About Chaga
Although it’s not much to look at, Chaga, or the “King of Medicinal Mushrooms” as some like to call it, is a very special medicinal mushroom that is gaining popularity in the west for its health benefits and appealing taste in the form of chaga tea.
These benefits have long been known in the East, where Chaga has been used for centuries by people in Siberia, Russia and other parts of Asia.
The main goal of our company is to give people pleasure and health through Chaga Mushroom. In order to do this, we specialize in top quality natural products. We are supplying elite Chaga tea and our experts regularly analyze the aroma and taste of each cup of chaga tea, so that each Chaga tea will be in compliance with our company’s demands. We believe that the organic product is a natural product grown on clean ground and processed without the use of chemical agents. We are paying great importance to the circumstances in which Chaga is transported, stored and implemented in order to maximize the preservation of its unique flavor, taste and beneficial properties.

Probably each of us has heard about the healing miracles of Chaga Mushroom. Chaga is an outgrowth on the birch tree. This type of mushroom is quite rare and it takes 4 to 6 years to grow on the birch tree. But we must not confuse it with tinder fungus, which also grows on birch trees, but the latter have no therapeutic action. It is not so simple to find chaga. It is necessary to gather it when it is black and covered with cracks. Its favorite places on the tree are knots, broken branches and areas with damaged bark. Most often it grows on quite old trees. Chaga itself consists of three layers: the top layer is dark, rough and cracked. The next layer is dark-brown, it is quite dark. And the bottom layer has brown-reddish color. On the soles of chaga that is in contact with the birch, there is no spongy layer, which is typical for tinder fungus. Drinks from chaga are pleasant to the taste and very healthy.