Tongkat Ali 東革阿里


  • Malaysia has a rich source of rain forests that contains thousands of plant with potential medicinal values. One of such plant is the tall shrub tree from the Simaroubaceace family, Eurycoma Longifolia Jack                                                      which are commonly found along thhilly jungle slopes of Malaysia.

The local name of the shrub is “Tongkat Ali” otherwise known as ‘Ali’s Walking Stick’ which is rather suggestive of its traditional function and that is to give support to aging males.

The medicinal elements are found in the roots. The roots of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack were used as a decoction by old natives, especially the elderly, for strength, vitality and energy.

Tongkat Ali has been used for generations as a source of male strenght and vitality. A strong  aphrodisiac capable of increasing erections, sperm and testosterone levels in men.

Additionally Tongkat Ali also used as an antioxidant, anti malarial, and to kill cancer cells.


There are many types of tongkat ali available

Eurycoma longifolia is a shrub-tree found growing wild along the hilly slopes of the rainforest of Malaysia and other parts of southeast Asia. Tongkat ali has been commonly prescribed in malay and asli’s herbal medicine as a febrifuge and a remedy for intermittent fever(malaria)ulcer, and as an aphrodisiac for men. In Indonesia, the plant is called pasak bumi and the roots are used for traditional treatment of dysentery and tertian malaria. In Vietnam, the plant is called cay ba binh, the tree that cures a hundred diseases. Longjack is in the superior class of herbs having powerful and numerous benefits in the system.
Tongkat ali is one of the most widely used herbal medications in southeast Asia, primarily because of its power to enhance libido and sexual function. It is also one of the only herbal medications that have been scientifically proven to work as an aphrodisiac. Everybody can easily check this fact at medline, the huge database of scientific medical article. The abstracts of these articles are accessible for free.
The truth of tongkat ali

This herb was widely used by the natives in the land for generations. The main use of the balk of this root was to help give men energy and strength in both overall body health and in the inner strength of the penis.

When taken continuously, like all food supplements, it helps achieve the following:

1) increase the bodies natural defences against bacterial & viral infections.
2) it helps strengthen the lower back of men making it stronger during intercourse.
3) helps increase the production of testosterones in men.
4) it makes erections rock hard
5) it helps prevents premature ejaculation in men
6) it breaks enhance the blood flow within the penis walls
7) anti malaria agent
8) helps in keeping the blood sugar lower.

Improves Circulation
Strengthens Immune System
Improves Physical and Mental Performance
Increases Energy Levels, Endurance, and Stamina
Reduces mental fatigue and exhaustion
Helps Tone Skin&Muscles
Improves Testosterone Production

Availability: Small wood pieces, 0.5 x 2cm in size.

Preparation: Put about 6 – 10 pieces of Tongkat Ali wood pieces into a cup of boiled water. Cover the cup for 5 – 15min. Serve before consumption.

Caution: For safety, take only the drinks immediately after preparation and dispose off the residue after consumption. Never leave it overnight before consumption and take no more than 4 times per week.


“Tongkat Ali is an effective aphrodisiac.” (Research paper)

Ang HH – School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Science Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia,

Dr. Kim Williams is a leading cardiologist (Photo: Plant Based News)

No one should be doing a ketogenic diet – unless weight loss is more important than their health, according to a leading cardiologist.

Dr. Kim Williams, the past President of the American College of Cardiology, made these comments about the diet – which involves eating large amounts of fat and very few carbs, in a bid to get the body into ketosis (a state where it is burning fat for energy when it doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn) in an exclusive video for Plant Based News.

Fans of the diet tout its ability to aid weight loss and improve certain markers around cardiovascular disease. But Dr. Williams believes the benefits are limited.

‘The science is wrong’

Dr. Williams said: “I like the basic concept that you change your dietary habits and you change something. You can make a change, you can discipline yourself.

“Unfortunately, the science of it is wrong. If all you wanted was short-term weight loss – and short-term could be a year or two – if that’s all you’re looking for, great.”

