectively treats cancer in human cells:

A study from the scientific journal of aging found that cancer patients who included fasting into their therapy perceived fewer side effects from chemotherapy. All tests conducted so far show that fasting improves survival, slow tumor growth and limit the spread of tumors.

The National Institute on Aging has also studied one type of breast cancer in detail to further understand the effects of fasting on cancer. As a result of fasting, the cancer cells tried to make new proteins and took other steps to keep growing and dividing.

As a result of these steps, which in turn led to a number of other steps, damaging free radical molecules were created which broke down the cancer cells own DNA and caused their destruction!

It’s cellular suicide, the cancer cell is trying to replace all of the stuff missing in the bloodstream that it needs to survive after a period of fasting, but can’t. In turn, it tries to create them and this leads to its own destruction

Again, make sure you do your research before trying this out. Hopefully this can kick-start you further into looking into it if you are truly interested.


Collective Evolution