Yes, it is true. The fewer calories you consume, the healthier you are and the longer you will live. Calorie Reduction (CR) is the most strategic approach to health and longevity there is. I feel vibrant, twenty years younger, my mind is crystal clear and I sleep a full eight hours every night.

Observe the “Blue Zones” (Sardinia, Italy, Okinawa, Japan, Loma Linda, California, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Ikaria, Greece), these people thrive into their 90’s and 100’s… They all have one strong attribute – they do not consume a lot of food. Yes, of course, they walk a lot, passionate about their work, they have a strong family bond, they participate in community activities, they grow their own food and don’t watch CNN or have Donald Trump as their president…. They eat mostly vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, seeds, and nuts.

In the five “Blue Zones” the people live longer than anywhere else in the world… All of these people who live into their 90’s and 100’s eat a mostly a vegan diet of beans, grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables… They do not over exercise, they walk and do their own chores, they are passionate about something whether it is painting, writing or playing an instrument, they have faith whether it is of God, mankind or the sun, they have something to look forward to every day, they surround themselves with family and friends and they don’t worry about stuff.. They don’t have smartphones or are they on Facebook for hours at a timer and they certainly do not watch cable television… They are plugged into life…

I have been on a CR lifestyle diet for a few months. I have cut all my portions by two thirds. I have noticed that I am not hungry, my stomach seems to have shrunk, I only consume food when I am really hungry and I eat very slowly and chew my food longer than normal. I choose my food very carefully. I only eat food that is highly nutritional, fresh locally grown and has a lot of fiber and tons of nutrients.

This morning, for example, I had one large Stokes purple sweet potato and two cups of chickpea miso with lemon. For lunch, I will have a half of a butternut squash. For dinner, I always eat before 4:00, I will have a half cup of lentils mixed with quinoa, amaranth, and millet… In between meals I drink a lot of gunpowder tea, Kukicha tea and a blend of herbal tea I make with dry, wild or organic Red Clover blossoms; dry, wild or organic, dry sifted Alfalfa, Stinging Nettle leaf; dry wild or organic Yarrow flowers. Tea has no calories, tons of antioxidants and vitamins and is very filling…

Now, if I find myself nervously hungry, I eat raw carrots, celery, radishes, cauliflower, and an apple… These foods are not only extremely healthy, but they are also loaded with fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. These are called guiltless foods.

Socially, I do not have a problem. Everyone knows that I am plant base  and do not like to be fussed over. When I go to dinner with people I am famous for ordering a plate of parsley or raw spinach with lemon. I never drink alcohol, probably the worst thing you can bombard your liver with… I also never use oils. Oils are pure fat and highly processed. Fat is important as is oils, but consume oil in the most natural state. Eat olives, nuts, avocados, chia and hemp seeds and make sure to put flaxseeds on all of your food – loaded with Omega-rich nutrients.

It is important to eat your largest meal in the morning followed later in the afternoon by a smaller meal… Eat nothing after 4:00 p.m. The American diet is three humungous meals loaded with fat, sugar, dairy4, and meat. The largest meal consumed by Americans is late at night. Most people literally pass out after eating a huge meal of meat and potatoes drenched in butter and cream along with beer and wine. You can imagine what that does to your heart and liver. It is no surprise that Americans develop more heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity than all the rest of the industrial modern countries combined…

80% of all Americans adults and 1/3rd of all American children are clinically obese. Obesity is the number one link to all major human diseases and an early death. Go to the supermarkets and just observe the foods people loaded the carts with – boxes of sugary cereals, cans of processed soups and boxes of frozen pizzas and dinners. The government should give tax breaks to those people that eat a clean plant-based diet and tax people heavily for eating processed foods, meat, and dairy. Why should people like you and me be burdened with high healthcare for people that do not take care of themselves?

There are other factors to the longevity equation. Exercise is vital. But do not knock yourself out or think of exercise as a chore. Incorporate moving your body with activities you love to do like cycling, walking, yoga, basketball, gardening, and tennis. Mediation is a powerful tool to increase mental awareness, reduce stress, encourage a healthy body, slows aging and benefits cardiovascular and immune health… You don’t have to be a Hindu Guru to mediate. I meditate when I walk, take a sauna, lay in my bed and focus on the night and the morning. I also paint and find myself engrossed in my art.

Another extremely important part of the equation of longevity is to surround yourself with happiness and peace. Sever relationships that drag you down no matter who the people are. Find a job that you are excited about and look forward to engaging in. Rid your home of clutter, keep your home simple and live a minimalist lifestyle. I have a very good friend that is Hindu and Jitendra only has three pairs of pants, three shirts and one pair of shoes. I asked him why he doesn’t have more clothes? He told me that he only wears one pair of pants and a shirt and one pair of shoes at a time… That made so much sense to me. I immediately reduced the closets of clothes that I had, many still had their price tags and many I haven’t worn for years. I also got rid of a lot of furniture, everything in the garage and the cupboards in my kitchen that I never use.

Severing relationships, giving away a lot of my possessions, reducing my wardrobe and the furniture in my home was the most powerful emotional revelation I ever experienced. Reducing my diet to a bare minimum amount of food allows me to focus on my passions in life rather than to be the gatekeeper of too many clothes, furniture, and stuff.

I attest to never feeling tired, always having tons of energy, my mind has more clarity than any time in my life, I feel younger, happier and freer than at any time in my life. I also spend as little as $20 a week on food. I am not all the way there yet, trust me.

A while ago I met a man with just a backpack, nothing else. he traveled around the world and stayed at youth hostels… After I got to know him, I found out that he was quite wealthy. I asked him about all his homes, cars and lifestyle. He told me that he felt like a prisoner, all of those material things were like a weight around his neck. He told me that he gave away all the money to charity. He didn’t want to burden his kids with the same strain and stress that inflicted him. He also wanted his children to experience the joy of success and achieving their own journey rather than his… He loved to be among the people and avoided 5-star hotels like the plague…

Pablo Picasso said, “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.”

The best diet you can possibly eat is a poor man’s diet – You will live healthy for decades… This is my favorite meal – sweet potato, black beans, brown rice, and an avocado… No salt or oil or seasoning, just simply the healthiest most wonderful tasting combination of food on the planet… The cost is under $5

Life is a journey of sharing, experiencing and enjoying other people. Learning from people of different cultures is this most valuable opportunity we have in life. Life is a gift, just unwrap it carefully….