Dr. WIlliams agreed that there are other markers that a keto diet can improve in the short term, then added: “But are any of them independent of the weight loss? Probably not. If you lose a lot of belly fat, your insulin sensitivity improves, your blood sugar improves…it sounds and looks wonderful.”


PBN Founder Klaus Mitchell interviews Dr. Kim Allan Williams. Subscribe to PBN’s YouTube Channel here

Mortality rate

He added: “There’s only one slight problem: and that’s cardiovascular events. If you look at mortality – I remember pulling out the slide from 2007, that’s the first one I saw, large randomized trial, looking at the ketogenic diet and showing that it increased mortality by about 22 percent.

“So I was talking about that and making sure everyone was hearing about that, and then there was one the Journal of the American Heart Association published a few years later that isolated the people who had had a heart attack in the past, the cardiology population that we’re seeing, and they were doing a ketogenic diet. It was a 53 percent increase in mortality. No one should be doing this.

“Don’t limit yourself to these two trials – take every trial that’s ever been published across the world, do a meta-analysis, I think they had 13 or 16 trials in it, and average them all out…and the answer was 31 percent increase in mortality. So it’s not something people should do unless your weight loss is more important than your life.”

You can watch the full interview – which was filmed at a UK Health Professionals Event -here

Health Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Many health benefits are associated with eating whole food, plant-based, oil free diets. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.” Unfortunately, many people do not avail themselves of the golden opportunities to enjoy numerous benefits derived from eating a whole-food plant-based diet.

The findings of the “Vegetarianism in America” study in 2008 revealed that only about 7.3 million people out of the over 200 million persons then living in the United States followed a vegetarian-based diet. That represented 3.65 percent of the American population as being vegetarians. Approximately 1 million out of the 7.3 million vegetarians adhered to vegan diets devoid of all animal products. This means that in 2008 only .5% of the population were vegan. That is one half of one percent. Over 192 million Americans remained missing out on the many health benefits derived from consuming plant-based diets.

Fast forward a few years and things have changed significantly. A report published by GlobalData in June of 2017 paints a very different picture. At that time a full 6% of United States consumers claimed to be vegan. Many voices are proclaiming 2017 as the year of the vegan. For individuals who have yet to make up their mind on whether they should adopt a vegan dietary lifestyle, here are 3 great reasons that might convince them to join the vegan migration:

1) Lower Cancer Risk

Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths in the United States, accounting for hundreds of thousands of deaths annually. Despite decades of scientific research dedicated to winning the war on cancer, mortality rates from cancer continue to climb. Animal products, such as meat, eggs, and dairy products, have been implicated in the causation of many forms of cancer, including breast, ovarian, colorectal, and prostate cancers. In contrast, the findings of a 2011 study published in the Journal of Cancer Research and Management show that a 10-12 per cent reduction in overall cancer risk is associated with habitual consumption of vegetarian diets. Whole plant foods are loaded with numerous cancer fighting compounds that help to inhibit the development, growth, and spread of cancerous cells and tumors in different parts of the body.

2) Better Cardiovascular Health

Cholesterol, saturated fats, and dietary carnitine from animal sources are well-documented as strong risk factors for cardiovascular disease. While animal products contain high amounts of saturated fats, cholesterol, and exogenous carnitine, whole plant foods are devoid of cholesterol. Adhering to a dietary pattern that focus on plant-based, oil-free foods helps to exclude these unhealthy nutrients that fuel cardiovascular disease risk from our diets and improve cardiovascular health. In addition, plant foods are rich in dietary fiber that helps to reduce the concentration of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol floating in the blood and lower cardiovascular disease risk.

3) Prevention and Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body cells cannot make use of glucose (sugar) because they develop resistance to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that transports sugar from the blood to the cells. Several studies have demonstrated that fat, not sugar, induces insulin resistance that results in the development of type 2 diabetes. The high blood sugar levels commonly found in type 2 diabetic patients is the result of the inability of sugar to get into the body cells. Elevated serum concentration of sugar is not the cause of type 2 diabetes; it is just another symptom of the disease. Eating a whole food, plant-based, oil-free diet helps reduce the concentrations of fat in the body and improve the response of the bodies cells to insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be better controlled, prevented, and even reversed by adhering to a low-fat vegetarian diet. Exercise is also helpful.

There are still more reasons to switch to whole food, plant-based, oil-free diets. Stay tuned to thalassanutrition for exciting scientific evidence in my future blogs.

Surprising Benefits of Passion Fruit

  • The fruit has been named after its flower
  • It is a type of berry that is sweet and sour at one time
  • It is good for diabetics and keeps your heart healthy

Passion fruit, commonly known as Granadilla or ‘Krishna Phal, in India is a vine species native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. The fruit has been named after its flower which comes from one of the hundred species of the passion flower. Passion fruit is a type of berry which is sweet-sour, highly aromatic and seedy. It has varieties from purple passion fruit to yellow and golden one and also hybrids like the Kavery. Being a tropical plant, it needs well-drained soil with a high amount of humus and neutral pH to grow. So, it is commercially cultivated in the Nilgiri hills, north-eastern areas like Manipur, Mizoram and Meghalaya in India. The juicy fruits also has some great health benefits. Here are five surprising benefits of passion fruit:

1. Good for diabetics

Passion fruit has a low glycemic index (GI) and high fibre content (10.4%). This makes it a great fruit to maintain insulin levels for diabetics. -Fruits like passion fruit are high in fibre like pectin that can make you feel full without increasing the calorie intake,- says Dr. Sandhya Mishra, Diabetes Specialist.

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2. Younger looking skin

We all know that antioxidants are good for our skin. Passion fruit has many types of antioxidants in it like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, riboflavin and carotene. These antioxidants reduce the production of free radicals in our body. Free radicals are generated by our body cells as a by-product and can cause skin aging. The anti-inflammatory properties of passion fruit tend to soothe our skin.

(Also read: 7 Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Must Eat)


3. Enhances immunity

Step up your immunity with the jelly, juice or squash of passion fruit. Passion fruit is highly rich in Vitamin C, beta-cryptoxanthin and alpha-carotene that boosts your immunity. It also  has iron which increases haemoglobin in our red blood cells.

4. Keeps your heart healthy 

The rich content of riboflavin (Vitamin B6) and niacin (Vitamin B3) in passion fruit helps in regulating the thyroid activity in our body. It also prevents hardening of the arterial walls of the heart (atherosclerosis), keeping your heart functions running smoothly. The phenolic compounds and alkaloids can also help in relieving anxiety and treating insomnia to a certain level.

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5. Prevent osteoporosis

Passion fruit is known to be rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron phosphorous, potassium and sodium. These minerals maintain bone density, help in speedy recovery of bones and prevent osteoporosis.

0 CommentsThe ripened fruit is large, plump and a bit wrinkled. The smooth one may not be ripe. You can have passion fruit with its seeds for more fibre content. Blend it in your smoothie, make a jam or just have it raw.

A viral image has revealed that palm oil is one of the major ingredients in jars of Nutella, amongst excessive amounts of sugar.

The image displaying the true ingredients of the well-known, and globally adored, chocolate spread quickly went viral after its contents were revealed that many people did not expect. Different from the usual list of ingredients on the back of the jar that is commonly overlooked, this diagram shows layers of the brand’s five main ingredients in their raw form. These are palm oil, cocoa, hazelnuts, skimmed milk powder and sugar.

According to reports, the size of the labelled section in the diagram is said to represent the real proportion in the jar, which many were shocked to see was 50% white sugar. This image was released earlier this week following reports that Nutella may be taken out of supermarkets due to its “cancer-causing properties”. This came after a report, conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), claimed that palm oil was more carcinogenic than any other oil. However, since the reports, Nutella has denied the claims that the hazelnut chocolate spread carries cancer risks, stating that the palm oil that they use in every jar is high quality and safe to eat.