Articles referred to Doug Aka veganhurt

Copper is an essential trace mineral that is vital to human health. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralize toxins. Our bodies cannot synthesize copper, so you need to get it from dietary sources.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the time-tested, natural, prevention-oriented and holistic health care system of ancient India. It is free of negative side effects and offers economical solutions to the major current health problems worldwide.

According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance all three Doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta). This also ensures proper functioning of different organs and several metabolic processes.

Keep 2-3 glasses of water in a copper vessel overnight, and drink it in the morning. (Do not overdo the process, 2-3 glasses is sufficient for a day). When water is stored in a copper vessel, the copper gently leaches into the water and provides all its positive properties. The best part about this water is that it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long periods of time.

  • Copper is known to be oligodynamic in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria), and can destroy bacteria very effectively. It is especially effective against E.coli and S.aureus, two bacteria that are commonly found in our environment and are known to cause severe illnesses in the human body.
  • Copper helps cleanse and detox your stomach to ensure proper elimination of waste and harmful products. It also regulates liver and kidney functioning, and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Copper promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.

Authentic Panchakarma in Bali

An Ayurveda Panchakarma is a detoxing program with long-lasting health benefits. Oneworld Ayurveda is dedicated to authentic Panchakarma, run by Ayurvedic doctors from India and professional and caring team.

  • Copper helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate as well as lowers bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Copper is the main component in the production of melanin that defines the color of your eyes, hair and skin. Melanin also helps keep the skin safe from sun damage, speeds up wound healing and covers up scars.
  • Copper aids the body’s absorption of iron, which plays a key role in fighting anemia.
  • Copper also helps in the production of new and healthy skin cells that replace old dying ones.
  • Copper has very strong antioxidant properties which help fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer.
  • Copper is known to have brain stimulant and anti-convulsive properties.
  • Copper regulates the functioning of thyroid gland.
  • Copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, helping to mitigate arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Sea vegetables are not generally a common feature in modern diets, with the exception of certain varieties that are used as thickeners in processed foods, most notably ice cream. However, we can do much to improve our nutrient intake by incorporating these greens from the sea in our diet on a regular basis. While your experience with sea vegetables may be limited to the nori that is used to make sushi rolls, there are actually quite a wide variety of sea vegetables available with a range of different flavors and textures.

Evidence of the important role that these foods may play in our diet can be seen in the research of Weston Price. He noticed that native people living in the mountains of the Andes would go to incredible lengths in order to obtain sea vegetables, even by risking their lives to trade with tribes living in the coastal regions. They always carried a small bag of seaweed with them and ate a little of it every day.

As with other greens, sea vegetables contain abundant chlorophyll and minerals and are especially rich in certain trace elements that may be in limited supply in our diets. They are a wonderful source of calcium and iron and may also play an important role in thyroid health because they contain iodine.

“Sea vegetables contain more minerals than any other kind of food,” claim doctors Seibin and Teruko Arasaki, authors of “Vegetables from the Sea”. They are especially valuable for vegans because they are rich in many trace elements and minerals including zinc, selenium and chromium that are often scarce in plant-based diets.

Sea vegetables in general provide all the essential amino acids so they can contribute to your daily protein requirement. They contain specific fibers that can help neutralize the effects of radiation and heavy metals, which makes them an excellent food for counteracting the negative effects of computers, cell phones and x-rays. They also contain a substance called alginic acid that helps to bind and draw toxins out of the body, so they can be a valuable addition to a detox diet.

Scientific studies show that sea vegetables may also reduce the risk of breast cancer and boost immunity. Sea vegetables, especially dulse, have even been shown to inhibit the growth of the herpes virus. They are also known for their ability to boost energy, balance hormones, accelerate wound healing, and for their anti-aging benefits.

Some sea vegetables such as nori and dulse are ready to eat without any preparation. Nori can be used as a substitute for bread to make raw wraps or raw vegan sushi rolls. Dulse is high in natural salt and makes a good salt substitute when added to savory meals. It can be purchased in flakes which are great to sprinkle on top of an avocado based raw soup and its unique flavor can help to increase the authenticity of a raw vegan ‘tuna’ salad.

Most other sea vegetables such as wakame, hijiki and arame need to be soaked in water for up to an hour or so before use. Wakame combines especially well with cucumber such as in this Wakame and Cucumber Salad. Hijiki and arame are great with carrots and an Asian inspired dressing such as sesame tahini with ginger.

Any of the sea vegetables can also be added to a green smoothie or raw soup to boost their nutritional value. About half to one teaspoon in a green smoothie is adequate and will not overpower the flavor of your smoothie.

Because they are such concentrated foods and their high iodine content can potentially influence thyroid function the recommended intake of sea vegetables is best limited to one or two ounces a week on average.

Note: Many commercially available seaweeds can become contaminated with pollutants including heavy metals and radioactive compounds. Their ability to bind with toxins actually means that they can accumulate these compounds. As such it is vital to ensure that the seaweeds you purchase are certified organic and free of pollutants.

One of my favorite brands is Seaweed Iceland, who dry all their seaweeds at temperatures below 90 degrees using hand harvesting and sustainable geothermal energy. The waters of iceland are remote and unpolluted and also have the advantage of being as far as possible away from Fukushima.

I’m also a fan of these Certified Organic Raw Nori Sheets, which are dried at under 85 degrees and tested daily for pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, radiation, and other contaminants.



Mitoku Company Ltd, Medicine from the Sea, Mitoku:


These Simple Lifestyle Hacks Will Help If You Suffer From Hair Loss,

Adrenal sufficiency and adrenal fatigue are more widespread than you might think. With the fast-paced world we live in, constantly bombarded by stress from all avenues of life (whether that be driving in traffic, reading and/or watching and/or listening to the news, eating foods that don’t serve our highest good, or emotional crises (your own or others)), our adrenal glands never really get a break.

The adrenal glands lay on top of your kidneys, and not surprisingly, are also critical for healthy kidney function and the production of hormones. The adrenal glands produce neurotransmitters that receive input from the brain, and they release hormones so that we react accordingly (1). These hormones include things like adrenaline and norepinephrine to activate our fight and flight responses, and dopamine, which regulates emotional responses and body movement.

The adrenal glands also produce sex and steroid hormones, which regulate the sleep cycle and blood pressure. They’re also involved in the metabolism of food into useable energy.