Whilst Nutella would not confirm or deny if the image is accurate, due to claims that the recipe is top secret, the nutritional information on each jar, as well as the website, reveals that there is 8.5g of sugar in every tablespoon of the spread, which means that every 400g jar contains a huge quantity of 227.2g of sugar. This vast amount works out to be more than half the jar’s weight.

Another major ingredient that has caught many people’s attention is the use of palm oil. Whilst palm oil is the cheapest oil on the market, the use of it is highly controversial, as it has major links with deforestation of major rainforests, as well as wiping out huge wildlife populations. Although palm oil is used in a huge array of common products, from cosmetics to food, the excessive consumption of the oil has had a major negative effect on the natural world. Palm oil plantations currently cover over 27 million hectares of the Earth’s surface. This has resulted in a huge loss of forests and human settlements, as these areas are completely destroyed to make room for the oil plantations, which have since been referred to as “green deserts”.

Despite this, Nutella relies on the use of palm oil to create the distinctive smooth texture, as well as prolonging the product’s shelf life. Nutella, which is made by Ferrero, insists that the product would not be the same without the use of palm oil, and a switch to alternative ingredients could cost the company an additional $8-22 million a year.

After the image went viral Nutella said in a statement, “We don’t disclose the full proportions of the ingredients in Nutella as our recipe is unique and we wish to safeguard this. The product’s label provides simple and clear nutritional information per 15g portion, or two heaped teaspoons, as well as per 100g. The ingredients are also listed on the Nutella website.”

Ferrero, who manufacture Nutella, added, “One of Ferrero’s core nutritional beliefs is that small portion sizes help people to enjoy their favourite foods in moderation. The labelling on our products enables consumers to make informed choices and helps ensure that Nutella can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.”

In response to the recent cancer scare from Nutella products, they said, “The health and safety of consumers is an absolute and first priority for Ferrero and we confirm that Ferrero products are safe. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has analysed the presence of contaminants in a large number of products and oils stating that the presence of contaminants depends on the oils and fats used as well as the processes they are subjected to.

“It is for this reason that Ferrero carefully selects quality raw materials and applies specific industrial processes that limit their presence to minimum levels, fully in line with the parameters defined by the EFSA. In addition, our auality teams constantly monitor such factors and guarantee the food safety of our products to the consumer.”


Creative Commons License

Making your own  Wheatgrass Juice is incredibly easy! Wheatgrass is known for its detoxification power, and is loaded with chlorophyll. This article will teach you every thing you need/want to know about wheatgrass (how to make it, how to grow wheatgrass, health benefits and side effects).What Is Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is freshly sprouted wheat of a wheat plant that is usually between 1-2 weeks old. It is used primarily as a drink, but can also be used topically as a rub to help treat blemishes and eczema.

It is a dietary supplement that can be juiced fresh, or it can be purchased in powder, liquid, or capsule form. Most people juice it in the morning and add it to their shakes, or it can be taken as a “shot” in the morning for a boost of energy.

It can be added to smoothies, lemonade, or used in homemade popsicle .

What Are The Benefits and Nutrition of Consuming Wheatgrass

Consuming 1-2 ounces of wheatgrass juice daily has been proven to have positive effects on the immune system. Known as liquid sunshine, this superfood is mostly filled with chlorophyll, which helps build the bodies blood count. It’s an immune system booster.

Not only is it known for it’s insane amounts of chlorophyll, but it’s also known for being filled with 19 amino acids, vitamins a,c, and e, and it contains 98 of 102 earth elements. Whew. Talk about power!

If you’re wanting to take something to really kickstart you into better health, drinking a shot of wheatgrass will help your body start detoxifying. A shot of wheatgrass helps remove toxins, the chlorophyll is antibacterial, and wheatgrass helps purify the liver.

Looking to lose weight? Stimulated by wheatgrass, your thyroid gland will thank you as it goes into overdrive to speed your metabolism after a shot of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass is known for helping fight diseases, especially skin and tissue related ones.

Wheatgrass is high in alkaline and helps balance your body if it’s highly acidic. (Do you eat fast food often? If so, you’re most likely acidic.)

How To Grow Wheatgrass

Are you sold on wheatgrass yet? If so, growing wheatgrass can be done in the comfort of your home. It doesn’t take much to grow wheat grass. In fact, all you need is four ingredients.

Use organic wheatgrass seeds from a trusted place. It may also be known as wheat berries or hard winter wheat seed. You want to make sure they were not treated with pesticides. There are also organic wheatgrass growing kits available to purchase to make this process easier for those of us who have black thumbs 😉

For a 16 by 16 inch tray, you will want to use 2 cups of seeds. It’s important to rinse them in a strainer and then transfer them to a large bowl that you will fill with about 3 cups of filtered cold water. Once you cover your bowl with plastic wrap, you can set a timer to ten hours, or just take note of the time. Allow the bowl to sit out in room temperature on the counter or table where it will be undisturbed. After 10 hours, you’re going to drain the water, and refill it again with 3 more cups of water, cover, set aside for an additional 10 hours. After ten hours, you do it again, yes, again. Total of three 10 hour soaks. By now they should have sprouted and be ready for transfer.

Before you can transfer your seeds, make sure the tray or pot you are transferring them to has a few holes on the bottom. Use chemical-free paper towels to line the bottom of the pan. Then you’re going to add a one inch layer of organic compost or organic potting soil to your pan. Remember, you’re going to drink this grass. Keep it chemical free. Next, you’re going to start from one end and spread an even layer of seeds on top of the soil. You want to give the seeds a little wiggle space, but not much.

You can gently press the seeds in just a tiny bit, but do not cover them completely with soil. Then with a water mist sprayer, gently water the seeds. You can now cover the tray with some kind of protective, yet breathable material such as a thin hand towel or even newspaper. Keep it in an undisturbed area where there is partial sunlight. Each day, spray the seeds and material to make sure the seeds do not dry out. You want to keep the seeds and soil damp.

Continue this process for about four days. Once it begins to sprout, remove the material from on top. Continue to water daily and keep it where the natural sunlight partially hits it. It needs sunlight to grow, but direct sunlight will kill the grass.

The wheatgrass, once ready to cut, will split. You’ll know when it splits because the single strands will become two towards the top. This is the prime time to cut and use the wheatgrass. You usually only have about 5-7 days before it begins to fold over or turn brown once it splits.

When you’re ready to harvest the wheatgrass, either use scissors or a knife to cut it. Never rip it with your bare hands. You want to cut right over the root. You can refrigerate extras, but it’s best to take only what you will use, juice it and drink it right away.

When you’re harvesting your wheatgrass, be sure to inspect it. You do not want to consume any mold that can grow on the wheatgrass.

Side Effects Of Wheatgrass

As with any new supplement, you want to be cautious of trying out something new. Discuss with your doctor if wheatgrass is something you should try.

For most people, wheatgrass is a superfood they will continue to benefit from daily.

If you’re allergic to wheat or grass, you may want to avoid wheatgrass, since an allergic reaction may occur.

There are not many side effects from the consumption of wheatgrass. What has been reported is nausea, light headedness, diarrhea, and headaches. All which can stem from the detox that your body goes through when taking wheatgrass.

Start with small doses. Not more than one ounce a day. Work your way up to two ounces a day, slowly.

Yes, it is true. The fewer calories you consume, the healthier you are and the longer you will live. Calorie Reduction (CR) is the most strategic approach to health and longevity there is. I feel vibrant, twenty years younger, my mind is crystal clear and I sleep a full eight hours every night.