Adrenal Fatigue

Many individuals, without knowing it, experience adrenal fatigue. As mentioned above, we are constantly bombarded by situations in “fast-paced living,” which release hormones unbeknownst to our approval. This creates an environment where our adrenal glands cannot adequately meet the demands of physical, emotional, or psychological stress.

Signs of adrenal fatigue include (2):

– Multiple allergies
– Anxiety
– Blurry vision
– Body aches or chronic muscle pain
– Brain fog and memory loss
– Extreme fatigue
– Cold hands and feet
– Depression
– Dizziness
– Chronic dry skin and/or brittle nails
– Hair loss
– Heart palpitations
– Hypoglycemia
– Irritability
– Lethargy
– Low blood pressure
– Low sex drive
– Muscle weakness
– Salt and/or sugar cravings
– Poor sleep/mid-afternoon sleepiness
– Thyroid problems
– Tinnitus
– Uterine fibroids
– Unexplained weight loss or gain

Adrenal fatigue comes about in four stages, which, by the fourth stage, can turn into full-blown adrenal insufficiency. These stages are as follows (3):

1. Beginning – “Alarm” Phase

The body’s immediate reaction to a stressor. Can be an imminent physical threat, or something as simple as a job interview or hospital stay. The body is still capable of making the proper amount of hormones so that you can respond appropriately. Sleep patterns may begin to suffer, and you may feel intermittent tiredness. Many of us go in and out of Stage One multiple times throughout our lives.

2. Continuing – “Alarm” Phase

The stressor doesn’t quickly go away and your body must remain in an elevated state to meet the challenge. Stress-related hormones increase, while sex and sleep hormones drop. A common feeling is that of being “wired but tired.” This is usually where adrenal fatigue begins, and individuals start to develop an unhealthy dependence on coffee.

3. “Resistance” Phase

In this phase, your endocrine system focuses on producing stress hormones at the expense of sex hormones. There will be drops in hormones like DHEA and testosterone. You can still function normally but you feel symptoms of exhaustion. Lethargy and an impaired immune response leave you catching every bug that’s going around. This phase can last months to years.

4. “Burnout” Phase

By this phase, the body runs out of ways to manufacture stress hormones, and cortisol levels finally begin to drop. Now, sex hormones and stress hormones are low, and the levels of neurotransmitters are also low. This is called “burnout,” and it happens when we finally crash after long periods of coping with stress. The result is extreme tiredness, low sex drive, irritability, depression, anxiety, weight loss, apathy, and disinterest in the world. To recover from Stage Four, you need patience, and often a complete change in lifestyle.

What Is Adrenal Insufficiency

Adrenal insufficiency happens when the adrenal glands are no longer producing enough of the hormone cortisol, and in some cases, the hormone aldosterone (4). The symptoms of adrenal insufficiency occur over several months, and can feel like adrenal fatigue in the beginning. One might experience darkening of the skin, salt cravings, weight loss or decreased appetite, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle or joint pain, irritability and depression.

The primary causes of adrenal insufficiency are as follows:

– Chronic emotional stress
– Addison’s disease
– Poor diet – lack of certain vitamins and minerals like vitamin B complex, vitamin D, and magnesium
– Disease in the form of asthma, diabetes, inflammatory-related conditions, autoimmune disorders, and any chronic illness that put stress on the adrenal glands
– Lack of sleep
– Toxicity caused by environmental pollutants
– Emotional or physical trauma
– Adrenal gland disorders (genetics, chronic infections, larger endocrine system imbalance, tumours, and some pharmaceuticals can all affect how our adrenals function)

How To Heal Adrenal Insufficiency

1. Sleep

Too many people don’t get enough sleep. Their sleeping patterns are disrupted, which can make them feel even more tired. Making sure you get 8-9 hours of sleep every night will heal your body, including your adrenal glands. Avoid bright lights at least 1-2 hours before bed, and relax by reading a book or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.

2. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine is one of the worst offenders for burning out the adrenal glands. Each time you drink a cup of coffee, neurons send messages to your pituitary gland, which in turn alerts your adrenals to pump out adrenaline and cortisol (5). Cortisol is the chemical that is released when our body goes into fight or flight mode. It is the stress chemical, and stress is exactly what the adrenals do not want.

3. Eliminate Alcohol

If your body is already displaying signs of adrenal dysfunction, drop the alcohol. It stresses the liver, kidneys, and adrenals, and can also affect your sleep. Plus, alcohol affects hormone production and neurotransmission (6).

4. Quit Refined Sugars

When you consume anything that is high in refined sugars, it stresses the body. The overloaded energy response as a result of eating too much sugar elevates cortisol and blood sugar. This results in insulin levels that go into overdrive, and resulting health implications like diabetes and adrenal fatigue.

5. Ditch The Microwave Oven

Microwaves create free radicals in food, which immediately deems the food toxic to consume. Once the food particles are molecularly altered, the food becomes foreign to the body, and it causes more stress on the body to process and eliminate (resulting in more stress on your adrenal glands – and other organs).

6. Get Rid Of Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated vegetable oils are harmful in the sense that once heated, they release aldehyde (a known neurotoxin). They’re also too high in omega-6 fatty acids, too much that when you don’t balance with enough omega-3’s, your body goes into inflammatory-mode. Avoid canola, corn, safflower, sunflower and soy-based hydrogenated oils. Instead, opt for healthy fats like coconut, avocado, sesame and olive oils.

7. Start Taking Herbs

Herbs are incredibly useful if you’re suffering from any form of adrenal fatigue or adrenal insufficiency. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, meaning that it helps balance our body in whatever way it needs. This herb is great for helping us respond to stress and balance hormones and blood sugar levels (7). Holy basil is also wonderful for reducing cortisol levels and regulating plasma corticosterone, which promotes balance to the adrenal glands. It helps protect your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenals (8).

Healthy fats like chia seeds, flax seeds, avocado, coconut, and hemp seeds also provide our bodies with healthy fatty acids that protect the nervous system and balance hormones.

Magnesium is also important to take, especially in supplement form, seeing as how most of our foods are depleted in this mineral due to poor soil quality. Magnesium is the “relaxation mineral” and reduces the production of cortisol, and is also involved in hundreds of different biochemical reactions in the body necessary from proper human function.