Observe the “Blue Zones” (Sardinia, Italy, Okinawa, Japan, Loma Linda, California, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, Ikaria, Greece), these people thrive into their 90’s and 100’s… They all have one strong attribute – they do not consume a lot of food. Yes, of course, they walk a lot, passionate about their work, they have a strong family bond, they participate in community activities, they grow their own food and don’t watch CNN or have Donald Trump as their president…. They eat mostly vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, seeds, and nuts.

In the five “Blue Zones” the people live longer than anywhere else in the world… All of these people who live into their 90’s and 100’s eat a mostly a vegan diet of beans, grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables… They do not over exercise, they walk and do their own chores, they are passionate about something whether it is painting, writing or playing an instrument, they have faith whether it is of God, mankind or the sun, they have something to look forward to every day, they surround themselves with family and friends and they don’t worry about stuff.. They don’t have smartphones or are they on Facebook for hours at a timer and they certainly do not watch cable television… They are plugged into life…

I have been on a CR lifestyle diet for a few months. I have cut all my portions by two thirds. I have noticed that I am not hungry, my stomach seems to have shrunk, I only consume food when I am really hungry and I eat very slowly and chew my food longer than normal. I choose my food very carefully. I only eat food that is highly nutritional, fresh locally grown and has a lot of fiber and tons of nutrients.

This morning, for example, I had one large Stokes purple sweet potato and two cups of chickpea miso with lemon. For lunch, I will have a half of a butternut squash. For dinner, I always eat before 4:00, I will have a half cup of lentils mixed with quinoa, amaranth, and millet… In between meals I drink a lot of gunpowder tea, Kukicha tea and a blend of herbal tea I make with dry, wild or organic Red Clover blossoms; dry, wild or organic, dry sifted Alfalfa, Stinging Nettle leaf; dry wild or organic Yarrow flowers. Tea has no calories, tons of antioxidants and vitamins and is very filling…

Now, if I find myself nervously hungry, I eat raw carrots, celery, radishes, cauliflower, and an apple… These foods are not only extremely healthy, but they are also loaded with fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. These are called guiltless foods.

Socially, I do not have a problem. Everyone knows that I am plant base  and do not like to be fussed over. When I go to dinner with people I am famous for ordering a plate of parsley or raw spinach with lemon. I never drink alcohol, probably the worst thing you can bombard your liver with… I also never use oils. Oils are pure fat and highly processed. Fat is important as is oils, but consume oil in the most natural state. Eat olives, nuts, avocados, chia and hemp seeds and make sure to put flaxseeds on all of your food – loaded with Omega-rich nutrients.

It is important to eat your largest meal in the morning followed later in the afternoon by a smaller meal… Eat nothing after 4:00 p.m. The American diet is three humungous meals loaded with fat, sugar, dairy4, and meat. The largest meal consumed by Americans is late at night. Most people literally pass out after eating a huge meal of meat and potatoes drenched in butter and cream along with beer and wine. You can imagine what that does to your heart and liver. It is no surprise that Americans develop more heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity than all the rest of the industrial modern countries combined…

80% of all Americans adults and 1/3rd of all American children are clinically obese. Obesity is the number one link to all major human diseases and an early death. Go to the supermarkets and just observe the foods people loaded the carts with – boxes of sugary cereals, cans of processed soups and boxes of frozen pizzas and dinners. The government should give tax breaks to those people that eat a clean plant-based diet and tax people heavily for eating processed foods, meat, and dairy. Why should people like you and me be burdened with high healthcare for people that do not take care of themselves?

There are other factors to the longevity equation. Exercise is vital. But do not knock yourself out or think of exercise as a chore. Incorporate moving your body with activities you love to do like cycling, walking, yoga, basketball, gardening, and tennis. Mediation is a powerful tool to increase mental awareness, reduce stress, encourage a healthy body, slows aging and benefits cardiovascular and immune health… You don’t have to be a Hindu Guru to mediate. I meditate when I walk, take a sauna, lay in my bed and focus on the night and the morning. I also paint and find myself engrossed in my art.

Another extremely important part of the equation of longevity is to surround yourself with happiness and peace. Sever relationships that drag you down no matter who the people are. Find a job that you are excited about and look forward to engaging in. Rid your home of clutter, keep your home simple and live a minimalist lifestyle. I have a very good friend that is Hindu and Jitendra only has three pairs of pants, three shirts and one pair of shoes. I asked him why he doesn’t have more clothes? He told me that he only wears one pair of pants and a shirt and one pair of shoes at a time… That made so much sense to me. I immediately reduced the closets of clothes that I had, many still had their price tags and many I haven’t worn for years. I also got rid of a lot of furniture, everything in the garage and the cupboards in my kitchen that I never use.

Severing relationships, giving away a lot of my possessions, reducing my wardrobe and the furniture in my home was the most powerful emotional revelation I ever experienced. Reducing my diet to a bare minimum amount of food allows me to focus on my passions in life rather than to be the gatekeeper of too many clothes, furniture, and stuff.

I attest to never feeling tired, always having tons of energy, my mind has more clarity than any time in my life, I feel younger, happier and freer than at any time in my life. I also spend as little as $20 a week on food. I am not all the way there yet, trust me.

A while ago I met a man with just a backpack, nothing else. he traveled around the world and stayed at youth hostels… After I got to know him, I found out that he was quite wealthy. I asked him about all his homes, cars and lifestyle. He told me that he felt like a prisoner, all of those material things were like a weight around his neck. He told me that he gave away all the money to charity. He didn’t want to burden his kids with the same strain and stress that inflicted him. He also wanted his children to experience the joy of success and achieving their own journey rather than his… He loved to be among the people and avoided 5-star hotels like the plague…

Pablo Picasso said, “I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money.”

The best diet you can possibly eat is a poor man’s diet – You will live healthy for decades… This is my favorite meal – sweet potato, black beans, brown rice, and an avocado… No salt or oil or seasoning, just simply the healthiest most wonderful tasting combination of food on the planet… The cost is under $5

Life is a journey of sharing, experiencing and enjoying other people. Learning from people of different cultures is this most valuable opportunity we have in life. Life is a gift, just unwrap it carefully….

Articles referred to Doug Aka veganhurt

Copper is an essential trace mineral that is vital to human health. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralize toxins. Our bodies cannot synthesize copper, so you need to get it from dietary sources.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the time-tested, natural, prevention-oriented and holistic health care system of ancient India. It is free of negative side effects and offers economical solutions to the major current health problems worldwide.

According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance all three Doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta). This also ensures proper functioning of different organs and several metabolic processes.

Keep 2-3 glasses of water in a copper vessel overnight, and drink it in the morning. (Do not overdo the process, 2-3 glasses is sufficient for a day). When water is stored in a copper vessel, the copper gently leaches into the water and provides all its positive properties. The best part about this water is that it never becomes stale and can be stored this way for long periods of time.

  • Copper is known to be oligodynamic in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria), and can destroy bacteria very effectively. It is especially effective against E.coli and S.aureus, two bacteria that are commonly found in our environment and are known to cause severe illnesses in the human body.
  • Copper helps cleanse and detox your stomach to ensure proper elimination of waste and harmful products. It also regulates liver and kidney functioning, and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Copper promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.

Authentic Panchakarma in Bali

An Ayurveda Panchakarma is a detoxing program with long-lasting health benefits. Oneworld Ayurveda is dedicated to authentic Panchakarma, run by Ayurvedic doctors from India and professional and caring team.