8. Drink More Water

Dehydration can give people with adrenal insufficiency many problems. Without enough water, the body cannot function as it is supposed to. The adrenal glands are responsible for secreting a number of different hormones, which have a direct effect on your energy levels. One of these hormones is aldosterone, which regulates water levels and the concentrations of minerals (like sodium) in your body (9). Aim for drinking 2-3 litres of water a day.

9. Practice Meditation or Yoga

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness breathing are all great ways to calm the body and get rid of excess stress. They bring the body back to baseline, where you can function in a more “chill” state. Doing these forms of meditation balance brain chemistry, which in turn, sends messages to your adrenals to calm down.

Hormone Balancing Recipes

These hormone balancing recipes are loaded with healthy fats, superfoods and fibre – all things you need to help balance your hormones.

Hormone Balancing Smoothie:

Ingredients: (serves 1)
– 2 ripe bananas
– 2 cups water or coconut water
– 2 tsp. chia seeds
– 1 tsp. spirulina
– 1 tsp. maca powder
– 1 tsp. coconut oil
– 1 tbsp. hemp seeds

Blend all of the above ingredients together and drink relatively soon to make sure it doesn’t oxidize.

Hormone Balancing Granola:

– 2 cups sprouted and dehydrated buckwheat*
– 2/3 cup brazil nuts (soaked for 8 hours)
– 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (soaked for 8 hours)
– 1/4 cup hemp seeds
– 2 tablespoons chia seeds
– 1/3 cup ground flaxseeds
– 1/4 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened
– 1/3 cup raisins
– 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
– 4 tbsp. maple syrup or raw honey
– 1 tsp. honey
– 1 tsp. vanilla extract
– 2 tsp. cinnamon

1. Chop Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds in a food processor or by hand.
2. Mix in a bowl with the seeds and coconut flakes. Next add the coconut oil, maple syrup or honey, vanilla extract and cinnamon.
3. Mix together until everything is well boated, and place granola in a single layer on a dehydrator sheet or a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
4. Dehydrate the granola until dried (10-15 hours), at 115ºF, or bake in the oven for 30 minutes at the lowest temperature.

*for the sprouted and dehydrated buckwheat, soak and sprout buckwheat for 1-2 days. Dehydrate to make dry again, or if you don’t have a dehydrator put on a cookie sheet and put in the oven at the lowest temperature for 5-10 minutes until dry.

Article from Carly Fraser

Release Pounds of Toxins From Your Body with this 3-Ingredient Apple Ginger Lemon Colon Cleanse Juice

We live in a toxic world. Our air and water is polluted and we’re constantly bombarded by chemicals every where we turn. As a result, we get sick. This is usually because our digestive organs like our colon, kidneys and liver are so over-worked that releasing toxic matter becomes very difficult.

A common health issue we see today is digestive tract distress. Leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and chronic constipation (to name a few), plague many people. With a faulty digestive system, our bodies cannot remove waste, which carry toxins that are supposed to be eliminated on the daily.

This 3-ingredient colon cleanse juice will help improve functioning of the digestive tract, and ensure proper waste removal and release pounds of toxins from the body. Apple juice has a strong cleansing effect. The energy in apples is so strong that it literally pushes out toxic matter from your colon. It will allow you to experience less pain and discomfort from indigestion.

Ginger is another great colon-cleanser. It promotes clearing of the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract. It reduces colon spasms, absorbs and neutralizes toxins in the intestine and increases secretion of digestive juices like bile and saliva. It also soothes the gut and aids digestion by increasing peristalsis (the movement of food through the digestive tract).

Lemon is another important ingredient as it is high in vitamin C, one of the most potent detox compounds. Sea salt helps aid digestion, and pushes waste through the body so that you will be encouraged to make a bowel movement.

Release Pounds of Toxins with this 3-Ingredient Colon Cleanse Juice


– 5 organic apples
– 4 inches fresh ginger root
– 1 lemon, peeled
– 1/2 tsp. himalayan sea salt
– 1/2 cup warm water


1. Juice the apples, ginger and lemon. Pour in glass.
2. Dissolve sea salt in warmed water. Pour in glass.
3. Combine juice from step 1 with salt water from step 2.

How To Drink:

Drink one glass of this mixture every morning on an empty stomach. Make it fresh every day. If you need to, you can make it the night before.

article from Carly Fraser

Complete List of Non-Marijuana Plants That Contain Healing Cannabinoid-Like Compounds

Cannabis contains beneficial cannabinoids that help heal the body, but they aren’t exclusive to cannabis. In fact, cannabinoids and cannabinoid-like substances that stimulate the endocannabinoid system (ECS) are very common in other non-marijuana plants.

The enticing thing about these plants is that they don’t get you high. Almost all CBD extractions from cannabis contain a small proportion of THC. This also holds true for cannabis strains that are marketed as high-CBD strains.

So those individuals who would rather stay away from the hallucinatory effects of THC can make use of the cannabinoid-like elements in non-marijuana plants like oregano and black pepper.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system (or ECS) is a vital molecular system for helping maintain homeostasis in the body. Homeostasis is the perfect internal balance required for optimum health. Because of its crucial role in homeostasis, the ECS is found abundantly in the animal kingdom (1).

The ECS has three key components:
• Cannabinoid receptors on the surface of cells
• Endocannabinoids that activate cell-surface cannabinoid receptors
• Metabolic enzymes that break down endocannabinoids once they’re used up

There are two major cannabinoid receptors: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found most abundantly in the brain and spinal cord (they’re also the receptors that interact with THC to get people high), but can also be found in different parts of the body. CB2 receptors are located all throughout the body, instead of being localized to the nervous system.

Endocannabinoids like anandamide and 2-AG get made by the body when they’re needed, and are regulated by enzymes like FAAH and MAGL, which break down anandamide and 2-AG, respectively. These metabolic enzymes ensure that endocannabinoids get used when they are needed, but not for longer than necessary.

Other cannabinoid-like compounds also interact with the ECS, which I’ll describe more below.

Cannabinoid-Like Compounds

The cannabinoid-like compounds described below are found abundantly in the plant-food kingdom (particularly beta-caryophyllene).

1. Anandamide (True Cannabinoid)

I figured I would stick this one in here, because there are a couple foods which boost production of this molecule and help prevent it from breaking down. Anandamide is not a cannabinoid-like compound, and is in fact an endocannabinoid (like the body’s own version of cannabis).

Our mood, happiness, ability to regulate stress and anxiety are all regulated by the ECS. When anandamide levels are messed up, one could end up with mental health disorders from schizophrenia to depression (2).

Anandamide is produced by the body, and then quickly broken down by the enzyme FAAH. Studies have found that in individuals with a genetic mutation lacking the FAAH enzyme, their levels of happiness are considerably higher than the average person (3). So, of course, consuming foods that block this enzyme would promote happiness, right? Right!

Cacao deactivates the FAAH enzyme, meaning more free-floating anandamide in the brain (4). Black truffles also produce more anandamide in the body than enzymes know what to do with, which is why people might feel extra euphoric after consuming them (5).

2. Beta-Caryophyllene

Beta-caryophyllene (BCP) is an aromatic sesquiterpene that selectively interacts with the CB2 receptor, blocking the chemical signals that lead to inflammation. It does not bind to the CB1 receptor, making it favorable among those who wish to not succumb to cannabis’s mood-altering effects (6).

According to Dr. Jürg Gertsch, BCP is potent enough to have an impact at normal dietary levels. “If somebody eats a lot of herbs containing essential oils, then it’s possible they could get enough to reach a therapeutic dose,” said Gertsch (7).

In a study led by Gertsch, BCP was used to treat mice with swollen paws. In around 70 percent of cases, small doses of BCP were enough to make the inflammation subside (8).

BCP has been found to increase longevity, improve stroke outcome, protect the cardiovascular system and brain, help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, as well as reduce depression and anxiety. It also may prevent cancer, and improve bone density (9).

Herbs like clove, black-jack, copaiba, black pepper and rosemary remain some of the highest BCP-containing plants out there.

3. Cannabigerol

Cannabigerol or CBG is considered a minor cannabinoid, but with major benefits. CBG is thought to be particularly effective in treating glaucoma because it helps reduce intraocular pressure (10). It also helps reduce inflammation (11), and has shown great promise as a cancer fighter by blocking receptors that cause cancer cell growth (12).

4. Cannabimimetics

There are many different plants that contain compounds called cannabimimetics, meaning they literally mimic the biological activity of the classical cannabinoids (even though they don’t share the same structure). They generally interact with CB1 receptors, but you won’t feel much psychedelic effects unless taken in large amounts.

5. Chromane and Chromene Derivatives

Two cannabinoid-like compounds, antopogocyclolic acid and anthopogochromenic acid (derivatives of chromane and chromene), have been isolated from the Chinese medicinal plant Rhododendron anthopogonoides. This plant also contains three related compounds known as synthetic analogues of cannabinoids: cannabichromene (CBC) type, cannabicyclol (CBL) type and cannabicitran (CBT) type (13). According to research, the essential oils extracted from this plant can kill anything from staph infections to cancer cells (14).

6. N-isobutylamides

Cannabinoid-like compounds known as N-isobutylamides act on the CB2 receptor, making them powerful painkillers and inflammation fighters. The Amazonian plant known as the Electric Daisy contains N-isobutylamide, which is a well-known and utilized toothache remedy. It is so powerful, in fact, that it is even being used by some doctors to help with painful scenarios like impacted wisdom teeth (15).

7. Perrottetineinic Acid

Perrottetineinic acid is an unusual type of cannabinoid produced by the liverwort plant indigenous to New Zealand. This cannabinoid-like compound is closely related to THC, and has been known to treat bronchitis and alleviate problems with the gallbladder, liver and bladder (16).

Complete List of Non-Marijuana Plants with Cannabinoid-Like Compounds

Using the sub-categories above, the following is a curated list of all non-marijuana plants containing cannabinoid-like compounds.

1. Anandamide

– Cacao (Theobroma cacao)
– Truffles (Tuber melanosporum)

2. Beta-Caryophyllene

Highest levels of BCP starting from the top with (source):
Black-jack (Bidens pilosa)
Clove (Syzgium aromaticum)
– Copaiba (Copaifera langsdorffii) (source)
– Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Beefsteak Plant (Perilla frutescens)
– Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Wild Allspice (Lindera benzoin)
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)
Angelica (Angelica archangelica)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
– Basil (Ociumum basilicum)
– Sage (Salvia officinalis)
– Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus)
– Curled Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
– Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)
– Frankincense (Boswellia sacra)
Celery (Apium graveolens)
– Eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora)
– Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum)
– Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
– Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
– Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

3. Cannabigerol

– Helichrysum (Helichrysum umbraculigerum)

4. Cannabimimetics

– Cone Flower (Echinacea purpurea; Echinacea angustifolia)

5. Chromane and Chromene Derivatives

– Labrador (Rhododendron anthopogonoides)

6. N-isobutylamides

– Electric Daisy (Acmella oleracea)

7. Perrottetineinic Acid

– Liverwort (Radula Marginata)

The following plants can either be consumed (in the case of spices and herbs like cilantro and parsley), or they can be applied to areas of the body that need a little extra healing (in the form of essential oils – such as copaiba. Always be sure to dilute in a carrier oil like jojoba oil before applying to the body).

Some of these herbs can also be drunk as a tea, or taken as a tincture. If using any of the herbs or foods above, make sure you follow the directions of the supplement purchased, or consume as you would in the case of herbs like parsley and cilantro.

Article from Carly Fraser

Top 15 sources of plant-based protein

More and more people are interested in following vegetarian or vegan diets or reducing their use of animal products. A shift away from animal products is getting easier with more fortified and nutritious plant-based foods available.

A person may try a vegan diet for health, animal welfare, or religious reasons. In 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stated that a vegetarian or vegan diet could provide all the nutritional requirements of adults, children, and those who were pregnant or breast-feeding.

Even so, getting enough protein and essential vitamins and minerals can be harder for people who do not eat meat or animal products. A person must plan ahead to ensure they get enough protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin B-12, which people on an omnivorous diet get from animal products.

Read on for a list of some of the best plant-based foods for protein. We also discuss the differences between animal and plant proteins, and whether plant-based protein powders can be good sources of protein.

Fifteen best plant-based proteins

The right plant-based foods can be excellent sources of protein and other nutrients, often with fewer calories than animal products.

Some plant products, such as soy beans and quinoa, are complete proteins, which means that they contain all nine essential amino acids that humans need. Others are missing some of these amino acids, so eating a varied diet is important.

The following healthful, plant-based foods have a high-protein content per serving:

1. Tofu, tempeh, and edamame (make sure is organic and non gmo)

Soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and edamame are among the richest sources of protein in a vegan diet.

Soy products are among the richest sources of protein in a plant-based diet. The protein content varies with how the soy is prepared:

  • firm tofu (soybean curds) contains about 10 g of protein per ½ cup
  • edamame beans (immature soybeans) contain 8.5 g of protein per ½ cup
  • tempeh contains about 15 g of protein per ½ cup

Tofu takes on the flavor of the dish it is prepared in so that it can be a versatile addition to a meal.

People can try tofu, as a meat substitute, in a favorite sandwich or soup. Tofu is also a popular meat substitute in some dishes, such as kung pao chicken and sweet and sour chicken.

These soy products also contain good levels of calcium and iron, which makes them healthful substitutes for dairy products.

2. Lentils

Red or green lentils contain plenty of protein, fiber, and key nutrients, including iron and potassium.

Cooked lentils contain 8.84 g of protein per ½ cup.

Lentils are a great source of protein to add to a lunch or dinner routine. They can be added to stews, curries, salads, or rice to give an extra portion of protein.

3. Chickpeas

Cooked chickpeas are high in protein, containing around 7.25 g per ½ cup.

Chickpeas can be eaten hot or cold, and are highly versatile with plenty of recipes available online. They can, for example, be added to stews and curries, or spiced with paprika and roasted in the oven.

A person can add hummus, which is made from chickpea paste, to a sandwich for a healthful, protein-rich alternative to butter.

4. Peanuts

Peanuts are protein-rich, full of healthful fats, and may improve heart health. They contain around 20.5 g of protein per ½ cup.

Peanut butter is also rich in protein, with 8 g per tablespoon, making peanut butter sandwiches a healthful complete protein snack.

5. Almonds

Almonds offer 16.5 g of protein per ½ cup. They also provide a good amount of vitamin E, which is great for the skin and eyes.

6. Spirulina

Spirulina is blue or green algae that contain around 8 g of protein per 2 tablespoons. It is also rich in nutrients, such as iron, B vitamins — although not vitamin B-12 — and manganese.

Spirulina is available online, as a powder or a supplement. It can be added to water, smoothies, or fruit juice. A person can also sprinkle it over salad or snacks to increase their protein content.

7. Quinoa

Quinoa is a grain with a high-protein content, and is a complete protein. Cooked quinoa contains 8 g of protein per cup.

This grain is also rich in other nutrients, including magnesium, iron, fiber, and manganese. It is also highly versatile.

Quinoa can fill in for pasta in soups and stews. It can be sprinkled on a salad or eaten as the main course.

8. Mycoprotein

Mycoprotein is a fungus-based protein. Mycoprotein products contain around 13 g of protein per ½ cup serving.

Products with mycoprotein are often advertised as meat substitutes and are available in forms such as “chicken” nuggets or cutlets. However, many of these products contain egg white, so people must be sure to check the label.

A very small number of people are allergic to Fusarium venenatum, the fungus from which the mycoprotein brand known as Quorn is made. People with a history of mushroom allergies or with many food allergies may wish to consider another protein source.

9. Chia seeds

Seeds are a good plant based protein

Chia and hemp seeds are complete sources of protein that can be used to make smoothies, yogurts, and puddings.

Seeds are low-calorie foods that are rich in fiber and heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are a complete source of protein that contain 2 g of protein per tablespoon.

Try adding chia seeds to a smoothie, sprinkling them on top of a plant-based yogurt, or soaking them in water or almond milk to make a pudding.

Chia seeds are available from some supermarkets, health food stores, or to buy online.

10. Hemp seeds

Similarly to chia seeds, hemp seeds are a complete protein. Hemp seeds offer 5 g of protein per tablespoon. They can be used in a similar way to chia seeds. Hemp seeds can also be bought online.

11. Beans with rice

Separately, rice and beans are incomplete protein sources. Eaten together, this classic meal can provide 7 g of protein per cup.

Try rice and beans as a side dish, or mix rice, beans, and hummus together then spread on Ezekiel bread, which is made from sprouted grains, for a savory, protein-packed meal.

12. Potatoes

A large baked potato offers 8 g of protein per serving. Potatoes are also high in other nutrients, such as potassium and vitamin C.

Add 2 tablespoons of hummus for a flavorful snack that is healthier than butter-covered potatoes and increases the protein content. Two tablespoons of hummus contain about 3 g of protein.

13. Protein-rich vegetables

Many dark-colored, leafy greens and vegetables contain protein. Eaten alone, these foods are not enough to meet daily protein requirements, but a few vegetable snacks can increase protein intake, particularly when combined with other protein-rich foods.

  • a single, medium stalk of broccoli contains about 4 g of protein
  • kale offers 2 g of protein per cup
  • 5 medium mushrooms offer 3 g of protein

Try a salad made from baby greens with some quinoa sprinkled on top for a protein-rich meal.

14. Seitan

Seitan is a complete protein made from mixing wheat gluten with various spices. The high-wheat content means that it should be avoided by people with celiac or gluten intolerance. For others, it can be a protein-rich healthful meat substitute.

When cooked in soy sauce, which is rich in the amino acid lysine, seitan becomes a complete protein source offering 21 g per 1/3 cup.

15. Ezekiel bread

Ezekiel bread is a nutrient-dense alternative to traditional bread. It is made from barley, wheat, lentils, millet, and spelt. Ezekiel bread is an excellent choice for bread lovers who want a more nutritious way to eat toast or sandwiches.

Ezekiel bread offers 4 g of protein per slice. Get even more protein by toasting Ezekiel bread and spreading it with peanut or almond butter.


Plant vs. animal protein

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends a minimum daily protein intake of 0.8 grams (g) of protein per kilogram of body weight, or about 60 g for a person who weighs 165 pounds. People aiming to build muscle, pregnant or nursing women, and older adults may need more protein.

Animal products such as meat, eggs, and milk are naturally high in protein, which is an essential nutrient made up of amino acids. This makes it easier for people who consume animal products to meet their daily protein needs.

The human body creates 11 amino acids but must get another nine from food. Animal products are complete proteins, meaning they contain all the amino acids. Some plant products, such as soya beans and quinoa, are also complete proteins while others are incomplete proteins.

A person following a vegan or vegetarian diet should eat a varied diet of plant-based foods to get the required range of amino acids. This includes high-protein foods, such as tofu, tempeh, lentils, nuts, seeds, and quinoa.

If Food Is Medicine, These Are the Labs

BOSTON — The “food as medicine” philosophy has a simple goal: to control or cure chronic illness by changing what people eat. As the movement gains greater visibility, community meal programs are seeking bigger kitchens to meet demand.

Community Servings is a case in point. Its mission to nourish the sick in the greater Boston began 28 years ago during the AIDS epidemic, when volunteers set up meal deliveries for people suffering from the weight loss called wasting syndrome.

Today, the nonprofit organization has 60 employees and thousands of volunteers who help cook and deliver meals tailored to the dietary needs of clients managing various life-threatening conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease and cancer. And Community Servings is poised to nearly triple its meal production with a $21 million expansion of its headquarters in Jamaica Plain, a Boston neighborhood.

When completed next year, the 31,000-square-foot “food campus” will house a kitchen large enough to prepare as many as 1.5 million meals a year, healthful entrees that these days include quinoa burgers, turkey tender Parmesan and sweet potato lentil soup. The facility will also include a learning kitchen for job training, classrooms for nutrition education and a policy center focused on teaching other groups how to replicate the organization’s model.

Demand for medically tailored meals in Boston has grown some 40 percent in the last five years, said David B. Waters, the chief executive of Community Servings.CreditKayana Szymczak for The New York Times
When completed next year, Community Servings’ 31,000-square-foot “food campus” will house a kitchen large enough to prepare as many as 1.5 million meals a year.Credit Kayana Szymczak for The New York Times

Demand for medically tailored meals in the Boston area has grown some 40 percent in the last five years, said David B. Waters, the organization’s chief executive. The wait list for Community Servings is now about 100 people. The vast majority of the group’s clients are in low-income households and have more than one illness.

“These are often people with very complicated nutritional needs, which are difficult for anyone to manage,” Mr. Waters said. “But then you add in poverty, and it’s all the more challenging.”

The ramping up at Community Servings reflects a broader trend among similar organizations also born of the AIDS crisis in other cities. In New York, God’s Love We Deliver completed a $28 million expansion in 2015, moving into six-story headquarters named for Michael Kors, a major patron. (The facility’s bakery is named for the late Joan Rivers, who was a longtime supporter.) And in Philadelphia, the Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance, or Manna, moved its operation last year into a bigger space that accommodates a 10,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art kitchen.

“We had maxed out at our last facility,” said Sue Daugherty, Manna’s chief executive. “The freezers were so full we had to duct-tape them closed or they would pop open.”

Lynn Hewes, a volunteer dietitian at Community Servings, and Kevin Conner, the director of food service, preparing a dessert.CreditKayana Szymczak for The New York Times

The growth of these organizations is largely dependent on volunteer efforts and donations, but they are hoping that will change in coming years. A national coalition of “food as medicine” advocates is seeking to get medically tailored meals included in health care coverage, said Jean Terranova, the director of food and health policy at Community Servings.

The coalition has pushed for more research into whether medically tailored diets can make patients feel better and reduce health care costs. State-funded research in California is evaluating the effect of these meals on the health care costs of 1,000 chronically ill people on Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program.

A smaller Massachusetts study, published in April, found that people receiving meals from Community Servings had fewer visits to the emergency room and fewer hospital admissions than a control group. The result was a net 16 percent reduction in health care costs, after meal expenses.

Some local insurers are already aligned with the meal services. Community Servings, for example, has contracts with five local health care providers that reimburse the organization for meals.

“Health plans are beginning to understand that not only is this the right thing to do, it’s very good business,” said Ellen M. Zane, the chief executive emeritus of the Tufts Medical Center and a co-chairwoman of Community Servings’ capital campaign.


The fund-raising campaign at Community Servings has raised $8.3 million toward its $10 million goal. The balance of the construction costs is expected to be financed by the federal New Markets Tax Credit Program, community development lenders and the city.

The opportunity for expansion on the dense city block came about unexpectedly when the owner of an adjacent Montessori school retired and the building became available for purchase, Mr. Waters said.

During construction, the organization is using the existing kitchen to continue to prepare meals for 15 different medical diets. The meals are apportioned in color-coded trays and stored in walk-in freezers until delivery. Each client receives a weekly bag of lunches, dinners and snacks. If the client has children, the whole family receives meals.

“Parents will give their meal away if food is scarce, so if you want to feed the sick parent, you have to feed the whole family,” Mr. Waters said.

Feeding families is also the approach at Healing Meals Community Project, an organization that delivers organic meals to families in the Hartford area who are going through a health crisis. It doubles as a youth development organization, training teenage volunteers to do the cooking.


Since its start less than three years ago, the organization has had to move twice to meet rising demand, said Sarah Leathers, the founder and executive director. After borrowing the kitchen in a pasta shop to get going, organizers quickly discovered they needed more storage and cooling space. So they rented kitchen time at a restaurant in Avon, Conn., for about a year.

This summer, they had to move again, and are now renting the kitchen at Auerfarm, a nonprofit educational farm in Bloomfield, Conn. They have also planted a “nourishing garden” at their new location to supply some of the food for their meals.

“When we started, we thought we would serve the Farmington Valley first and then gradually start to grow,” Ms. Leathers said. “But then the calls started to come in from outside the valley, and it was hard for us to say no. Now, we’re in 42 towns.”

In Philadelphia, Ms. Daugherty and her staff at Manna toured at least 65 locations before deciding to lease and renovate a second-floor space with a freight elevator and a loading dock. Finding an affordable space in Philadelphia’s Center City neighborhood made the hunt especially challenging, but closeness to public transit was paramount for an organization reliant on volunteers, she said.

The location, near the Benjamin Franklin Parkway, a hub of city attractions, has also raised the organization’s profile.

“In our old location, we were on an alleyway behind these dumpsters,” Ms. Daugherty said. “Here, I can’t tell you how many people come in off the street and ask about what we’re doing.”

The 23,000-square-foot space gives Manna the ability to cook and store up to 2.8 million meals a year, and serve up to 2,500 clients a month. The renovation cost just under $5 million, raised through a capital campaign.

One of Manna’s biggest fans is William S. George, the president and chief executive of Health Partners Plans, a nonprofit insurance company owned by medical school hospitals in Philadelphia.

Meal bags in the cooler at Community Servings. Each client receives a weekly bag of lunches, dinners and snacks.CreditKayana Szymczak for The New York Times
Adrien Julmice, a volunteer, moving meals into new walk-in coolers at Community Servings. These units were originally used as dry storage, but were converted into coolers to fulfill a need for more storage space.CreditKayana Szymczak for The New York Times

Several years ago, Mr. George decided to test Manna’s meal program with a small group of patients with Type 1 diabetes. He said he was so impressed with the outcome, including reduced costs, that “we opened up the floodgates” and extended the service to patients with other conditions. About 2,400 of the company’s members, most poor and on medical assistance, have now received Manna’s meals.

“I don’t think any other insurer in the country is doing this to the scale we are,” Mr. George said. “It’s not your traditional way of managing care. You need to have the courage to stand up and say you can’t just keep throwing money at these conditions by admitting people to the hospital.”

More People Die From Chemotherapy Than Cancer, According to a Recent Study

Drinking Bone Broth – Is it Beneficial or Just a Fad?

Bone broth is prepared by boiling the bones and connective tissues of various animals in water with the addition of herbs, spices and sometimes small amounts of vegetables.

Broth, including bone broth, is typically used either as a base for soups and stews or as a palate cleanser or beverage. Many kinds of broths are used for flavor but proponents of bone broth suggest that it provides multiple, wide-ranging, and ever growing health benefits such as aiding digestive issues, boosting the immune system, and much more. Bone broth is often recommended as part of the gut and psychology syndrome (GAPS) diet for various ailments such as autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and as part of the paleolithic or paleo diet.

Is Bone Broth Good for You?

The purported health benefits are ascribed to the contents of the broth that are leached from the boiled bones, including collagen, bone marrow, amino acids, and minerals. These components are extracted through long, slow cooking and sometimes by adding acids such as vinegar or wine, which can help loosen and dissolve tougher bits.

There is no evidence of an advantage to consuming these amino acids and minerals from bone broth as opposed to other foods.

Bone broth does contain collagen and bone marrow but the claim that consuming these will directly benefit human bones and joints is unfounded. When humans consume collagen, it will be broken down to individual amino acids, minerals, etc. These amino acids and minerals may then act like any amino acid or mineral consumed, but there is no evidence of an advantage to consuming amino acids and minerals from bone broth as opposed to other foods.

Research About Bone Broth

Despite its popularity and the numerous medicinal claims, there is very little scientific research regarding bone broth. I searched the scientific literature and could only find a few studies that were relevant. The earliest study available is from 1934 and published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood. The research was conducted by Elsie Widdowson (British dietitian) and Professor Robert McCance (Northern Irish pediatrician) who together made numerous early, vital contributions to the field of nutrition science. This research analyzed the nutritional composition of either bone broth or bone and vegetable broth. It was found that bone broth was a poor source of many nutrients yet the addition of vegetables increased the content of several important nutrients including potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron.[1]

There is a tradition of eating chicken soup, often made using bones, when sick with an infection. Similar to bone broth, there is little research regarding chicken soup and infection. However, a 1978 study found that chicken soup was better than cold or hot water at moving nasal mucus.[2] A subsequent small study conducted by researchers from Nebraska Medical Center and published in a leading medical journal in 2000 (Chest) found that “chicken soup may contain a number of substances with beneficial medicinal activity.” The researchers observed that people eating chicken soup seemed to experience a mild reduction in inflammation that helped reduce symptoms of respiratory infection. However, the actual chicken soup used in this study contained a large proportion of vegetables (onion, sweet potato, parsnip, turnip, carrot, celery, parsley).[3]

The idea that because bone broth or stock contains collagen it somehow translates to collagen in the human body is nonsensical.

In January 2016, TIME magazine ran an article titled: “Science Can’t Explain Why Everyone is Drinking Bone Broth.”[4] This article included excerpts from interviews with respected scientists. William Percy, an associate professor at the University of South Dakota’s Sanford School of Medicine, states, “Since we don’t absorb collagen whole, the idea that eating collagen somehow promotes bone growth is just wishful thinking. The idea that because bone broth or stock contains collagen it somehow translates to collagen in the human body is nonsensical. Collagen is actually a pretty poor source of amino acids.” Further, Dr. Kantha Shelke food scientist and spokesperson for the Institute of Food Technologists, and a principal with the food science and research firm Corvus Blue LLC says, “Eating a diet rich in leafy green vegetables is ideal. Plants offer richer sources in collagen building blocks and, in addition, provide nutrients not found in sufficient quantities in meats or broth.”

Is Bone Broth Harmful?

We can see there is a lack of research regarding bone broth, and the available research is not ground breaking. However, bone broth may have some potentially dangerous contents. Bones are known to store heavy metals, particularly lead. When bone broth is prepared, lead may be released. In 2013, UK scientists conducted a small study looking at the lead content of bone broth made from chicken bones. The broth contained over 10 times more lead than the water alone. Interestingly, the chicken bones in this study were derived from organic animals and the skin and cartilage contributed the highest amount of lead.[5] Similar to the 1934 study, a 2017 study published in the journal Food and Nutrition Research reported that bone broth was a poor source of calcium and magnesium. In contrast to the 2013 study, this more recent study also reported that the lead and cadmium content of bone broth was low. However, the nutritional content and the health effect of bone broth would logically be majorly influenced by both the core ingredients as well as the preparation.[6] Therefore, broad claims about all bone broth are likely to be misleading.

In short, the best we can say from the limited research available is that traditional bone broth appears to be a poor source of nutrients and may in fact contain harmful components. A more healthful alternative appears to be made with the addition of vegetables and the subtraction of the bone…in other words: vegetable soup!


  1. McCance RA, Sheldon W, Widdowson EM. Bone and vegetable broth. Arch Dis Child. 1934 Aug;9(52):251-8.
  2. Saketkhoo K, Januszkiewicz A, Sackner MA. Effects of drinking hot water, cold water, and chicken soup on nasal mucus velocity and nasal airflow resistance. Chest. 1978 Oct;74(4):408-10.
  3. Rennard BO, Ertl RF, Gossman GL, Robbins RA, Rennard SI. Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro. Chest. 2000 Oct;118(4):1150-7.
  4. TIME magazine. January 2016. Science Can’t Explain Why Everyone is Drinking Bone Broth. Accessed at:
  5. Monro JA, Leon R, Puri BK. The risk of lead contamination in bone broth diets. Med Hypotheses. 2013 Apr;80(4):389-90.
  6. Hsu DJ, Lee CW, Tsai WC, Chien YC. Essential and toxic metals in animal bone broths. Food Nutr Res. 2017 Jul 18;61(1):1347478.