  • Copper helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate as well as lowers bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Copper is the main component in the production of melanin that defines the color of your eyes, hair and skin. Melanin also helps keep the skin safe from sun damage, speeds up wound healing and covers up scars.
  • Copper aids the body’s absorption of iron, which plays a key role in fighting anemia.
  • Copper also helps in the production of new and healthy skin cells that replace old dying ones.
  • Copper has very strong antioxidant properties which help fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer.
  • Copper is known to have brain stimulant and anti-convulsive properties.
  • Copper regulates the functioning of thyroid gland.
  • Copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, helping to mitigate arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Sea vegetables are not generally a common feature in modern diets, with the exception of certain varieties that are used as thickeners in processed foods, most notably ice cream. However, we can do much to improve our nutrient intake by incorporating these greens from the sea in our diet on a regular basis. While your experience with sea vegetables may be limited to the nori that is used to make sushi rolls, there are actually quite a wide variety of sea vegetables available with a range of different flavors and textures.

Evidence of the important role that these foods may play in our diet can be seen in the research of Weston Price. He noticed that native people living in the mountains of the Andes would go to incredible lengths in order to obtain sea vegetables, even by risking their lives to trade with tribes living in the coastal regions. They always carried a small bag of seaweed with them and ate a little of it every day.

As with other greens, sea vegetables contain abundant chlorophyll and minerals and are especially rich in certain trace elements that may be in limited supply in our diets. They are a wonderful source of calcium and iron and may also play an important role in thyroid health because they contain iodine.

“Sea vegetables contain more minerals than any other kind of food,” claim doctors Seibin and Teruko Arasaki, authors of “Vegetables from the Sea”. They are especially valuable for vegans because they are rich in many trace elements and minerals including zinc, selenium and chromium that are often scarce in plant-based diets.

Sea vegetables in general provide all the essential amino acids so they can contribute to your daily protein requirement. They contain specific fibers that can help neutralize the effects of radiation and heavy metals, which makes them an excellent food for counteracting the negative effects of computers, cell phones and x-rays. They also contain a substance called alginic acid that helps to bind and draw toxins out of the body, so they can be a valuable addition to a detox diet.

Scientific studies show that sea vegetables may also reduce the risk of breast cancer and boost immunity. Sea vegetables, especially dulse, have even been shown to inhibit the growth of the herpes virus. They are also known for their ability to boost energy, balance hormones, accelerate wound healing, and for their anti-aging benefits.

Some sea vegetables such as nori and dulse are ready to eat without any preparation. Nori can be used as a substitute for bread to make raw wraps or raw vegan sushi rolls. Dulse is high in natural salt and makes a good salt substitute when added to savory meals. It can be purchased in flakes which are great to sprinkle on top of an avocado based raw soup and its unique flavor can help to increase the authenticity of a raw vegan ‘tuna’ salad.

Most other sea vegetables such as wakame, hijiki and arame need to be soaked in water for up to an hour or so before use. Wakame combines especially well with cucumber such as in this Wakame and Cucumber Salad. Hijiki and arame are great with carrots and an Asian inspired dressing such as sesame tahini with ginger.

Any of the sea vegetables can also be added to a green smoothie or raw soup to boost their nutritional value. About half to one teaspoon in a green smoothie is adequate and will not overpower the flavor of your smoothie.

Because they are such concentrated foods and their high iodine content can potentially influence thyroid function the recommended intake of sea vegetables is best limited to one or two ounces a week on average.

Note: Many commercially available seaweeds can become contaminated with pollutants including heavy metals and radioactive compounds. Their ability to bind with toxins actually means that they can accumulate these compounds. As such it is vital to ensure that the seaweeds you purchase are certified organic and free of pollutants.

One of my favorite brands is Seaweed Iceland, who dry all their seaweeds at temperatures below 90 degrees using hand harvesting and sustainable geothermal energy. The waters of iceland are remote and unpolluted and also have the advantage of being as far as possible away from Fukushima.

I’m also a fan of these Certified Organic Raw Nori Sheets, which are dried at under 85 degrees and tested daily for pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, radiation, and other contaminants.



Mitoku Company Ltd, Medicine from the Sea, Mitoku: